Friday, May 10, 2013

We Become a Holy Person Through Love

It is through the Holy Spirit that we are taught about spiritual matters. Jesus told His disciples, 
“When the Holy spirit will come, it will teach you all things” (John 14:26). 
It is the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us. What we need to be seeking is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and when we are, we become incapable of sin. All our efforts will then be done with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit. The virtues will come naturally. 

Saint Theophan the Recluse tells us,
When the spiritual needs are met, they teach a person to harmonize with those needs the satisfaction of the other needs, so that neither the needs of the intellect nor the needs of the body interfere with the spiritual life, but, instead, aid it. Then within a person is established complete harmony of all motions and revelations of his life. 
Elder Porphyrios shows us how this is gained through the love of God. He says, 
We must become filled, replete with the Holy Spirit. This is where the essence of spiritual life lies. This is an art––the art of arts. Let us open our arms and throw ourselves into Christ’s embrace. 
We need to approach Christ just like we willingly, with a joyful heart, join with a loved one who approaches us with open arms for an embrace. It is a self-giving, a surrender, a joy-filled submission to His love. Once we are willing to accept His love without any conditions, the Holy Spirit will visit us and embrace us in God’s love.

Elder Porphyrios says, 
There is one thing we must do, and that is turn to Him and love Him with our soul. Love for Christ: this is the best and sole remedy for the passions. 

Wounded With Love, p 134 
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