The Holy Mount of Grabarka (Święta Góra Grabarka in Polish) is considered to be the holiest location in Poland for Orthodox Christians. It is the site of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and is home to the women's monastery of Ss. Marta and Maria. The most prominent and well-known feature of Grabarka is the forest of crosses surrounding the Church, all brought to the Mount by pilgrims.
The history of the Mount dates back to the 13th century, when during a Tartar invasion an icon of Spas Izbawnik (Jesus Christ) was taken from the nearby church of Mielnik and hidden in the forests of Grabarka to prevent its theft or destruction.
A second miracle occurred at Grabarka in 1710 during a deadly outbreak of cholera in the region. According to legend, one day an old man received an order from God to lead the people to the Mount at Grabarka, to set there a holy cross and to pray for salvation. The sick villagers followed the instructions of the old man, and the epidemic ended almost instantly. To commemorate this miracle, the local people decided to build a chapel at Grabarka.
In 1884-1895 a new church was built. After the First World War, the church was in good condition. The church also survived the destruction that occurred to many buildings during the Second World War.
In 1947 with a blessing of Archbishop Tymoteusz of Bialystok and Gdansk, a nun chose the Holy Mount for a Monastery of Ss. Martha and Mary. Homeless sisters from monasteries which were closed down or situated behind the new borders of Poland took up residence there. In 1956 the second church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Happiness of All Crestfallen", along with nuns' cells bordering on the church, were consecrated. A house for priests serving at the Holy Mount was also built. During the 1960s the Church of Transfiguration of Christ was renovated. In 1980 a new brick monastic building with refectory of Dormition of the Mother of God was built.
In 1990 a tragic event took place: A fire was set in the church of Transfiguration of the Lord. Fire completely consumed the temple, and even the bells melted. Reconstruction started immediately, the effect of which was the consecration of a newly built church by Metropolitan Sawa on May 17, 1998.
The Holy Mount of Grabarka has been a center for pilgrimage for Orthodox Christians from Poland and other countries since the 18th century. Especially noteworthy is the feast of the Transfiguration of Christ in August, which draws about 10,000 believers from all over Europe. It is traditional for them arrive at Grabarka by foot, some of them bearing the wooden crosses that can be seen surrounding the Church.
I wish to remind you, O brethren, about lying, for I see that you do not strive very hard to restrain your tongues and from this we are easily drawn into much evil. Make note my brethren that in every matter, as I constantly tell you, one may acquire a habit either for the good or for the evil; and so one needs great heedfulness so that we will not be robbed by lying, for one who lies has no union with God. Lying is foreign to God. In the scripture it is said that Lying is from the evil one, and for he is a liar, and the father of it (Jn. 8:44). See how the devil is called the father of lies, while truth is God, for He Himself said, I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn. 14:6). Therefore you see from whom we separate ourselves, and with whom we join ourselves by lying: evidently with the evil one. And so if in truth we wish to be saved, we must with our whole soul and all our striving love the truth and keep ourselves from every lie, lest it separate us from truth and from life.
There are three forms of lies: one lies in thought, another lies by word, and another lies by his very life. He lies by thought who takes for truth his own suppositions, that is, vain suspicions against his neighbor; when he sees someone conversing with a brother, he makes his own conjectures and says, "He is speaking about me." If they stop talking he again supposes that it is for his sake that they have stopped. If someone says a word, he suspects that it was said in order to insult him. All the time and in every matter he takes note of his neighbor, saying, "He did this for my sake, he said this because of me, he did this for such and such a reason. A man like this lies in thought, for he says nothing true, but everything out of suspicion alone, and from this proceed: curiosity, evil speaking, eavesdropping, enmity, condemnation. It might happen that one supposes something and this by chance turns out to be true; after this he claims the desire to correct himself, and then begins to constantly take note of everything, thinking, "If someone is speaking about me, I should know what transgression he condemns me for, so that I can correct myself." In the first place, the very beginning of this is already from the evil one, for he began with lie: not actually knowing what was said, he thought up what he did not know; and how can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit (Matt. 7:18)? But if he really desires to be corrected, then when his brother tells him, “Do not do this,” or, “Why did you do that?” he should not be disturbed but should bow down and thank him, and then he will correct himself. For if God sees that such is his good will, he will never let him to go astray, but will send him someone who can correct him. But to say: "I believe my guesses in order to correct myself, and with this aim I eavesdrop and am curious.” This is self-justification inspired by the devil, who desires to make snares for us.
Once when I was living in the coenobium, a diabolical temptation came upon me. I began to draw conclusions concerning a person's state of soul from his movements and the way he walked. And then the following thing happened to me. Once when I was standing, a woman passed by me carrying a pitcher of water. I myself do not know how I was drawn away and looked her in the eyes, but immediately the thought was suggested to me that she was a harlot. However, no sooner had this thought come to me than I began to grieve heavily, and so I told the elder Abba John about it. "Master, what should I do when I involuntarily notice someone's movements and walk and the thought speaks to me concerning the state of this person’s soul?" And the Elder replied to me thus: "What is this? Doesn't it sometimes happen that a person has a natural inadequacy, but just the same corrects himself through great effort and labors? Therefore you must not draw any conclusions from this about his state of soul. So never believe your conjectures, for a crooked rule makes crooked even that which is straight. Human opinions are false and harm the one who surrenders himself to them." And thus from that time on, whenever a thought tells me of the sun that it is the sun, or of darkness that it is darkness, I have not believed it, for there is nothing more onerous than believing one's own opinions. If this becomes rooted in us, it can lead us into such a deleterious state that we think to see things which do not and cannot exist. And I will tell you in this regard about a remarkable incident which occurred in my presence when I was still in the coenobium.
There was a certain brother there who was very troubled by this passion, and he so heeded his own conjectures that he was convinced of the veracity of every one of his suppositions. It seemed to him things were happening precisely as his mind imagined, and that it could not be otherwise. The evil increased with time and the devils led him into such a state of delusion that once, when he entered the garden and looked around (he was always looking around and eavesdropping), it seemed to him that he saw one of the brethren stealing and eating figs, and it was Friday, and not even the second hour yet. And so, convinced that he really saw this, he hid himself and went away in silence. Later during the Liturgy, he again began to watch what this brother who had just stolen and eaten the figs would do during the time of Communion. When he saw that he was washing his hands so as to go and receive Communion, he ran and told the Abbot, "Look, that brother is going to receive Communion of the Divine Mysteries together with the brethren, but do not allow them to give him the Holy Gifts, for I saw this morning how he stole figs from the garden and ate them." Meanwhile that brother was already approaching Holy Communion with great reverence and contrition, for he was very devout. But when the Abbot saw him, he called him over to himself before he could go up to the priest who was distributing the Holy Gifts, and leading him away to the side asked, "Tell me brother, what did you do today?" The brother was astonished and told him, "Where O Master?" The Abbot continued, "When you went in the morning into the garden, what did you do there?" The brother, astonished, again replied to him; "Master, I did not even look at the garden today, and I was not even here this morning in the coenobium, but I have just now returned from a journey, for immediately after the All-Night Vigil the steward sent me on such and such an obedience." Now the place to which this obedience he described took him was very far away, and the brother managed only with difficulty to arrive in time for the Liturgy. The Abbot called the steward and asked him, "Where did you send this brother?" The steward repeated the same thing that the brother had said, that is, that he had sent him to such and such a village. The Abbot asked, "Why did you not call me to receive a blessing from me?" The steward, bowing down replied: "Forgive me Master, you were resting after the Vigil and therefore I did not make him go and receive a blessing from you." When the Abbot was thus satisfied he allowed this brother to receive Holy Communion, and calling the other one, who had trusted his own suspicions, he placed a penance on him and forbade him to receive Holy Communion. Moreover he also called all the brothers at the end of the Liturgy and with tears related to them what had happened, accusing the brother before all, desiring to thus achieve a three-fold purpose: firstly to shame the devil and rebuke the sower of such suspicion; and secondly, so that by putting the sin of that brother to shame, he might thereby be forgiven and receive help from God in the future; and thirdly, in order to convince the brethren never to trust their own opinions. Having instructed both us and the brother concerning this he said that there is nothing more harmful than suspicion, using this incident as an illustration. And the Holy Fathers have spoken much in the same vein, warning us against the harm of believing our suspicions. Therefore let us strive, O brethren, never to trust our own selves. For in truth nothing so removes a man from God and from heedfulness to his own sins, and so arouses constant curiosity over what is not expedient for him than this passion. Nothing good can come from it, only a multitude of disturbances; it never allows a man the opportunity to acquire the fear of God. If by reason of our infirmity evil thoughts are sown in us, we should immediately turn them into good thoughts and they will not harm us; for if we believe our conjectures, there will be no end to them and they will never allow the soul to be peaceful. This is lying by thought.
One lies in word who, for example, from slothfulness is too lazy to get up for the Vigil, but does not say, "Forgive me but I was too lazy to get up." He says instead, "I had a fever, I was completely exhausted from work, I had no strength to get up, I was unwell"; and he utters ten lying words to as not to make a single prostration and be humbled. And if he does not reproach himself in other like circumstances, he will ceaselessly change his words and argue, so as not to undergo reproach. Or if he happens to have an argument with his brother, he will not cease to justify himself and repeat, "But you said… but you did… but I did not say… but so and so said…" and this and that, so as not to be humbled. Again, if he wants something but does not wish to say, "I want this," and instead constantly deviates in his words saying, "I have such and such a disease and I need this; this has been prescribed for me," lying until he satisfies his desire. Just as every sin proceeds either from love of pleasure, love of money, or love of glory, so are lies generated from these three reasons. A man lies either so as not to reproach himself and be humbled, or so as to fulfill his desire, or for the sake of gain, and he does not cease to twist and sophisticate his words until his desire is fulfilled. Such a man will never be believed, and even should he speak the truth no one can give him credence, and his very truth will prove unbelievable.
Sometimes it happens that there is a need under extreme circumstances to conceal something small, and if this small thing were not hidden, the matter would produce great disturbance and grief. When one encounters such extraordinary circumstances and sees himself in need, he may therefore obfuscate his words so that, as I have said, a great disturbance and grief or offence might not ensue. But when such great need arises to depart from words of truth, even then a man should not continue without being saddened over this, but should repent and weep before God and consider the incident a time of temptation. He should not frequently decide upon such deviation—only once out of many occasions. If one takes snake-poison antidote or laxatives often they will harm him; but if he takes them once in a year out of great need, they bring him benefit. So also you should act in this manner: One who wants to modify his word out of great need should not do it frequently but only under exceptional circumstances, once over the course of many years, when he perceives, as I have said, a great necessity; and let that which is allowed infrequently be perpetrated with fear and trembling, showing to God one's good will and the necessity, and then he will be forgiven; but he will receive an injury from it nonetheless. And so we have said what it means to lie by thought, and what it means to lie by word. Now we would like to say what it means to lie by one's very life.
One lies by his life if, being given to fleshly passion, he pretends to be continent; or, being covetous, he speaks of almsgiving and praises mercy; or being arrogant he marvels at the humility of wisdom. And he is amazed at virtue not because he desires to praise it, for if he had spoken with this intention he would have first of all acknowledged his own infirmity with humility, saying: "Woe to me the wretched one, I have become a stranger to every good". Then after acknowledging his infirmity, he would begin to praise virtue and be amazed at it. And again, he does not praise virtue with the aim of guarding others from temptation, for if that were his intention he should have reasoned thus: "In truth I am wretched and passionate, but why should I tempt others? Why should I cause harm to someone else's soul and lay another heavy burden on myself?" Then even though he has sinned by this, he has also touched on some good; for to condemn oneself is a deed of humility, and to spare one's neighbor is a deed of mercy.
But as I have said, a liar is amazed at virtue not for any of the above-mentioned reasons, but either so as to steal the name of virtue in order to hide his own shame, and speak of it as if he himself perfectly possessed it, or often in order to harm someone and deceive him. For not a single ill will, not a single heresy, nor the devil himself can deceive anyone under any other pretext than that of virtue. The apostle says that the devil himself transforms himself into an angel of light, and therefore it is never surprising that his servants should be transformed into the servants of righteousness (cf. II Cor. 11:14-15). So also a lying man, either because he fears shame and does not want to be humbled, or, as we have said, because he desires to deceive someone and harm him, speaks about virtues and praises them, and marvels at them as if he himself behaves accordingly and knows them by experience. Such a man lies by his very life. He is not a simple man but a double-minded one, for he is one way within and another way without, and his life is duplicitous and malevolent.
And so we have spoken about lying, that it is from the evil one; and we have spoken about truth, that truth is God. And so brethren, let us flee lying so as to be delivered from the lot of the evil one, and let us strive to make truth our own, so as to have union with God, Who said, I am the truth (Jn. 14:6). May the Lord God enable us to have His truth; for to Him belongs glory, dominion, honor, and worship unto the ages of ages. Amen. Abba Dorotheos
1. «Αυτό μια μέρα θα γίνη Ρωμαίικο και καλότυχος όποιος ζήση σε κείνο το βασίλειο».
2. «Ω ευλογημένο βουνό, πόσες ψυχές γυναικόπαιδα θα σώσης όταν έλθουν τα χαλεπά χρόνια!».
3. «Καλότυχοι σεις, οι οποίοι ευρέθητε εδώ πάνω εις τα ψηλά βουνά, διότι αυτά θα σας φυλάξουν από πολλά δεινά. Θα ακούτε και δεν θα βλέπετε τον κίνδυνο. Τρεις ώρες ή τρεις μέρες θα υποφέρετε».
4. «Το ποθούμενο θα γίνη στην Τρίτη γενεά. Θα το ιδούν τα εγγόνια σας».
5. «Θάρθη καιρός να σας πάρουν οι εχθροί σας και τη στάχτη από τη φωτιά, αλλά σεις να μην αλλάξετε την πίστι σας, όπως θα κάμουν οι άλλοι».
6. «Σας λυπάμαι για την περηφάνεια, οπού έχετε. Το ποδάρι μου εδώ δεν θα ξαναπατήση. Και εάν δεν αφήσετε αυτά τα πράγματα που κάνετε, την αυθαιρεσία και ληστεία, θα καταστραφήτε. Σε κείνο το κλαρί, που κρεμάτε τα σπαθιά σας, θαρθή μια μέρα που θα κρεμάσουν οι γύφτοι τα όργανά τους».
7. «Θάρθουν οι κόκκινοι σκούφοι (106) κι’ ύστερα οι Άγγλοι επί 54 χρόνια, και κατόπιν θα γίνη Ρωμαίικο».
8. «Τα όρια του Ρωμαίικου θάναι η Βωβούσα (ο ποταμός Αωός)».
9. «Εκείθε θάρθη το Ρωμαίικο».
10. «Τα βάσανα είναι ακόμη πολλά. Θυμηθήτε τα λόγια μου · προσεύχεσθε, ενεργείτε και υπομένετε στερεά. Έως ότου να κλείση αυτή η πληγή του πλατάνου, το χωριό σας θάναι σκλαβωμένο και δυστυχισμένο».
11. «Πότε θαρθή το ποθούμενον;» ηρώτησαν τον Άγιον εις Τσαραπλανά της Ηπείρου. «Όταν σμίξουν αυτά», απήντησεν ο Άγιος δεικνύων δύο δενδρύλλια.
12. «Το ποθούμενον θα έρθη όταν θαρθούν δύο πασχαλιές μαζί».
13. «Άμα κλείση το δένδρον και κλεισθή μέσα το παλούκι, τότε θα έλθη το ποθούμενον. Θα γίνη κάποιο σημάδι και να μη φοβηθήτε. Να πηγαίνετε βασίλεμα ηλιού σ’ εκείνα τα βουνά (της Ομάλιας και της Μερόπης), οπού θα γλιτώσουν πολλές ψυχές. Μαζί σας μη πάρετε τίποτε, μόνον τις ψυχές σας να γλυτώσετε. Και δεν θα βαστάξη το κακό περισσότερο από 24 ώρες».
14. «Τα χωριά του κάμπου θα πάθουν χαλάστρα, ενώ στις ποδιές του Κισσάβου θα κοιμηθούν σκλάβοι και θα ξυπνήσουν ελεύθεροι».
15. «Αν το κυπαρίσσι αυτό ξεραθή από την κορυφή, η Ελλάς θα ελευθερωθή · αν ξεραθή από κάτω, δεν θα ελευθερωθή».
16. «Με δυσκολία θάρθη».
17. «Όταν θα ιδήτε το χιλιάρμενο στην Άσπρη Θάλασσα, θάρθη το ποθούμενον».
18. «Όταν θα ιδήτε το χιλιάρμενο στα ελληνικά νερά, τότε θάρθη».
19. «Όταν θα ιδήτε το χιλιάρμενο στα ελληνικά ύδατα, τότε θα λυθή το ζήτημα της Πόλης».
20. «Θάρθη ξαφνικά. Να έχετε ένα σακκούλι σιτάρι κρεμασμένο στη θύρα. Αυτό θα σας εμποδίση φεύγοντας. Μη το αφήσετε. Να το πάρετε μαζί σας, για να φάνε τα παιδιά σας».
21. Στην Αυλώνα θα γίνη χαλασμός. Θα έλθουν στρατεύματα να ελευθερώσουν τον τόπο».
22. «Στο Μπουκορμέ θα χυθή πολύ αίμα».
23. «Όταν ακούετε ότι ο πόλεμος άρχισε, τότε κοντά είναι».
24. «Όσα χωριά είναι κοντά σε δρόμο πολλά θα τραβήξουν».
25. «Η Δρόπολις θα πάθη, διότι ο τόπος είναι γυμνός».
26. «Η Δρόπολις θα είναι γεμάτη στρατεύματα».
27. «Θα χαθή η σοδιά της χρονιάς από την εύφορη Δρόπολι και – μάνα μου! – αίμα πολύ που έχει να χυθή».
28. «Λάκκοι και βράχοι στην Δρόπολι θα είναι γεμάτοι φεύγοντας».
29. «Εις τα χωριά Πέπελη σεις άδικα θα φοβάσθε · τίποτε δεν θα πάθετε. Μόνον τα παιδιά σας που θα είναι στους δρόμους θα κλαίτε».
30. «Οι αντίχριστοι θα φύγουν, αλλά θάρθουν πάλι · έπειτα θα τους κυνηγήσετε έως την Κόκκινη Μηλιά».
31. «Θαρθή όταν έρθουν δυό καλοκαίρια και δυό πασχαλιές μαζί».
32. «Ξένος στρατός θα έλθη, Χριστό θα πιστεύη, γλώσσα δεν θα ξέρη…».
33. «Θάρθη και μια φορά ασκέρι ξένο που το Χριστό θα πιστεύη. Αλλά σεις δεν θα το ξέρετε».
34. «Με άλλους θα κοιμηθήτε και με άλλους θα ξημερώσετε».
35. «Θα ιδήτε τρεις φαμίλιες σε ένα σπίτι».
36. «Εσείς θα πάτε να κατοικήσετε αλλού και άλλοι θάρθουν να κατοικήσουν σε σας».
37. «Θα δήτε σαράντα άλογα να τα δένουν σ’ ένα παλούκι».
38. «Πολλοί θα χάνωνται από την πείνα».
39. «Οι πλούσιοι θα γίνουν φτωχοί και οι φτωχοί θα πεθάνουν».
40. «Μια χούφτα μάλαμα μια χούφτα αλεύρι».
41. «Θα έρθη καιρός που οι Ρωμιοί θα τρώγωνται αναμεταξύ τους. Εγώ συστήνω ομόνοιαν και αγάπην».
42. «Θα ιδήτε και τακτικό στρατό, θα ιδήτε και ρέμπελο από αυτούς πολλά θα υποφέρετε».
43. «Θα σας ζητήσουν τα ντουφέκια · να έχετε δίπλα · να δώσετε το ένα και να κρατήσετε το άλλο. Ένα ντουφέκι εκατό ψυχές θα γλυτώση».
44. «Θα έρθη καιρός που θα διευθύνουν τον κόσμο τα άλαλα και τα μπάλαλα».
45. «Η αιτία του γενικού πολέμου θα είναι από τη Δαλματία».
46. «Η αιτία του γενικού πολέμου θάρθη από τη Δαλματία. Πρώτα θα διαμελισθή η Αυστρία και ύστερα η Τουρκία».
47. «Ο χαλασμός θα γίνει από ένα κασσιδιάρη».
48. «Θα προσπαθούν να το λύσουν με την πένα, μα δεν θα μπορούν. 99 φορές με τον πόλεμο και μια με την πένα».
49. «Αν βρεθούν τρεις δυνάμεις σύμφωνες, τίποτε δεν θα πάθετε».
50. «Αν το ζήτημα λυθή με τον πόλεμο, θα πάθετε πολλές καταστροφές · σε τρεις χώρες μια θα μείνη…»
51. «Θα έρθη καιρός που δεν θα ακούτε (= μαθαίνετε) τίποτε».
52. «Ό,τι σας ζητούν, να δίνετε · ψυχές μόνον να γλιτώνετε».
53. «Αν βρίσκουν στο δρόμο ασήμι, δεν θα σκύβουν να το πάρουν. Για ένα όμως αστάχυ θα σκοτώνωνται ποιος να το πρωτοπάρη…»
54. «Το κακό θα σας έρθη από τους διαβασμένους».
55. «Ή τρεις μέρες ή τρεις μήνες ή τρία χρόνια θα βαστάξη».
56. «Θάρθη καιρός που δεν θα υπάρχη αυτή η αρμονία που είναι σήμερα μεταξύ λαού και κλήρου».
57. «Οι κληρικοί θα γίνουν οι χειρότεροι και οι ασεβέστεροι των όλων».
58. «Στην Πόλι θα χυθή αίμα που τριχρονίτικο δαμάλι θα πλέξη (= πλεύση)».
59. «Καλότυχος όποιος ζήση μετά το γενικό πόλεμο. Θα τρώγη με ασημένιο κουτάλι…».
60. «Μετά το γενικό πόλεμο θα ζήση ο λύκος με τ’ αρνί».
61. «Θάρθη πρώτα ένα ψευτορωμαϊκό · μα μη το πιστέψετε · θα φύγη πίσω».
62. «Θα μαζωχτή το χιλιάρμενο στο Σκάλωμα (Άγιοι Σαράντα) και θάρθουν κοκκινογέλεκοι, να πολεμήσουν για σας».
63. «Οι Τούρκοι θα φύγουν, αλλά θα ξανάρθουν πάλι και θα φθάσουν ως τα Εξαμίλια. Στο τέλος θα τους διώξουν εις την Κόκκινη Μηλιά. Από τους Τούρκους το 1/3 θα σκοτωθή, το άλλο τρίτο θα βαπτισθή και μονάχα το 1/3 θα πάη στην Κόκκινη Μηλιά».
64. «Τόσα πολλά θα γίνουν, που οι μανάδες θα γεννήσουν πρόωρα από το φόβο τους».
65. «Ζώα δεν θα μείνουν · θα τα φάνε. Φάτε και σεις μαζί μ’ αυτούς. Στα Τζουμέρκα θα πάρετε σπόρο».
66. «Σπίτια μεγάλα μη κάμνετε. Λιάσες να κάμνετε να μη σας έρχωνται».
67. «Θα σας επιβάλουν μεγάλο και δυσβάστακτο φόρο, αλλά δεν θα προφθάσουν».
68. «Θα βάλουν φόρο στις κόττες και στα παράθυρα».
69. «Θα ζητήσουν να σας πάρουν και στρατιώτας. Δεν θα προφθάσουν όμως».
70. «Οι Τούρκοι θα μάθουν το μυστικό 3 μέρες γρηγορώτερα από τους Χριστιανούς».
71. «Όταν ακούσετε ότι ο πόλεμος πιάστηκε από κάτω, τότε κοντά θα είναι».
72. «Αν ο πόλεμος πιαστή από κάτω, λίγα θα πάθετε · αν πιαστή από πάνω, θα καταστραφήτε».
73. «Οι βράχοι και οι λάκκοι θα είναι γεμάτοι κόσμο».
74. «Θάρθη ξαφνικά · ή το βόιδι στο χωράφι ή το άλογο στ’ αλώνι».
75. «Λυπηρόν είναι να σας το ειπώ · σήμερον, αύριον καρτερούμεν δίψες, πείνες μεγάλες που να δίδωμεν χιλιάδες φλουριά καν να μην ευρίσκωμεν ολίγον ψωμί».
76. «Μετά τον πόλεμο οι άνθρωποι θα τρέχουν μισή ώρα δρόμο, για να βρίσκουν άνθρωπο και τον κάμουν αδερφό».
77. «Αμπέλια μη φυτεύετε, διότι θα χαλάσουν καθώς εκείνα στη Δρυινούπολι».
78. «Θα γίνη ένα χαρτοβασίλειο, που θα έχη μέγα μέλλον στην Ανατολή».
79. «Ο κόσμος τόσον θα πτωχεύση, που θα ζώνεται με κληματσίδες».
80. «Η αιτία θα έλθη από τα Δελειατά».
81. «Η Γαλλία θα ελευθερώση πολλά ελληνικά μέρη και ιδίως οι Ιταλοί».
82. «Η Γαλλία θα λευτερώση την Ελλάδα, την Ήπειρο η Ιταλία».
83. «Από τρία μπουγάζια στενά, Κρά, Κράψη και Μουζίνα, θα περνούν πολλά στρατεύματα για την Πόλι. Καλόν είναι τα γυναικόπαιδα να βγουν στα βουνά. Θα σας ρωτούν αν είναι μακρυά η Πόλι · εσείς να μη λέτε την αλήθεια, διότι θα σας κακοποιήσουν. Ο στρατός αυτός δεν θα φθάση στην Πόλι, στη μέση του δρόμου θα μάθη ότι ο πόλεμος ετελείωσε».
84. «Θα έρθη καιρός, που θα φέρη γύρες ο διάβολος με το κολοκύθι του».
85. «Θα βλέπετε να πηγαίνουν άλλοι επάνω και άλλοι κάτω».
86. «Η λευτεριά θαρθή από κάτω από όπου χύνονται τα νερά».
87. «Από πάνω και από τη σκάλα χαλασμό μη περιμένετε».
88. «Ένα ψωμί θα χαθή το μισό, και ένα ολόκληρο».
89. «Θα έρθη καιρός που μια γυναίκα θα διώχνη δέκα Τούρκους με τη ρόκα».
90. «Τον Πάπαν να καταράσθε, διότι αυτός θα είναι η αιτία».
91. «Ο χαλασμός στον τόπο θα γίνη από ένα όνομα αξιωματούχου…(δυσανάγνωστον)».
92. «Πολλά χωριά θα καταστραφούν, οι τρεις χώρες θα γίνουν μία».
93. «Να έχετε τρεις θύρες · αν σας πιάσουν τη μια, να φύγετε από την άλλη».
94. «Πίσω από τη μια θύρα να κρυφθή κανείς, γλιτώνει · θα είναι βιαστικό».
95. «Να παρακαλήτε να είναι μέρα και όχι νύκτα, καλοκαίρι και όχι χειμώνας».
96. «Οι άνθρωποι θα μείνουν πτωχοί, γιατί δεν θάχουν αγάπη στα δέντρα».
97. «Οι άνθρωποι θα καταντήσουν γυμνοί, γιατί θα γίνουν τεμπέληδες».
98. «Από ψηλά, μέσα από το λιμάνι θάρθη ο χαλασμός».
99. «Θα σας ρίξουν παρά πολύ · θα σας ζητήσουν να τον πάρουν πίσω, αλλά δεν θα μπορέσουν».
100. «Εσείς θα σώσετε άλλους και οι άλλοι εσάς».
101. «Εσείς θα φύγετε απ’ τ’ αριστερά βουνά · από τη δεξιά μεριά όχι · από τις σπηλιές μη φοβάστε»
102. «Θαρθή ξαφνικά · τα’ άλογα θ’ απομείνουν ζεμένα στις δουλειές τους και σεις θα φεύγετε».
103. «Θάνε όγδοος αιώνας που θα γίνουν αυτά».
104. «Να κρυφθήτε ή κοντά στην πόρτα ή κοντά στην πλάκα, αν είναι βιαστικό και γρήγορο».
105. «Πολλά θα συμβούν. Οι πολιτείες θα καταντήσουν σαν παράγκες».
106. «Θαρθή καιρός που θα βγη ο καταραμένος δαίμονας από το καυκί του».
107. «Θαρθή μια φορά ένας ψευτοπροφήτης · μη τον πιστέψετε και μην τον χαρήτε. Πάλι θα φύγη και δεν θα μεταγυρίση».
108. «Θαρθή καιρός που οι χριστιανοί θα ξεσηκωθούν ο ένας κατά του άλλου».
109. «Νάχατε το σταυρό στο μέτωπο, για να σας γνωρίζουν ότι είσθε χριστιανοί».
110. «Δεν θα φθάση ο στρατός στην Πόλι · στη μέση του δρόμου θάρθη το μαντάτο, ότι έφθασε το ποθούμενο».
111. «Πήγαινε και στο δρόμο θ’ ανταμειφθής».
112. «Ειπέ εις τα είδωλα εκείνα να μην έρθουν εδώ, αλλά να γυρίσουν εις τα οπίσω».
113. «Φτιάχνετε σπίτια τορνευτά και δεν πρόκειται να κατοικήσετε σ’ αυτά».
114. «Το παιδί αυτό θα προκόψη, θα κυβερνήση την Ελλάδα και θα δοξασθή».
115. «Θα γίνης μεγάλος άνθρωπος, θα κυριεύσης όλη την Αρβανιτιά, θα υποτάξης την Πρέβεζα, την Γάργα, ΤΟ Σούλι, το Δέλβινο, το Γαρδίκι και αυτό το τάχτι του Κούρτ πασά. Θα αφήσης μεγάλο όνομα στην οικουμένη. Και στην Πόλι θα πας, μα με κόκκινα γένεια. Αυτή είναι η θέληση της θείας προνοίας. Ενθυμού όμως εις όλην την διάρκειαν της εξουσίας σου να αγαπάς και να υπερασπίζεσαι τους χριστιανούς, αν θέλης να μείνη η εξουσία εις τους διαδόχους σου».
116. «Θα βγουν πράγματα από τα σχολεία που ο νους σας δεν φαντάζεται».
117. «Θα δήτε στον κάμπο αμάξι χωρίς άλογα να τρέχη γρηγορώτερα από τον λαγό».
118. «Θαρθή καιρός που θα ζωσθή ο τόπος με μια κλωστή».
119. «Θαρθή καιρός που οι άνθρωποι θα ομιλούν από ένα μακρυνό μέρος σε άλλο, σαν νάναι σε πλαγινά δωμάτια, π.χ. από την Πόλι στη Ρωσία».
120. «Θα δήτε να πετάνε άνθρωποι στον ουρανό σαν μαυροπούλια και να ρίχνουν φωτιά στον κόσμο. Όσοι θα ζουν τότε θα τρέξουν στα μνήματα και θα φωνάζουν: Εβγάτε σεις οι πεθαμένοι να μπούμε μεις οι ζωντανοί».
121. «Το κακόν θα έλθη μέχρι τον Σταυρόν και δεν θα μπορέση να πάη κάτω. Μη φοβηθήτε. Μη φύγετε από τα σπίτια σας».
122. «Όταν θα πέση ο κλώνος (που είναι στημένος ο Σταυρός), θα γίνει μεγάλο κακόν, που θα έλθη από το μέρος όπου θα δείξη ο κλώνος · και όταν πέση το δένδρον, θα γίνη ένα μεγαλύτερον κακόν».
"But whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39), commanded the Lord. This is the shortest and clearest teaching on humility. The evil demons fear nothing so much as a humble man fulfilling the Lord's commandments.
There was a rich nobleman in Alexandria who had a young daughter into whom an evil spirit had entered, and the daughter had gone insane. Someone told the despairing father that none could heal his daughter except the monks who lived in the wilderness and came to Alexandria from time to time to sell baskets, their handiwork; but none of the monks would enter the rich nobleman's house if he told them why he was inviting them. It would be better for him to purchase baskets from the monks, then ask them to come to his house for payment. Then, when they entered the house, he could implore them to pray to God for all the members of the household, and thus obtain God's help to cure the maiden.
The father obeyed and went to the marketplace on a certain day and met one of St. Makarios's disciples as he was selling baskets. The man agreed to buy the baskets, and invited the monk to his home to pay him. When the monk entered the home, the possessed daughter leaped at the monk and vigorously struck him on one cheek with her hand. The monk silently turned the other cheek. The evil spirit cried out in anguish and departed from the girl, and she became completely calm and rational. When the monk returned to the wilderness, he told the elders what had happened and they all glorified God, that He had given so much power to those who fulfill His commandments.