Όταν, από φιλότιμο, κάνουμε τον Θεό να χαίρεται με τη ζωή μας, τότε Εκείνος δίνει άφθονες τις ευλογίες του στα φιλότιμα παιδιά του.
Να αναθέτουμε το μέλλον μας στο Θεό. Η απόλυτη εμπιστοσύνη στο Θεό, έχει μητέρα την πίστη, με την οποία προσευχόμαστε και απολαμβάνουμε τους καρπούς της ελπίδας.
Η εμπιστοσύνη στον Θεό είναι μια συνεχής μυστική προσευχή που φέρνει αθόρυβα τις δυνάμεις του Θεού εκεί που χρειάζονται και την ώρα που χρειάζονται.
Φροντίστε να γεμίσετε τη κασέτα της καρδιά σας τώρα που είστε νέοι. Γιατί αλλιώς, όταν γεράσετε, ανάμεσα από βυζαντινή μουσική θ' ακούγονται και μπουζούκια.
There are many who say that when you are in true prayer you will feel a warmth. This is a common experience. Again we need to beware as this too can be an illusion working out of our pride.
Elder Macarius says,
Once more I repeat myself: your facile assumption that sensations of bodily warmth, experienced during prayer, are sure signs of special grace, is wrong. they are nothing of the kind, and the assumption that they are is a temptation of the devil. Accept what comes your way with abandonment, and leave it at that, and to not jump to conclusions.
Elder Macarius
Reference: Russian Letters of Spiritual Direction, p 103
Σήμερα ο Θεός ανέχεται την κατάσταση. Ανέχεται, ανέχεται, για να είναι αναπολόγητος ο κακός. Είναι περιπτώσεις που ο Θεός επεμβαίνει άμεσα και αμέσως, ενώ σε άλλες περιπτώσεις περιμένει. Δεν δίνει αμέσως την λύση και περιμένει την υπομονή των ανθρώπων , την προσευχή, τον αγώνα.
Τι αρχοντιά έχει ο Θεός! Ένας πόσους είχε σφάξει τότε με τον πόλεμο και ακόμη ζη. Θα του πη στην άλλη ζωή ο Θεός: « Σε άφησα να ζήσης περισσότερο και από τους καλούς » . Δεν θα έχη ελαφρυντικά.
- Γέροντα, μερικοί τέτοιοι άνθρωποι , ενώ είναι βαριά άρρωστοι, πώς δεν πεθαίνουν;
- Φαίνεται έχουν βαριές αμαρτίες, για αυτό δεν πεθαίνουν. Περιμένει ο Θεός μήπως μετανοήσουν.
- Και τον κόσμο που παιδεύουν;
- Αυτοί που παιδεύονται και δεν φταίνε, αποταμιεύουν. Αυτοί που φταίνε, εξοφλούν.
- Γέροντα, τι θα πη « Πονηροί άνθρωποι και γόητες προκόψουν επί το χείρον, πλανώντες και πλανώμενοι» ;
- Κοίταξε. Υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που έχουν κάποιον εγωισμό και ο Θεός τους δίνει ένα σκαμπίλι να πάνε παρακάτω. Άλλοι έχουν λίγο παραπάνω εγωισμό και ο Θεός στους δίνει ένα σκαμπίλι και πάνε ακόμη παρακάτω. Αυτούς όμως που έχουν εωσφορική υπερηφάνεια, ο Θεός τους αφήνει.
Μπορεί να φαίνεται ότι κάνουν προκοπή, αλλά τι προκοπή είναι αυτή; Μαύρη προκοπή. Και μετά δεν πέφτουν απλώς κάτω, αλλά πέφτουν κατ' ευθείαν στο βάραθρο. Ο Θεός να φυλάει!
He spoke to us about our faith and how Orthodoxy is the only true faith. It is like a pearl because the Elder knew all other religions. At other times he would say, “when someone does something bad to you or thinks something bad about you, you should communicate to him your goodness” and he would move his hand in the form of a blessing. “In this way you will not be harmed.”
When we asked him about death, he said, “death is like getting up, opening the door and going out into the light. Now you are in the light! This is the truth and we should not be very sad when loved ones leave us.” All the time he was talking, he was praying and we heard “Lord Jesus” and he was repeating this constantly.
Once when he was talking to us some people had come from Mt. Athos to visit him and because he could not talk, he asked them all to pray together and they would communicate spiritually. One day, when I saw him outside of his cell, it appeared to me that he was not standing on the ground, he was walking so fast.
Now, following his repose, a nun from the Monastery of St. Meletios in Kytherona related to us how the Elder a few years ago visited their monastery and he disappeared during meal time. In searching for him, he was found outside the monastery in a grassy area and suddenly she saw the Elder flying high towards her. He had his hands clasped on his side. When he approached her, he told her not to tell anyone about this until after his death. This is just as it happened.
He spoke to us a lot about the relationships of people such as those who cohabitate. He told us how this can be very difficult even if both of them are saints. Many problems are created and the Elder knew from confessions he had heard that they would often reach the point of hatred.
Often in the face of difficulties, the Elder would be indifferent and he would simply raise his shoulders like a little child. He would say “yes, all those hindrances exist but God never abandons us when we sincerely call upon Him. Because of this, you should not worry. Leave all things in the care of God and pray.”
He told us that a happy life is only that which God tells us about in the Gospel. The Gospel is a revelation and every one of its words requires an analysis and commentary in order for us to understand it. And we should not read the Gospel mechanically.
From the book “Miraculous Occurences and Counsels of Elder Porphyrios“
According to its very nature, human soul seeks good and everywhere tries to find it. Good is like fibers out of which a person weaves his bridal garb, and in this vestment he will stand forever before the Thrown of God. Clothing made out of fibers of good and love will be white and shiny in the light of God. A garment weaved out of fibers of evil will become even darker in the rays of Heavenly light, it will put to shame and bitter torment the one who will be found wearing it. We put on either a robe of joy or a robe of shame with our own will, which is though imperfect and weakened by sin, yet free. This free will is the best of what the Lord gave to us as the crown of His creation, and He preserves the dignity of this will and does not put any pressure on us. We do not protect it and often carelessly enslave it to sin. And once it has been enslaved to sin, how can we restore good in it, when our strength is weakened? We cannot fix it with our own strength, but it can be done with the power of God’s grace, since everything is possible with God! While our soul is still on the way to the Kingdom of God, while there is still time, let’s strengthen our weak and feeble will with the gracious power of God and find in it the necessary strength and support in struggle against evil.
Life is a great labor. One needs to live in Christ wisely, and then everything around us will make sense and have value for eternity. If we pay attention, then the circumstances surrounding us will teach us to obey God and help us go through life in patience and love and acquire salvation. Wherever we are, everywhere there is a chance of salvation; no matter how difficult the circumstances of our life, we can always see things spiritually and progress toward perfection. Any situation in our life can lead us to our good and to bliss, which can be attained even here on earth.
Excerpts from the sermons of
Archbishop Sergius (Korolev) of Prague (1881-1952).
THE SACRED SCRIPTURES explain that the tragedy which overtook the human race had its actual beginnings in the world of the angels, perhaps even before the appearance of the physical universe. One of the highest angels which God created, named Lucifer, or the Daystar, became puffed up with pride, so that he thought he was the brightest, mightiest and most beautiful of all the angels, that he had no further need of his Creator and was not obliged to serve Him. Lucifer's goal was to make himself a kind of god, an object of veneration for other angels. To this end he raised a rebellion in heaven and won over to his side a certain segment of the angelic world. Thus Lucifer, who was later called Satan, or the devil (meaning a slanderer), was the initiator of the very worst of sins, pride and self-satisfaction, which serve as the basis for all other sins and vices. Lucifer planned to found a kingdom of "free" and "independent" spirits, separated from God. But this kingdom, founded on the principles of sin, was a clear failure, and came to be known as hell or the abyss. Instead of a promised paradise, it became a place of impenetrable darkness and unending misery. It became so terrible that the fallen angels themselves, the demons or devils, fear it, and wish to escape from it, as from a prison (Luke 8:31).
The devil was not content with having caused a tragedy in the world of pure spirits, with having founded his own kingdom. Because he hated God and all that God had created, he decided to bring evil to the crown of God's creation, the first man. For this purpose he assumed the form of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to break God's commandment by eating of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3). He was a skilful seducer; he convinced them that, if they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would become all-knowing and mighty, like God. He deceived them with the same idea with which he had once deceived himself: the possibility of becoming godlike easily and all at once, without the Creator, even in opposition to the Creator. And so, man was ruined by the same sins which had already ruined Lucifer: pride and self-love.
In this way, the tragedy of sin was passed down from the world of angels to our physical world, and as a result our earthly life was filled with contradictions, sorrows and corruption. In consequence of the Fall, the first human beings lost their relationship with God; they were deprived of their life in paradise and became mortal. Worst of all, the contagion of sin, like a liquid flowing from a contaminated fountain, was passed on to their descendants, so that all people would henceforth be born with a damaged nature. The descendants of Adam and Eve, being predisposed to sin, took the line of least resistance and began to commit all sorts of evil acts, hurting, cheating and even killing one another. This sinful way of life caused man's consciousness to become more and more darkened, so that in time he lost a true conception of his Maker and started to worship his own handiwork, in the form of various idols, both literal and figurative (such as greed, worldly goods, luxury, earthly fame and all kinds of fleshly pleasures).
The more mankind wallowed in wickedness, the stronger the devil became, and soon that originator of evil came to exercise a cruel mastery over man. Thus, as time went on, our beautiful world, created by God, and represented by His highest creatures, men made in His own image, sank into a state of evil, ruled by enmity, lies, injustice, suffering and death. What was even worse, mankind in its wretchedness proved to be completely helpless, unable to cast off the shackles of sin and turn back to God. The infernal serpent wished to make this once-beautiful, God-created world into a copy of hell, by skilfully manipulating human weaknesses and passions.
The only one who could rescue mankind from this desperate state of affairs was the Creator, our loving heavenly Father. When people were fully convinced of their own helplessness, and when they were spiritually mature enough to receive a Saviour, He sent into the world His Son, Who, while always remaining one God with the Father, by the descent of the Holy Spirit took flesh of the very purest and fairest of the daughters of man, the Ever-Virgin Mary. He became a Man, like us in everything but sin.
The purpose of His coming among us was to liberate man from the tyranny of Satan and from the oppression of sin, and to put him on the path to spiritual renewal, which would lead back to God and eternal blessedness.