Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Πως η Ταπείνωση σε φερνει στο Οδό της Σωτηρίας και Απάθειας
Τα στάδια της ταπεινώσεως.
Η ταπείνωση είναι μία σκάλα με εκατομμύρια σκαλοπάτια. Το πρώτο σκαλοπάτι πατά στη γη, και το τελευταίο, αν υπάρχει, ακουμπά στον ουρανό. Το πρώτο είναι η στοιχειώδης ταπείνωση, και το τελευταίο είναι η "τελεία" ταπείνωση, που είχε η Παναγία.
Η στοιχειώδης ταπείνωση περιλαμβάνει: την πίστη στον Τριαδικό Θεό, στη διδασκαλία της Γραφής και της Εκκλησίας. Να πιστεύεις δηλαδή σ' όσα λέει το "πιστεύω" κι όχι όπως εσύ νομίζεις. Την ταπείνωση αυτή την έχουν όλοι οι ορθόδοξοι χριστιανοί. Μετά το πρώτο σκαλοπάτι αρχίζει η γνήσια ταπείνωση, που συνεχώς ανέρχεται.
Διαφορετική είναι η ταπείνωση των αρχαρίων και διαφορετική των τελείων. "Άλλη η ταπείνωση, όταν επικρατεί ο χειμώνας των παθών, άλλη, όταν έρθει η άνοιξη των καρπών, κι άλλη, όταν έρθει το θέρος των αρετών" Λόγος 25. Άλλη η ταπείνωση, όταν κανείς βρίσκεται στο πεδίο της καθάρσεως, άλλη, όταν βρίσκεται στο στάδιο του φωτισμού, κι άλλη στο στάδιο της θεώσεως.
Την προοδευτική αυτή πορεία της ταπείνωσης την παραθέτουμε συνοπτικά, έχοντες ως οδηγό πάντοτε τον όσιο Ιωάννη της Κλίμακος Λόγος.
Πρώτο στάδιο.
"Όταν αρχίζει να ανθίζει μέσα μας, μισούμε αμέσως μετά πόνου κάθε ανθρώπινη δόξα και ευφημία" Λόγος 25.8 και "υποδεχόμαστε την ατιμία με ανοικτά τα χέρια και την αγκαλιάζουμε ως "φάρμακο" καθαρτικό των αμαρτιών μας" Λόγος 25.27. Ταυτόχρονα εξορίζουμε το θυμό και την οργή.
"Η καρδιά δεν περιφρονεί τους αμαρτάνοντες, ούτε και τους κατακρίνει", ακόμα και στη διάνοια.
"Η αναμφίβολη αμφιβολία για την δύναμη των καλών μας έργων", όπως χαρακτηριστικά λέει ο όσιος Ιωάννης, "και η συνεχής έφεση για μάθηση" γύρω από την πνευματική ζωή.
"Προχωρώντας στην πνευματική ηλικία κάθε καλό που κάνουμε το θεωρούμε μηδέν ή βδέλυγμα. Κάθε μέρα που περνά, νοιώθουμε πως αυξάνεται το βάρος των αμαρτιών μας, εξαιτίας των κρυφών και ασυναίσθητων αμαρτιών και αμελειών, που σκορπίζουν τον πλούτο της ψυχής. Το δε πλήθος των χαρισμάτων που χορηγεί ο Θεός το βλέπουμε σαν αιτία μεγαλύτερης τιμωρίας, γιατί δε μας αξίζει. Λόγος 26.28.
Εισήλθες στην τροχιά της τελείας ταπείνωσης. "Θα γνωρίσεις ότι απέκτησες μέσα σου την οσία αυτή ουσία, από τον κατακλυσμό του αρρήτου φωτός και τον απερίγραπτο έρωτα της προσευχής".
Β. Πέρασες το πρώτο σκαλοπάτι;
α. Όταν δεν καυχιέσαι για φυσικά χαρίσματα.
Πώς θα καταλάβεις, αν ξεπέρασες τη στοιχειώδη μορφή της ταπείνωσης; Να, το σημείο: "Αν ο λογισμός δεν καυχάται πλέον για φυσικά προτερήματα αυτό είναι σημάδι, ότι αρχίζει να έρχεται η υγεία. Καυχάσαι με τη διάνοια, ότι είσαι ρήτορας, καλλικέλαδο αηδόνι, ευφυής, εύρωστος, ωραίος; Μάθε, ότι είσαι ακόμα στο πρώτο σκαλοπάτι της μεγάλης κλίμακας της ταπείνωσης! Έχεις ακόμα ν' ανεβείς χιλιάδες σκαλοπάτια.
β. Όταν υπακούς.
"Ο ταπεινόνους", λέει ο όσιος μας, "θεωρεί το θέλημά του πεπλανημένο και το αποστρέφεται με βδελυγμία. Υπακούει στους δασκάλους του, χωρίς να εξετάζει και να περιεργάζεται τη ζωή τους". Αν δεν υπακούς στον ιερέα σου, επειδή τον θεωρείς αμαρτωλό, πατάς ακόμα το πρώτο σκαλοπάτι! Με την ευκαιρία: Γιατί δεν υπακούς; Από ταπείνωση ή από εγωισμό;
γ. Όταν έχεις αυτομεμψία.
"Η ταπεινοφροσύνη είναι θεϊκή σκέπη, που σκεπάζει τα μάτια μας να μη βλέπουμε τα κατορθώματα μας" και έτσι ανάβει μέσα μας το θείο φως, και βλέπομε τα σφάλματα μας. Οπότε συνεχώς καταδικάζομε τον εαυτό μας.
Γράφει το βιβλίο της "Κλίμακος": "Η οσία ταπείνωση δεν καταδικάζει τους άλλους", αλλά καταδικάζει στη διάνοια συνεχώς και ειλικρινώς τον εαυτό μας" και μόνο τον εαυτό μας. Κι αυτό σημαίνει στη πράξη:
Φιλονίκησες με κάποιον. Ακούτε και οι δύο σας το ίδιο κήρυγμα‡ ότι αιτία της φιλονικίας είναι ο εγωισμός. Αν έχεις αυτομεμψία, θα πεις: "φιλονίκησα με τον αδελφό μου, επειδή έχω εγωισμό. Αν δεν έχεις, θα πεις, φιλονίκησε μαζί μου, επειδή έχει εγωισμό. Καλά του τα λέει ο κήρυκας!..".
Αυτομεμψία, όχι ταπεινολογία.
Η αληθινή αυτομεμψία έχει μέσα της την ανόθευτη ταπείνωση. Λες: "είμαι ο χειρότερος αμαρτωλός". Αν το πιστεύεις, ό,τι και να σου πει εις βάρος σου ο άλλος, δεν εξεγείρεσαι. Σου είπε αυτό που πιστεύεις. Και αν αρχίζει να σε επαινεί, ούτε καν σε συγκινεί ο έπαινός του. Επειδή ακριβώς δεν σε εκφράζει.
Αν όμως δεν πιστεύεις, ότι είσαι ο χειρότερος αμαρτωλός, ό,τι και να σου πει εις βάρος σου ο άλλος, θυμώνεις. Και αν αρχίσει να σε επαινεί, μέσα σου θα ευχαριστιέσαι. Γιατί σε εκφράζουν οι έπαινοί του. Πού είναι λοιπόν η ταπείνωση σου; Ταπεινολογούσες! ...;
Γράφει ο μεγάλος γιατρός μας, ο άγιος Ιωάννης της Κλίμακος: "όποιος λέει ότι οσφράνθηκε καλά την ευωδία ενός τέτοιου μύρου (δηλ. της ταπεινώσεως) και συγχρόνως, όταν ακούει επαίνους, συγκινείται κάπως η καρδιά του, ή βλέπει ότι δονείται από τη δύναμη των επαινετικών λόγων η καρδιά του, αυτός, ας μην απατάται, έχει πλανηθεί". Η καρδιά του, (κατά τον Προφήτη Ησαΐα), έχει στάχτη και αυτός νομίζει πως έχει χρυσάφι.
Γ. Ταπείνωση και έργα.
Είναι γνωστή η παραβολή του Τελώνη και του Φαρισαίου. Ο Φαρισαίος ήταν ακριβής τηρητής του νόμου. Νήστευε, προσεύχονταν, έκανε ελεημοσύνες. Αντίθετα ο Τελώνης ήταν περιφρονητής του θείου νόμου, "έπινε το αίμα τού φτωχού λαού". Αυτοί οι δύο ήταν τα δύο άκρα της εποχής εκείνης. Και πήγαν στο Ιερό για προσευχή. Και ο Θεός δέχτηκε ως ευωδιαστό θυμίαμα την προσευχή του Τελώνη! Ο άδικος Τελώνης νίκησε το δίκαιο Φαρισαίο.
Τα καλά έργα έφεραν στο Φαρισαίο υπερηφάνεια "μυίαι θανατούσαι σαπριούσι ελαίου ηδύσματος", δηλ. όταν ψοφήσουν οι μύγες στο μυρωμένο λάδι, βρωμίζουν όλο το λάδι. Η υπερηφάνεια αχρήστεψε όλα τα καλά έργα του Φαρισαίου. "Όταν απουσιάζει το φως, όλα είναι σκοτεινά. Και όταν απουσιάζει η ταπείνωση, όλα τα κατορθώματά μας είναι άχρηστα".
Αντίστροφα τα αμαρτωλά έργα έφεραν στο Τελώνη συντριβή, ταπείνωση. Και αυτή η ταπείνωση ήταν τόσο ισχυρό καλλυντικό, ώστε μετέτρεψε σε ευωδία τη δυσωδία των ακάθαρτων έργων του. "Καλλίτερα ένας νέος φτωχός και συνετός από βασιλιά ασύνετο και άφρονα", λέει η Γραφή.
Στην περίπτωση μας ο φτωχός και συνετός νέος είναι ο Τελώνης, ενώ ο ασύνετος βασιλιάς είναι ο Φαρισαίος.Δηλαδή, καλλίτερα αρέσει στο Θεό ένας αμαρτωλός με ταπείνωση και συντριβή, παρά ένας ενάρετος με εγωισμό.
Με άλλα λόγια: ο Θεός δε θέλει αμαρτίες με ταπείνωση. Θέλει έργα με ταπείνωση. Θέλει τα έργα του Φαρισαίου και την ταπείνωση του Τελώνη. "Του Φαρισαίου τας αρετάς σπεύσωμεν μιμείσθαι και ζηλούν την του Τελώνου ταπείνωσιν" (Τριώδιον, Κυριακή του Τελώνου, ωδή ε.)
Δ. Ταπείνωση: Ο θησαυρός των αγαθών.
α. "Εταπεινώθην και έσωσέ με" Ψαλμ. 114.6.
Ο Μέγας Αντώνιος είδε σε όραμα την οδό που οδηγεί στη βασιλεία του Θεού. Την είδε γεμάτη από παγίδες και ...; συγκλονίστηκε! Γιατί άραγε; Είδε παγίδες εκεί που δεν περίμενε να δει. Εκεί που αυτός ο μεγάλος έμπειρος των παγίδων του διαβόλου, ούτε καν τις υποψιαζόταν! Κύριος γνωρίζει, τι είδε!!! Και τρομαγμένος λέει στο Θεό: "αν ο δρόμος αυτός κρύβει τέτοιες παγίδες, ποιος θα τις ξεπεράσει;" Και η απάντηση τού Θεού ήταν "Η ταπείνωση!" (Γεροντικό).
Ο Κύριος "τους ταπεινούς τω πνεύματι σώσει" (Ψαλμ. 33). Θα σώσει τον ταπεινό στο πνεύμα, αυτόν που δεν θεωρεί τον εαυτό του σοφό, αλλά φτωχό. Και γι αυτό δεν ακολουθεί τον λογισμό του, όσο καλός και αν του φαίνεται. "Ο ταπεινόνους", λέει ο όσιος Ιωάννης, "και όταν ακόμα όλα τα σκέπτεται και τα πράττει κατά Θεό και τότε ακόμα δεν δίνει εμπιστοσύνη στον εαυτό του". Και τη συμβουλή που θα πάρει αμέσως την εφαρμόζει, γιατί είναι φτωχός "τω πνεύματι".
Είπεν ο Αβάς Ησαΐας: "η απλότητα του χαρακτήρα και το να μη θεωρεί κανείς τον εαυτό του σπουδαίο αγιάζουν την καρδιά του ανθρώπου και τον καθιστούν απρόσβλητο από το διάβολο". Και οδηγείται ολοταχώς προς τη βασιλεία του Θεού! Στενή η οδός που οδηγεί στη βασιλεία του Θεού. Και η πύλη του παραδείσου είναι και στενή αλλά και χαμηλή. Και για να την περάσεις πρέπει να "ξεφουσκώσεις", από τον εγωισμό και να ταπεινωθείς. "Χωρίς ταπείνωση κανείς δεν πρόκειται να εισέλθει στον ουράνιο νυμφώνα".
β. "Επί τίνα επιβλέψω;"
Ο Θεός φαίνεται να μονολογεί και να λέει: «και επί τίνα επιβλέψω, αλλ' επί τον ταπεινόν και ησύχιον και τρέμοντα τους λόγους μου» (Ησ. 66.2).Που θα πει: Ποιόν άνθρωπο πάνω στη γη να συμπαθήσω; Ποιόν άλλο, παρά τον ταπεινό, τον ήσυχο και τον τρέμοντα τους λόγους μου. Πρώτα βάζει τον ταπεινό. «Ιδού λοιπόν, τι ο άνθρωπος δύναται να προσφέρει εις τον Θεόν εις ανάπαυσιν και κατοικίαν. Την συντετριμμένην και τεταπεινωμένην καρδίαν του. Ούτε οι μεγαλοπρεπείς ναοί, ούτε άλλο τι εις την άψυχον δημιουργίαν, ούτε τα αφιερώματα, τα εις τους ναούς προσφερόμενα, αρέσκουν εις τον Κύριον του ουρανού και της γης όσον η καρδία η ταπεινή και η μετά φόβου επιμελουμένη την τήρησιν των εντολών του. Χριστιανέ! Αυτόν τον οποίον δεν χωρεί ο κόσμος ολόκληρος, δύναται να χωρέσει η πτωχή σου καρδία. Και να εύρη ο αυτάρκης και πάμπλουτος Θεός ανάπαυσιν εις την γυμνήν καρδίαν σου.» (Τρεμπέλα Υπόμνημα εις τον Ησαία)
Με άλλα λόγια ο ίδιος ο Θεός μας λέει ότι η συμπάθειά Του είναι ο ταπεινός! Απ' αυτόν μαγεύεται και σαγηνεύεται. Και γι' αυτό σ' αυτόν δίνει τη χάρη Του. "Ταπεινοίς δε δίδωσι χάριν".
Το έδειξε άλλωστε εμπράκτως με την παραβολή του Τελώνη και του Φαρισαίου.
γ. Ταπείνωση: Μητέρα χαρισμάτων.
Εφόσον η ταπείνωση σαγηνεύει το Θεό, είναι λογικό να εμφανίζεται ο Θεός σε ταπεινές ψυχές. "Απλότητι δε και ταπεινώσει ο Θεός εμφανίζεται και ου κόποις" (Όσιος Πέτρος ο Δαμασκηνός). "Η γάρ σωματική γύμνασις προς ολίγον εστίν ωφέλιμος" (Α' Τιμ. 4.. Πολλοί ασκητές προκειμένου να αποκτήσουν πλούτο χαρισμάτων, αγάπη, θαυματουργικό και προορατικό χάρισμα, λιώνουν τη σάρκα τους στην άσκηση. Αδίκως βασανίζονται διότι λησμόνησαν οι ταλαίπωροι, λέει ο όσιος Ιωάννης, ότι κυρίως η ταπείνωση είναι η μητέρα αυτών των χαρισμάτων και όχι ο κόπος.
Ε. Πως αποκτάται.
"Εράσθητι αυτής και δοξάσθητι" (Παροιμ. 4.6). Το αγιογραφικό αυτό χωρίο χρησιμοποιεί ο Μέγας Βασίλειος, όταν ομιλεί για την απόκτηση της ταπεινώσεως. Να επιδιώκεις, λέει, την ταπείνωση σαν να την έχεις ερωτευθεί.
Για την απόκτησή της απαιτείται και η κατά δύναμη σωματική άσκηση. Προπαντός δε η πολύπλευρη εσωτερική άσκηση. Και να ένας τρόπος:
Έλεγε Γέρων: "Συνήθισε να λες σιγά - σιγά από την καρδιά σου για τους αδελφούς: "Πραγματικά αυτοί είναι ανώτεροί μου στην εκτέλεση των εντολών του Θεού. Και πάλι: Είναι σπουδαιότεροί μου. Έτσι θα θεωρείς τον εαυτό σου κατώτερο όλων. Και θα κατοικήσει το πνεύμα του Θεού μέσα σου. Ο Μ. Βασίλειος λέει κάτι πιο "τολμηρό": "Να μην υπερηφανεύεσαι ποτέ εις βάρος του άλλου ούτε ακόμα και αυτών των υπερβολικά αμαρτωλών!" Να μην επιτρέψεις δηλαδή ποτέ στο λογισμό σου να καυχηθεί, ότι είσαι καλύτερος και από τον χειρότερο εγκληματία! Σου κακοφαίνεται; Άρα έχεις καλή ιδέα για τον εαυτό σου! Ένας λόγος παραπάνω να εφαρμόσεις την σοφή παραίνεση του Μ. Βασιλείου. Ο Απ. Παύλος το έλεγε και το πίστευε: "Είμαι ο πρώτος αμαρτωλός του κόσμου"(Α' Τιμ. 1.15).
How did Christ chose his 12 Apostles
"And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve, whom He also named apostles." (Lk 6: 13)
Choosing the Twelve Apostles
Our Lord Jesus Christ spent the night in prayer, conversing with His Father and God in heaven in a way indescribable and beyond our powers of understanding, a way which is solely known to Himself. He thus makes Himself an example to us of that which is necessary for salvation, for He taught us in what way we too may rightly and blamelessly offer our prayers. He then came down from the mountain, and appointed those who were to be the world’s teachers, according to the words He spoke, "You are the light of the world." (Matt. 5: 14) Of this appointment of the holy Apostles, the blessed David also makes mention addressing himself, as it were to Christ, "You shall make them princes in all the earth; I will make Your name to be remembered in every generation." (Ps. 45:16) For truly, while they were in the body, they make mention of the glory of Christ, telling His mystery both in cities and villages. Now that they have been called to the mansions that are above, they still converse with us about Him, by the most wise history which they have written concerning Him.
Gifts given to the Apostles
Indeed, those who were appointed priests according to the law of Moses, even Aaron and his company, were made beautiful to the senses by vestments suitable to their priestly dignity. But the divine disciples, being adorned with spiritual gifts, had entrusted to them the ministry of the Gospel oracles. For it was said to them, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons." (Matt. 10:8) Being thus invested with Christ’s power, they filled the whole world with astonishment. But notice the extreme moderation of the Evangelist. He does not simply say that the holy Apostles were appointed, but rather, by introducing the record of these chief ones each by name, takes care that no one should venture to enroll himself in the company of those that were chosen. For as Paul said, "No man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God." (Heb. 5: 4) Though the holy Apostles were called by name to this great and splendid dignity, yet from time to time, some men have gone to such a pitch of madness and audacity, as even to name themselves Apostles of Christ, and to seize an honor not granted unto them. Of these the divine disciples made mention, for they said, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder; for Satan even transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness." (2 Cor. 11: 13-14) However, we neither acknowledge nor will receive any one, except those only so named in the Evangelic writings, and also the one who was appointed after them, the most wise Paul. The Savior Himself bore witness to him saying, "He is a vessel of Mine, to bear My name before all the gentiles." (Acts 9: 15)
Symbols of the Holy Apostles
The law pointed them out before in type, and the prophets also proclaimed them. As for instance, it is written in the Mosaic record, "And you shall take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes with it; and you shall set them in two rows, six in a row, on the pure gold table before the Lord. And you shall put pure frankincense on each row, that it may be on the bread for a memorial." (Lev. 24: 5-6) Who else can be the bread that came down form heaven and gives life to the world, except Christ, the Savior of the universe? In a similar manner the blessed disciples also are named loaves. Having been made partakers of Him, Who nourishes us unto life eternal, they also nourish by their own writings those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. As the Savior is the true light, He also called His disciples, "You are the light of the world."(Matt. 5: 14) Also being Himself the bread of life, He has bestowed upon His disciples to be ranked as loaves. Please, observe the marvelous art of the law: for you shall put, it says, upon the loaves of frankincense and salt. Now the frankincense is the symbol of a sweet odor; and the salt that of understanding and good sense. Both of them existed in the highest degree in the holy Apostles. Their life was one of a sweet savor, as they also said, "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ." (2 Cor. 2: 15) More over, they were also full of understanding, so that the prophet David sang of them in the Psalms, "There is Benjamin, their leader, the princes of Judah and their company, the princes of Zebulun and the princes of Naphtali." (Ps.68: 27) The blessed disciples were chosen out of almost every tribe of Israel, and were the bearers of light to the world, holding up the word of life. Indeed, the wonder is that the sages of the Greeks possessed eloquent speech, and an admirable beauty of language, but the disciples of our Savior were mere artificers (skilled craftsmen), boatmen, and fishermen, having no boast of words and no fluency of picked phrases. In expression they were indeed simple men, but rich in knowledge. The literature of the Greeks, with it eloquent phrases, is silent, while the power of the Evangelic preaching has possession of the world. God also make mention of them by the voice of Jeremiah, say of the enemy of all, Satan, "Woe to him who increases. What is not his-how long? And to him who loads himself with many pledges? Will not you creditors rise up suddenly? Will they not awaken who oppress you? And you will become their booty." (Hab. 2: 6-7) Satan gathered unto him all the inhabitants of the earth, though they were not his, and had caused them to be his worshippers, making his collar heavy. But those who were to plunder his goods woke up; for the net of the apostolic teaching caught all those that were in error, and brought back unto God the whole world.
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Pray for the Departed
We find an amazing example of the power and action of mutual prayer in the Acts of the Apostles. While St. Peter was in prison sleeping between two guards, prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him (Acts 12:5). What was the result of this prayer? During that very night, the Angel of the Lord appeared in the prison, awoke the sleeping Apostle, and led him out of prison.
The power and action of prayer for the souls of the departed is even greater than prayer for the living. There is no greater comfort than prayer and no greater joy than joy in the Lord for those who are separated from their bodies. It is unjust, as some think, to assume that the needs of our departed brethren are unknown to us. However, this is not true. The spiritual needs of the dead are the same as the spiritual needs of the living. The dead need the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, forgiveness and remission of sins, grace-filled help from God in the fulfillment of all good desires, and the peace and ease of the heart and conscience. These things are most important both for the living and the dead. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy departed servants is the continual prayer and best intention of our Mother Church for the souls of Her departed. We should also beseech the Lord with this intention for the departed souls of our own loved ones.
It could be that some soul bound himself with earthly attachments, with earthly cares, and could not be free of them after death. Earthly thoughts about home and cares, about acquiring things, might still tug at this soul, torture him, and not allow him the freedom to strive with heart and soul towards God. We should pray that the Lord will grant rest to such a soul in the quiet harbor of His Kingdom. We should pray that the Lord will destroy and burn up in the fire of His Grace the memory of his earthly cares. We should pray that the Lord will warm this soul with love and with the desire for eternal treasure, that the Lord will give rest to this soul in the sweetest hope of eternal blessedness...
Perhaps, having confessed at the hour of death, some soul did so quickly, in a confused manner. This soul might have forgotten something because of troubled feelings, and he now grieves over this. Perhaps, this soul did not have time to offer God true repentance, to fully cleanse his sins by tears of compunction. Perhaps, the awareness of unconfessed and unforgiven sins tear and torture this soul. Pray for this soul who is suffering. Pray that the Lord God might comfort him with the protection of His inextinguishable mercy Pray that this soul might receive, albeit at this late hour, remission of sins because of his sincere remorse.
Who can enumerate all those bonds with which our soul might bind itself in this lifetime and by which it might remain bound for eternity. One might have been envious of his neighbor in the depths of ones soul and bound himself thus. Another person might have mocked the weakness of His neighbor and become according to the words of the Lord, worthy of Hell. Another person might have lied and as a result became the son of the father of lies. If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, O Lord, who shall stand? Therefore, no matter how holy a man's life might be, no one can be sure that he will pass into the next world completely reconciled with God. No man can say that the prayerful intercessions of those brethren who are left alive are unnecessary for him.
Was not the repentance of St. Ephraim the Syrian sincere and deep? Even he, sensing that his end was near, besought his brethren, "O Brothers, accompany me into the world above with prayers, psalms, and offerings. Remember me on the fortieth day after my death; because prayers and offerings made by the living help the departed."
Works of charity are another means of communion with the departed. "If you desire to honor the dead, offer a gift for him. Honor him by good works, charitable offerings, and services" (St. John Chrysostom). Send gifts for the reposed through the hands of the poor and the hopeless. In the name of the reposed, do acts of charity to the best of your ability and be assured that your gift will be received by God. Our Lord Jesus Christ has assures us that our gifts will be received, saying, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me (Matt. 25:40). Can it be that He Who is all-powerful will remain in debt to us? If you give food and drink to the hungry and the thirsty in His name, then the Lord will fill the soul of your departed brother with the appearance of His light-bearing and joy-filling Image.
It could be that the soul of your relative is ashamed before the holy angels because of his lack of good deeds and because of his wretched sins, and he hides in darkness and in murky depths from the face of God. Clothe the naked; wash the feet of the tired; receive and give rest to the traveler in the name of such a soul; and the merciful Lord will vest this soul in the Garment of His Mercy, will adorn it in the Robe of His justification, will wash its sinful filth in His Most Precious Blood...
It could be that the soul of your friend bound by sins languishes in a dungeon without the vision of God's face. Hurry to a prison and assuage the heart of a suffering prisoner in the name of your departed friend. The Lord will send His bright angels to comfort the soul of your sorrowing friend, to strengthen him with hope, and make him rejoice in the promise of God's mercy.
It could be that a soul has left this world for the spiritual world without having drawn close to the holy inhabitants of that world through prayer; he may have appeared in that higher sphere as one entering a strange and unfamiliar land and may not find any spiritual 'relative' in this upper Sion. Take in the stranger; give rest to the beggar; give him a place to rest his head, and the Lord will grant the soul, for whom you do this, one of the bright dwellings in His Father's mansion. The souls of the righteous will receive this soul in bright and joyful communion. St. John Chrysostom says, "If we desire to relieve the sufferings of a sinner, let us do acts of mercy in his name. Though he be unworthy, the Lord will comfort and pity him."
When we pray for the reposed and do charitable works in their name, it is necessary, Brethren, to reflect on our own death while there is still time. We should prepare now so that we will not pass into the future life of torture bound by bonds of sin. No matter how short or how long the Lord has determined that we will live on earth, there is no doubt that our entire present life is a road leading to death and to the threshold of eternity There is nothing better or of more value for us to acquire than a peaceful, blameless, repentant, and Christian end to our life. He who has lived piously will repose piously. He who has lived with the Lord will die with the Lord. He who zealously serves the Lord before death will be with the Lord after his repose. Where I am, there shall also My servant be. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.
From Orthodox Life, Vol. 42, No. 6
(Nov.-Dec., 1992), pp. 29-32.
Translated from Orthodox Russia, no. 13, 1990.
Translated from Orthodox Russia, no. 13, 1990.
Hieromartyr John of Riga
A Guide to Confession

So that we can better examine the depths of our conscience, it would be ideal to first read several books on the Sacrament of Confession.[1] Also, discuss any uncertainties that you may have with your wise Spiritual Father-Confessor.[2] The greatest science or knowledge is to get to know ourselves. Also we must not deny ourselves the greatest thing that every human soul thirsts for: a peaceful conscience and eternity with God.
This joy is only granted by the God-Man, our Lord Jesus Christ. He himself instituted the single path to salvation for the repentant sinner within his Church, the holy Sacrament of Repentance and Confession. This is why, friend, you must overcome any obstacle whatsoever that blocks the road to Holy Confession. Here awaits you with genuine Christian love the good Confessor, the representative of Christ, who as a fellow human being can understand and have compassion on his brethren who are also sinful.
Cast far away, brethren, any thought of embarrassment or fright. Why be seared or frightened when your soul frets and pains from the deadly consequences of multi-faceted sin. If sickness tortured your body, would you avoid the hospital or doctor because of embarrassment? But at the same time, do not be led astray by certain people who wish to have read on them a “blessing only,” without having previously confessed. Whenever this happens from ignorance or neglect, it is a terrible sin and an insult to God. With faith, then, and honesty, proceed to Holy Confession.
Be certain also that the infinite love of the crucified and resurrected Lord will welcome you and transform you, removing the weight that burdens you! He himself said, “Come to Me all ye that are heavy laden and I will grant you rest.”
You and God
Do you believe in God, the Holy Trinity, and in the divinity of Christ? Do you respect the Holy Virgin Mary, the Saints, and the Angels? Do you believe in the Church and its Mysteries (Sacraments)? Do you believe that Heaven and Hell exist?
Do you trust yourself always, and especially during the difficult times of your life, to the care and Providence of God? Or do you despair and show a lack of faith?
Perhaps in the problems, afflictions, sicknesses, and trials of your life you moan and complain against God and lose your faith and confidence?
Do you believe in mediums, fortune-telling, tarot card reading, or coffee-cup reading? Do you tell other people to believe in such things and go to such people?
Do you believe in superstition?
Do you believe in luck?
Do you pray morning and evening and before and after each meal? Are you embarrassed to make the sign of the cross in the presence of others, for example, in a restaurant or outside a holy church when you are passing by? Do you not make your cross properly?
Do you read the Holy Bible as well as other Orthodox spiritual books daily?
Do you go to church on Sundays and on the major Feast Days?[3]
Do you follow the Divine Liturgy carefully and reverently from the start until the end, or do you go late and leave before the end? Do you let your mind wander in church?
Do you go to church dressed in a proper and dignified way? Are you careful not to laugh, or talk even if it is a Wedding or Baptismal service?
Do you perhaps prevent or restrict your spouse or children from going to church? Or do you tell your acquaintances not to go to church?
Do you commune regularly or only once a year, and then without Holy Confession?
Do you give oaths without need or, if so, lie as well? Did you perhaps not fulfill your oath, vow, or promise? The Bible forbids oaths completely, saying that our “yes” be “yes” and our “no” be “no” (St Matthew 5:7).
Do you blaspheme the Name of God, the Virgin Mary, and our Saints by speaking irreverently of them?
Do you fast (unless you have a serious health problem) on Wednesdays and Fridays and during the appointed periods of the year?[4]
Do you throw religious books or periodicals in unclean places?
You and Others
Do you have hatred and ill-feelings towards someone who did you wrong or insulted you in their anger?
Are you suspicious and do you without reason suspect that everyone supposedly talks about you, that they don't want you, and that they don't love or like you?
Are you jealous and upset over the progress, fortune, possessions and beauty of others?
Are you unmoved by the misfortune and needs of your fellow men?
In your transactions with your business partners, co-workers, and clients, are you honest and forthright?
Have you criticized or slandered your fellow man, wrongly accusing them?
Are you sarcastic and patronizing towards believers, or towards those who fast and endeavor to live a Christian life, or towards those who have physical/mental problems and/or disabilities?
If you heard some information or criticism against someone, did you pass it on to others and harm (even unwillingly) their reputation and respect?
Did you criticize the conduct, actions, faults, and mistakes of another person when they were not present, even if what you said was the truth? Have you ever criticized the clergy? Do you gossip about and criticize the personal lives of others? Did you listen to someone blaspheming God or a holy person, and not protest?
Do you curse those who have harmed you, or curse yourself in difficult moments of your life, or curse the day and hour in which you were born?
Do you send others “to the devil” or give them rude hand gestures?
Do you respect your parents? Do you look after them? Do you put up with their elderly weaknesses? Do you help them with their bodily and spiritual needs? Are you mindful of their spiritual needs by making sure they go to church and partake worthily of Holy Communion? Have you abandoned them?
Have you misguided your parents to leave to you in their will more of their estate than is proper, thus causing injustice to your brothers and sisters?
Perhaps in your anger did you hit anyone with your hands or injure them with your words?
Do you perform your job or occupation properly and with a good conscience? Or are you unfair to others?
Do you steal? Perhaps you have encouraged or helped another person to steal? Have you agreed to cover up a theft? Have you bought or accepted goods known to be stolen?
Are you ungrateful towards God and generally towards your helpers and beneficiaries? Do you grumble and murmur against them?
Do you keep company with bad and sinful people or associates? With your words or example, have you ever pushed anyone to sin?
Have you ever committed forgery? Have you ever embezzled or defrauded the public? Have you borrowed money and/or other possessions and without returning or repaying them?
Have you ever committed murder, in any way?
Do you entangle yourself in the lives of others or in their work or their families and become the cause of strife, quarrels and disturbances?
Do you have mercy and compassion on the poor, on orphans, on the elderly, on families with many children struggling to make ends meet?
Have you lied or added or subtracted from the truth? Do you flatter others in order to get your own way?
Did you craftily ask for a dowry when you declared your intentions to marry?
Have you ever sent an anonymous or cruel letter to anyone?
Are you a slave to materialism and worldly goods?
Are you greedy or a lover of money?
Are you stingy?
Are you wasteful? Do you live by the Gospel command that whatever you have leftover and above your needs belongs to the poor? Do you have too much love towards pets and waste money on them while people are dying of starvation?
Are you conceited and arrogant? Do you talk hack to your elders and superiors?
Do you like to show off with your clothing, wealth, fortunes, and the academic achievements of your children or of yourself?
Do you seek attention and glory from people? Do you wear perfume, make-up, and change the appearance that your Creator gave to you?
Do you accept compliments and praise from others gladly and like to be told that no one else exists who is as good as you?
Do you get upset when others reveal your faults and do you get offended when others examine you and when your seniors make comments about you? Do you get angry?
Are you perhaps stubborn, high-minded, egotistical, proud, or cowardly? Be careful with these sins, as the diagnosis and solution to them are difficult.
Do you gamble or play cards, even without money, with relatives and people at home to “kill time” as the saying goes?
Have sexual sins polluted your body, mind, or soul? For example, have you engaged in fornication (sexual intercourse before marriage), or masturbation, prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism, etc.?
Do you watch dirty shows on television or at the movies?
Do you read pornographic, immoral books and magazines?
Have you ever considered committing suicide?
Are you a slave to your stomach (i.e. gluttony)?
Are you lazy, careless and negligent? Do you not help out when you can?
Do you say improper, dirty, and immoral words or use swear words for the sake of humor or to insult or humiliate others?
Do you have a spirit of self-denial?
Do you expel from your mind bad or sly thoughts that come to pollute your heart?
Are you careful so that your eyes don't gaze or stare at provocative pictures or people? Do you go to the movies and theatres?
Are you careful what you ears hear? Do you like to hear sinful music and conversations?
Do you dress immorally? If you are a woman, do you wear men's clothing, (e.g. pants) or short skirts, open shirts; transparent shirts, and scandalize others with your appearance? In addition, do you dress in this way when appearing at holy places? If you are a man, do you dress provocatively?
Have you appeared naked in public or semi-naked in a swimsuit or bikini publicly?
Do you dance in a provocative and sinful manner? Do you listen to sinful immoral songs? Do you frequent parties, nightclubs, and bars? Do you celebrate sinful, worldly festivals such as mardigras, gay and lesbian festivals, Halloween etc.?
Are you a drunkard? Do you abuse “recreational” or pharmaceutical drugs?
Do you smoke? Smoking destroys your God-given valuable health and is also wasteful of money, and therefore is a sin.
Do you talk excessively about meaningless things?
For Couples
Do you remain faithful to each other? It is tragic when one of you is unfaithful to the other.
Did one of you embarrass or criticize the other publicly or privately?
Do you not endure the apparent weakness of the other? Do you show harshness?
Do you or your partner permit the other to follow the latest fashion and trend and anything which is opposed to the law of God? Do you perhaps drag the other along to parties on the condition that you will in this way provide the other the means to follow fashion and a worldly life?
Do you take into consideration the struggle the other has outside and inside the home, so that you both help each other bodily and spiritually in the struggle?
As a partner, have you had excessive sexual demands and degraded your relationship? Do you abstain from sexual relations on Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays, Feast Days, (including the night before) and on the days of the Holy Fasts of the Church?
Do you perhaps prevent your partner from going to church, spiritual gatherings and talks?
Do you bring up your children “in the instruction and counsel of Christ”? Do you only concern yourself with their intellectual growth and not with the nature of their character?
Do you direct your children to go to church regularly, to go to confession, to frequently partake of Holy Communion (properly prepared), and to go to Sunday school? Do you teach holy virtues by word and example? Have you taught them to pray in the morning, evening and before and after at each meal? Have you taught them to pray with respect and reverence?
Are you careful of the things they read? Do you buy books and periodical of religious and cultural subjects for them to read and lean?
Do you watch with whom they keep company and who their friends are?
Do you lead them to sinful shows and entertainment or allow them to watch television unsupervised?
Do you teach them humility and meekness and are you careful that they dress in a dignified way?
Do you curse them when they upset you? Do you “send them to hell” or “to the devil”?
Have you had abortions or do you prevent yourself from having children (i.e. contraception)?
Have you been unjust to your children in the division of your estate?
Do you as a parent believe that the responsibility of raising and educating your children rests only with your partner? You have an obligation to educate them and to read to them so that you can relieve you partner.
Do you scorn your children by giving them insulting hand gestures and reprimand them with improper language?
Does each of you love and respect the parents of the other?
Do the grandparents of your children and other relatives get too involved in the family and cause disagreements and disputes?
Do you interfere in your children's families?
Is your partner a blasphemer? Have patience, and try hard to eliminate cursed blasphemy!
Have you ever considered divorcing your partner?
Do you allow your children to become fanatical about sports and even miss church in order to play (e.g. Sunday morning games)?
Are you fair and just with your family, considering and respecting their views and wishes, or do you behave like a dictator?
+ + +
He who is accustomed to give account of his life at confession here will not fear to give an answer at the terrible judgment-seat of Christ. It is for this purpose that the mild tribunal of penitence was here instituted, in order that we, being cleansed and amended through penitence here below, may give an answer without shame at the terrible judgment-seat of Christ. This is the first motive for sincere confession, and, moreover, it must absolutely be made every year. The longer we remain without confessing, the worse it is for us, the more entangled we become in the bonds of sin, and therefore the more difficult it is to give an account. The second motive is tranquillity: the more sincere has been our confession, the more tranquil will the soul be afterwards. Sins are secret serpents, gnawing at the heart of a man and all his being; they do not let him rest, they continually suck his heart; sins are prickly thorns, constantly goring the soul; sins are spiritual darkness. Those who repent must bring forth the fruits of repentance.
Consciousness, memory, imagination, feeling, and will are helps to penitence. As we sin with all the powers of our soul, so penitence must be from our whole soul. Penitence in words only, without the intention of amendment and without the feeling of contrition, may be called hypocritical. Should the consciousness of sins be obscured, it must be cleared up; should the feeling be smothered and dulled, it must be roused; should the will become blunt and too weak for amendment, it must be forced; “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” (St. Matt. 11:12) Confession must be sincere, deep, and full.
—St John of Kronstadt (My Life in Christ, p. 280)
Desire , is it good or bad.....
Is our desire for a good life a sin? How can it be evil when we desire to do good and strive with all our energy to bring it about. Such desire cannot be evil. It only turns to evil when we do it out of our self-gratification, to boost our own self-image at the detriment to others.
Elder Macarius says,
It is nonsense to say that all desire is sinful, that we should never ask God to fulfill our wishes, that we should feebly abandon ourselves to what comes along. Surely to act in this manner would be contrary to reason, to human nature, and to Holy Scripture. Desire is not a sin; only the desire of evil is wrong. How could man belong to the kingdom of the Word, be reasonable creature and free––if all desires were wrong?... You are not a log or a stone; nor were you ever intended to be...
Reference: Russian Letter of Spiritual Direction, p 38
Μην καταδικάζουμε το κακό, πρεπει να το διορθώνουμε
Ο σκοπός μας δεν είναι να καταδικάζουμε το κακό, αλλά να το διορθώνουμε. Με την καταδίκη ο άνθρωπος μπορεί να χαθεί, με την κατανόηση και βοήθεια θα σωθεί.
Το κακό αρχίζει από τις κακές σκέψεις.
Όταν πικραίνεσαι και αγανακτείς, έστω μόνο με τη σκέψη, χαλάς την πνευματική ατμόσφαιρα.
Εμποδίζεις το Αγιο Πνεύμα να ενεργήσει και επιτρέπεις στο διάβολο να μεγαλώσει το κακό.
Εσύ πάντοτε να προσεύχεσαι, να αγαπάς και να συγχωρείς, διώχνοντας από μέσα σου κάθε κακό λογισμό.
Γέροντας Πορφύριος

Παρακολούθησε το διάλογο:
- Θέλεις ν’ ακούει παρευθύς ο Θεός την προσευχή σου, αδερφέ;
Λέγει ο αββάς Ζήνων:
- Σαν σηκώνεις τα χέρια σου στον ουρανό, προσευχήσου πρώτα απ’ όλα, με την καρδιά σου για τους εχθρούς σου και ο Θεός θα σου δώσει γρήγορα ό,τι άλλο του ζητήσεις.
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