Often we think how lucky people are who seem to have abundanant finacial resources and can enjoy all the latest gadgets, the finest cars and large beautiful homes in magnificent settings. As the old saying goes, "Beware of what you pray for." The life style that leads to an abundance of material wealth frequently involves much more anxiety and a greater focus on worldly matters, distracting you from spiritual matters which in the end are the most important.
Elder Paisios advises,
These days, I stress simplicity to lay people too, because of many things they do are not necessary and they end up being consumed by Anxiety... I constantly scold them, "If you want to get rid of anxiety, simplify your lives!" That is how most divorces start. People have to do too many things, too many obligations and they get dizzy. Both parents work and abandon the children. The result is fatigue and nervousness, which causes small issues to turn into large quarrels and then to automatic divorces; that's where they end up. But if they simplified their lives, they would find rest and joy. Stress is catastrophic.After this advice he tells the story of an very wealthy man who told him he lived in "Paradise." He replied to him, "You live in Hell." Then he follows with the following story of a simple man who was most cheerful, praising God, full of humility and simplicity. Even though he was very busy, this man came to see the Elder early in the morning to seek prayers for his family which consisted of his seven children and parents who all lived with him.
He spoke with great simplicity. "The room fits us all if we stand up, but if we lie down it is a bit tight. Thank God, now we are constructing a shed to use as a kitchen and we are doing fine. Father," he said "at least we have a roof over our head, while other people live in the open air." The man was an ironer, He lived in Athens and had to leave everyday before dawn to arrive in Piraeus for work in a dry-cleaning shop. He was suffering from varicose veins as a result of having to stand up all that time and his legs bothered him a lot, but his love for his family made him forget his pain and discomfort. In fact, he pitied himself constantly for not having, as he said, an love in his heart, because he did not do any acts of Christian charity and praised his wife for being charitable. Apparently, besides taking care of her children and her parents in-law, she would wash clothes of some elderly men in the neighborhood, tidy up their homes and even cook a little something, like soup, for them. You could see divine grace depicted on the face of the good family man. He had Christ in his heart and was full of joy, just like his one-room house was filled with heavenly bliss. Compare this man with people who do not have Christ in their heart; they are filled with anxiety. Take two of them and try to fit them in a house large enough for eleven people; they will not find a way to fit.The key to simplicity in life is a Christian life where God is the focus of our life. When God is the center of life, no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in we will be thankful and have joy in our heart. But, this requires humility which usually goes in hand in hand with a simple life.
Resource: With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man, p 184
I once visited Father Paisios with a student of theology who was at a critical stage. He asked him about his studies. The student naively told him about a work of his dealing with the creation of man. At one point he told Father Paisios: "At one point God didn't know what to do, so He formed Adam and Eve, to pass His time." I saw Father Paisios with lightning speed raise his hand and gave him a heavy smack. The student lost it, became dizzy, he stood briefly with bulging eyes trying to realize what happened, and then he began to cry, sobbing like a small child.
Father Paisios was looking at him, not saying anything, and let him cry. After much weeping, he said: "Blessed one, what is this that you said? Come with me." He took him by the hand, like a mother with a young child, and brought him to the sink and said: "Wash your face." Then he gave him a towel to wipe his face of the tears and brought him back to his seat. He then began with humor, tenderness and much love to indicate his error, and to say that we should not speak about God and His work with indecency. Moreover, he even wrote a graceful dedication in one of his books and gave it to him. Needless to say, I followed this entire scene speechless and ecstatic.
When I would visit him, after asking his advice on issues dealing with my personal life, I would ask him about issues I was facing with my spiritual children. I told him about a child who was very lively and reactive and asked for an opinion on how to treat him. He replied disarmingly: "Do what a mule driver does with the animal. Hold him securely by the reins and sit far away so you don't get kicked."
When I recall my memories of that holy figure, I am moved, I shed tears and I pray. May we have his holy prayers.
In our day, you usually hear these words from parents: "We want to secure the life of our child." That is why they work very hard to amass wealth, often unjustly, to educate their child in the calling [vocation] which brings the greatest physical security and material benefit. This is done by so-called Christians! They do this because their concept of a real life and the real security of life is erroneous. See, how a true Christian mother prepares her son for a real life. At the time of her death, Blessed Euphrosyne spoke to her son Clement of Ancyra (Jan. 23):
"Do me the honor, O my son, and bravely stand up for Christ and confess Him strongly and without hesitation! I hope, in my heart, that the crown of martyrdom will blossom on you in my honor and for the salvation of many. Do not be afraid of threats, nor swords, nor pains, nor wounds, nor fire. Let nothing separate you from Christ, but look up to heaven and from there await your great, eternal and rich reward from God. Fear God's majesty; be afraid of His awesome judgment, tremble at His all-seeing Eye, for all those who deny Him will receive the punishment of unquenchable fire and eternally vigilant worm. Let this be my reward from you, my sweet son, for my pain in child-bearing and effort surrounding your education that I may be called a mother of a martyr. The blood that you received from me, do not spare but shed it that, from that, I can also receive honor. Submit your body to torture that I, too, may rejoice at that before our Lord as though I myself had suffered for Him."
This is the weakness of this generation: Christ is not in command. The whim of the individual is the absolute authority. How fragile our bonds of union must be when they are held together by arbitrariness and whim. Nothing but individual fancy is accepted as supreme. Reason itself has fallen by the wayside, not that it has been killed, it has merely died of atrophy! We have in modern times "no-fault" divorces, which means that no reason is needed to divide a family any more, only the caprice of our partner.
Is it not amazing, this culture we live in, with its "no-fault" divorces and "no-fault" automobile insurance, suggesting a do-as-you-please lifestyle that never requires an explanation? What shall we make of the petition in every Orthodox prayer service that implores from God "A good defense before the dread judgment seat of Christ"? Term is obsolete, a vestige of another day when people feared for their place in heaven, assuming that the Sacred Scriptures are to be taken literally when they speak of heaven, hell, and a final judgment based on our deeds and misdeeds here on earth. What defense shall we give when called upon to account for our lives? Perhaps we ought to shop around for a faith that condones everything a person does, where worship is not so much praise to the Lord as a form of testimonial to good people who come together once a week to celebrate their goodness.
Maybe we might plead innocent by reason of insanity, basing our case on the evidence that the last decades of the twentieth century were dominated by the conviction that this generation believed itself exempt from the rules of right and wrong that had been the governing dynamic of every preceding generation. We might say that we were a people above laws and discipline, taught even in our schools that we can do as we please as long as we are "sincere" and "true to ourselves". Will that hold, I wonder, in the ultimate Supreme Court?
Not likely. From the evidence of the Gospels we must believe instead that on that day Christ Jesus, with all due tenderness and compassion, will listen carefully to such arguments, and then declare: "You know better than that. Surely you understand at the center of your heart that my love is more than merely self-love. My command was not to love yourself, but to 'love one another'. That you failed in your sufficient time on earth. Punish you? No, I have no intention of inflicting any punishment upon you ... It is enough punishment to leave you to the self you love so much. Go now. Love yourself for all eternity. That is the punishment and the 'reward' you have earned."
Unfortunately, we make a split between the grace-bearers, between monks and missionaries. Some think that the monks by their praying do not achieve any work in society, and others undervalue the missionary effort which other Christians make.
However, things are not so simple. Many are the gifts which the Holy Spirit gives for the building up of the Body of Christ. We must value and accept the gifts which are given by the Holy Spirit. To undervalue one gift is blasphemy, according to St. Symeon the New Theologian.
At another point in his teaching St. Symeon the New Theologian says that many people regarded the desert life as blessed, some the coenobitic life, and for others blessedness was to govern the people, to legislate, teach and establish Churches: "But I would not wish to give preference to any of these states or exalt one type of life and discredit another. In all walks of life, whatever our work and activities, blessed is the life lived for God and according to God".
It is not a matter of the work we do in the Church, but of whether we do it by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, whether we perform it in the fear of God and whether we are aiming at the glory of God. Then, whatever this work is, it is blessed and will have eternal results. Otherwise our work will be burned (1 Cor. 3:12-15).
Δια τούτο βέβαια σου έδωσεν ο Θεός το στόμα, δια να ευχαριστής αυτόν, δια να οικοδομής τον πλησίον, διότι εάν κρημνίζης την οικοδομήν, είναι καλύτερον να σιγάς και ποτέ να μη ομιλής. Διότι και τα χέρια του τεχνίτου, όταν μάθουν να κατεδαφίζουν αντί να αποτελειώνουν τους τοί
χους, θα ήτο δίκαιον να αποκόπτωνται. Καθ' όσον και ο ψαλμωδός αυτό λέγει: «Θα αποκόψη ο Κύριος όλα τα δόλια χείλη». Αυτό είναι η αιτία όλων των κακών, το στόμα, μάλλον δε όχι το στόμα, άλλ' αυτοί που κάνουν κακήν χρήσιν αυτού.
Απ' αυτό προέρχονται αι ύβρεις, αι κακολογίαι, αι βλασφημίαι, η φλόγα των ηδονών, οι φόνοι, αι μοιχείαι, αι κλοπαί, όλα απ' αυτό γεννώνται. Και πως γεννώνται οι φόνοι; θα ειπή κάποιος.
Από την ύβριν έφθασες εις την οργήν, από την οργήν εις τα τραύματα, από τα τραύματα εις τον φόνον. Πως αι μοιχείαι; Η τάδε σε αγαπά, λέγει, είπε κάτι δια σε το καλόν, εχάλασε την διάθεσίν σου, έπειτα και εις σε ανάπτεται η επιθυμία.
Δια τούτο ο Παύλος έλεγεν: «Εάν υπάρχη κάποιος καλός λόγος». Επειδή λοιπόν τα αμέτρητα λόγια είναι πολλά, ορθώς ωμίλησεν ακαθόριστα, παραγγείλας να είναι εκείνοι οι λόγοι μας και δίδων τύπον ομιλίας.
Ποίον δηλαδή τύπον; Ειπών: «Εάν υπάρχη κάποιος λόγος που οικοδομεί». Ή λέγει τούτο, δια να σου οφείλη χάριν ο ακούων. Παραδείγματος χάριν: επόρνευσεν ο αδελφός σου, μη διαπομπεύης την ύβριν.
Ούτε να τον περιφρονής, δεν ωφέλησες καθόλου τον ακούοντα, αλλά και τον έβλαψες, όπως είναι φυσικόν, πήξας μέσα του το καρφί.
Αν όμως τον συμβουλεύης τι πρέπει να πράττη, του παρέχεις μεγάλην χάριν, αν τον διδάξης να έχη εύφημον στόμα, αν τον διδάξης να μη κακολογή κανένα, τότε κυρίως τον εσωφρόνισες και έχεις προσφέρει χάριν εις αυτόν, αν ομιλήσης εις αυτόν περί κατανύξεως, περί ευλάβειας, περί ελεημοσύνης, όλα αυτά καταπραΰνουν την ψυχήν του.
Δι' όλα αυτά θα σου χρεωστά χάριν. Αν όμως προκαλέσης τον γέλωτα, αν ειπής αισχρόν λόγον, περισσότερον τον ηρέθισες, αν επαινέσης την πονηρίαν, τον κατέβαλες και τον κατέστρεψες. Αυτό λοιπόν ημπορούμεν να ειπούμεν, ή δια να κάμη αυτούς κεχαριτωμένους, είπεν έτσι. Διότι όπως ακριβώς το μύρον μεταδίδει χάριν εις τους μεταλαμβάνοντας, έτσι και ο καλός λόγος.
Δια τούτο και κάποιος έλεγε: «Το όνομά σου είναι εκκενωθέν μύρον». Έκαμεν αυτούς να αποπνέουν από την ευωδίαν εκείνην. Βλέπεις ότι εκείνο που συμβουλεύει πάντοτε, αυτό και τώρα λέγει, προτρέπων εις τον καθένα να οικοδομή τον πλησίον του σύμφωνα με την δύναμίν του;
Άνθρωπέ μου, ονομάζεις Πατέρα τον Θεό; Καλά τον ονομάζεις. Διότι είναι Πατέρας όλων. Αλλά φρόντιζε να πράττεις τα έργα που αρέσουν στον Πατέρα σου. Εάν όμως πράττεις κακά έργα είναι φανερό ότι ονομάζεις πατέρα τον διάβολο. Διότι αυτός είναι που εποπτεύει τα κακά. Γι΄ αυτό φρόντιζε να ξεφεύγεις από αυτόν και να αρέσεις στον αγαθό Πατέρα και δημιουργό σου.
«Αγιασθήτω το όνομά σου».
Τι λοιπόν; δεν είναι Άγιος ο Θεός; Ναι είναι άγιος, αλλά αυτό λες στην προσευχή: Σε μένα να αγιασθεί το όνομά σου, για να δουν οι άνθρωποι τα καλά έργα μου και να δοξάσουν τον Πατέρα και δημιουργό μου.
«Ελθέτω η βασιλεία σου». Τι λοιπόν; δεν είναι ο Θεός βασιλιάς και πρόκειται να έλθει η βασιλεία του; Ναι είναι βασιλιάς όλων, αλλά όπως ακριβώς μια πόλη που περικυκλώθηκε από εχθρούς, ζητά να έλθει ο στρατός του βασιλιά και να την ελευθερώσει, έτσι λοιπόν και εμείς που περικυκλωθήκαμε από τις εχθρικές δυνάμεις και από τις αμαρτίες μας και από τους πονηρούς λογισμούς, ζητάμε να έλθει η βασιλεία του Θεού, να μας ελευθερώσει. Και εξηγώντας με άλλο τρόπο: Επειδή ο προφήτης λέει: «εβασίλεψε ο Θεός στα έθνη» (Ψαλμ. μστ΄ 9) χρησιμοποιώντας τον παρελθόντα χρόνο σαν μέλλοντα, γι΄ αυτό κραυγάζουμε: Ας έλθει η βασιλεία σου, Κύριε, δηλαδή ας έλθουν τα ελέη Σου σε μας.
«Γενηθήτω το θελημά σου ως εν ουρανώ και επί της γης».
Λέει λοιπόν τα εξής: Κύριε, όπως ακριβώς έγινε το θέλημά σου στον ουρανό, και ζουν όλοι οι άγγελοι με ειρήνη, και δεν υπάρχει ανάμεσά τους κάποιος να σπρώχνει και ο άλλος να του ανταποδίδει σπρώξιμο, ούτε κάποιος να χτυπά κι άλλος να δέχεται το χτύπημα, αλλά όλοι βρίσκονται σε απέραντη ειρήνη, έτσι και σε μας τους ανθρώπους που είμαστε στη γη να γίνει το θέλημά σου. Ώστε όλα τα έθνη με ένα στόμα και με μια καρδιά να δοξάσουμε τον δημιουργό και Σωτήρα μας.
«Τον άρτον ημών τον επιούσιον δος ημίν σήμερον».
Ζητούμε να λάβουμε τον επιούσιον άρτο. Άρτος όμως της ψυχής είναι ο λόγος του Θεού, όπως είπε κάποιος από τους Αγίους: Παιδί μου, «άνοιγε το στόμα σου για να πεις λόγο Θεού» (Παροιμ. κδ΄ 76 ή λα΄ 8). Και γι΄ αυτό είναι καλό συχνά να μνημονεύουμε τον Θεό παρά να αναπνέουμε.
«Και άφες ημίν τα οφειλήματα ημών, ως και ημείς αφίεμεν τοις οφειλέταις ημών».
Λέει λοιπόν, το εξής: Και χάρισε τα χρέη μας, δηλαδή, τις αμαρτίες μας και τα φταιξίματά μας, όπως κι εμείς συγχωρούμε όσους από τους αδελφούς μας μας φταίνε κι αμαρτάνουν σ΄ εμάς, και ελεύθερους και δούλους, και όλους όσοι βρίσκονται στην εξουσία μας. Λέγοντας αυτά, άνθρωπέ μου, εάν λοιπόν πράττεις έτσι, κατανόησε ότι είναι φοβερό να πέσουμε ως ένοχοι στα χέρια του ζωντανού Θεού. Και αφού διορθωθείς επέστρεψε προς τον δημιουργό και Κύριο.
«Και μη εισενέγκης ημάς εις πειρασμόν, αλλά ρύσαι ημάς από του πονηρού».
Εάν ζητήσει ο Σατανάς να μας κοσκινίσει όπως το σιτάρι, όπως ακριβώς ζήτησε να κοσκινίσει και τους αποστόλους, και όπως ήταν φυσικό απέτυχε, και όπως και την παλιά εποχή και τον Ιώβ, μη δώσεις σ΄ αυτόν εξουσία εναντίον μας. Αλλά, εάν και πονηρός άνθρωπος θελήσει να μας βάλει σε πειρασμό η να μας αδικήσει, μη μας δώσεις στο θέλημά του αλλά σκέπασέ μας κάτω από την σκέπη των φτερών σου.
«Ότι σου εστίν η βασιλεία και η δύναμις».
Κύριε, επειδή είναι δική σου η βασιλεία, μη μας αφήσεις να φοβηθούμε άλλη βασιλεία, ούτε άλλη κυριαρχία, αν και είμαστε άξιοι της κολάσεως, για τις αμαρτίες μας. Εσύ, τιμώρησέ μας με όποιον τρόπο θέλεις, και μη μας παραδώσεις στα χέρια ανθρώπων. Αλλά ας πέσουμε για τιμωρία στα χέρια σου, διότι όπως είναι η μεγαλοσύνη σου, έτσι είναι και το έλεός σου, Πατέρα παντοκράτορα στους αιώνες. Αμήν.