
Πολύ στενοχωριόταν, όταν έβλεπε καλοθρεμμένο νέο, και περισσότερο, όταν
έβλεπε καλοθρεμμένο Καλόγηρο, επειδή δεν ταιριάζουν τα παχιά με το
Αγγελικό Σχήμα.
Μια μέρα τον επισκέφτηκε ένας λαϊκός πολύ χονδρός και του λέει:
- Γέροντα, έχω πόλεμο σαρκικό με βρώμικους λογισμούς, πού δεν μ' αφήνουν
καθόλου να ησυχάσω.
Ό Παπα - Τυχών του είπε:
- Εάν, παιδί μου, εσύ θα κάνης υπακοή, με την Χάρη του Χρίστου εγώ θα σε
κάνω Άγγελο. Να λες, παιδί μου, συνέχεια την ευχή, το Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ,
ελέησόν με, και να περνάς όλες τις ήμερες με ψωμί και νερό, και το Σάββατο
και την Κυριακή να τρως φαγητό με λίγο λάδι. Να κάνης και από εκατόν
πενήντα μετάνοιες την νύκτα και να διαβάζης μετά την Παράκληση της
Παναγίας και ένα κεφάλαιο από το Ευαγγέλιο και το Συναξάρι του Αγίου της
Μετά από έξιμήνες, πού τον ξαναεπισκέφτηκε, ο Γέροντας δεν μπόρεσε να
τον γνωρίση, γιατί είχαν φύγει όλα τα περίσσια παχιά, και με ευκολία πια
χωρούσε από την στενή πόρτα του Ναού του. Ό Γέροντας τον ρώτησε:
- Πώς περνάς τώρα, παιδί μου;
Κι εκείνος απήντησε:
- Τώρα νιώθω πραγματικά σαν Άγγελος, γιατί δεν έχω ούτε σαρκικές
ενοχλήσεις ούτε και βρώμικους λογισμούς και αισθάνομαι πολύ ελαφρός,
πού έφυγαν τα πάχη.
Γέροντας Τύχων

Τώρα που ακόμη έχω τας φρένας μου σώας, θέλω να σας πω μερικές συμβουλές. Από μικρό παιδί όλο στις αμαρτίες ήμουνα. Και όταν με έστελνε η μητέρα μου να φυλάξω τα ζώα στο βουνό, γιατί ο πατέρας μου, επειδή ήμασταν πτωχοί, είχε πάει στη διώρυγα του Παναμά, για εμάς τα παιδιά του, εκεί που έβοσκα τα ζώα, συλλαβιστά διάβαζα το βίο του Αγίου Ιωάννου του Καλυβίτου και πάρα πολύ αγάπησα τον Άγιο Ιωάννη και έκανα πάρα πολλές προσευχές, σαν μικρό παιδί που ήμουνα 12-15 χρόνων, δεν θυμάμαι ακριβώς καλά. Και θέλοντας να τον μιμηθώ, με πολύ αγώνα, έφυγα από τους γονείς μου κρυφά και ήλθα στα Καυσοκαλύβια του Αγίου Όρους και υποτάχθηκα σε δύο Γέροντες αυταδέλφους, Παντελεήμονα και Ιωαννίκιο. Μου έτυχε να είναι πολύ ευσεβείς και ενάρετοι και τους αγάπησα πάρα πολύ και γι' αυτό, με την ευχή τους, τους έκανα άκρα υπακοή. Αυτό με βοήθησε πάρα πολύ, αισθάνθηκα και μεγάλη αγάπη και προς το Θεό και πέρασα πάρα πολύ καλά. Αλλά, κατά παραχώρηση Θεού, για τις αμαρτίες μου, αρρώστησα πολύ και οι Γέροντές μου μου είπαν να πάω στους γονείς μου στο χωριό μου εις τον Άγιο Ιωάννην Ευβοίας.
Και ενώ από μικρό παιδί είχα κάνει πολλές αμαρτίες, όταν ξαναπήγα στον κόσμο, συνέχισα τις αμαρτίες, οι οποίες μέχρι σήμερα έγιναν πάρα πολλές. Ο κόσμος όμως με πήραν από καλό και όλοι φωνάζουνε ότι είμαι άγιος. Εγώ όμως αισθάνομαι ότι είμαι ο πιο αμαρτωλός άνθρωπος του κόσμου. Όσα ενθυμόμουνα βεβαίως τα εξομολογήθηκα και γνωρίζω ότι γι' αυτά που εξομολογήθηκα με συγχώρησε ο Θεός, αλλά όμως τώρα έχω ένα συναίσθημα ότι και τα πνευματικά μου αμαρτήματα είναι πάρα πολλά και παρακαλώ όσοι με έχετε γνωρίσει να κάνετε προσευχή για μένα, διότι και εγώ, όταν ζούσα, πολύ ταπεινά έκανα προσευχή για σας. Αλλά όμως, τώρα που θα πάω για τον ουρανό, έχω το συναίσθημα ότι ο Θεός θα μου πη: Τι θέλεις εσύ εδώ; Εγώ ένα έχω να του πω: Δεν είμαι άξιος, Κύριε, για εδώ, αλλά ό,τι θέλει η αγάπη σου ας κάμη για μένα. Από εκεί και πέρα, δεν ξέρω τι θα γίνη. Επιθυμώ όμως να ενεργήση η αγάπη του Θεού.
Και πάντα εύχομαι τα πνευματικά μου παιδιά να αγαπήσουν το Θεό, που είναι το παν, για να μας αξιώση να μπούμε στην επίγειο άκτιστη Εκκλησία του. Γιατί από εδώ πρέπει να αρχίσουμε. Εγώ πάντα είχα την προσπάθεια να προσεύχωμαι και να διαβάζω τους ύμνους της Εκκλησίας, την Αγία Γραφή και τους βίους των Αγίων μας και εύχομαι και εσείς να κάνετε το ίδιο. Εγώ προσπάθησα με τη χάρι του Θεού να πλησιάσω τον Θεό και εύχομαι και σεις να κάνετε το ίδιο.
Παρακαλώ όλους σας να με συγχωρέσετε για ό,τι σας στενοχώρησα
Αγιος Πορφύριος

Pride is a most abominable sin, but hardly anyone recognizes it since it is hidden deep in the heart. Not knowing one's self is the beginning of pride. This ignorance blinds a man, and thus he becomes full of pride. O that man would know himself! He would know his own misfortune, poverty, and wretchedness; he would never become full of pride. But man is so wretched that he does not see and know his misfortune and wretchedness.
Pride is known by its deeds as a tree is known by its fruits. But let us see what are the fruits of the bitter seed of pride:
1. A proud man seeks honor, glory, and praise by every means. He always desires to appear as something, and to direct, command, and rule others. But he is powerfully angered and embittered at whoever may prevent his desire.
2. He complains, he is displeased, and he curses when deprived of honor and leadership. "What have I done wrong? Why am I at fault? Is this what my labors and service merit?" It often drives a man to kill himself.
3. He begins labors that are beyond his strength which he is not able to manage. O man! Why do you take up burdens which you cannot bear?
4. Out of his self-will he interferes in the affairs of others. He desires to direct everyone and everywhere, though he himself does not know what he is doing, so greatly is he blinded by pride.
5. He boasts of himself shamelessly and exalts himself. "I did thus and so. I rendered such and such service to society." O man! You enumerate your services, but why do you not mention your shortcomings? While it is shameful for you to proclaim those, you should also be ashamed to praise yourself.
6. He looks down on and humiliates other people. "He is a base man, he is useless," and so on. O man! He is a man just as you are, for we are all men. He is a sinner, yes, but I think that you cannot deny that name either. He transgressed in something, or is a sinner, but you, too, in another way, or perhaps in the same way. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).
7. He does not submit, he does not obey his authorities and his parents. The proud have a stiff and unbending neck. They always wish to establish and execute the will of their desires.
8. The goods that they have they ascribe to themselves, to their own efforts and labors, and not to God. O man! What can you have of your own self, who came naked out of your mother's womb? What can you have should God, the source of all good, not give it to you? What can our effort and labor accomplish without His help, Who alone is able do all things, and without Whom everyone is as nothing, as a shadow without a body?
9. He greatly dislikes reproach and admonition. He thinks himself pure, though he be all sullied.
10. He is impatient, is displeased, complains, and often even curses when in destruction, in contempt, in misfortunes and calamities.
11. He displays haughtiness and is somewhat pompous, etc. in word and deed. These are the fruits of pride, hateful to God and man. The fruits which it engenders are bitter. "For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Lk. 16:15). Wherefore it is also written, "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased" (Lk. 14:11).
The virtue opposed to pride is humility. But as far as pride is loathsome and abominable, so welcome and lovely is humility to God and men. God Who is great and exalted looks on nothing so lovely as on a humble and compunctionate heart. Whence even the Most Holy Theotokos says of herself, "For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden" (Lk. 1:48).
When pride retreats from a man, humility begins to dwell in him, and the more pride is diminished, so much more does humility grow. The one gives way to the other as to its opposite. Darkness departs and light appears. Pride is darkness, but humility is light.
As we consider our own selves and come to know our misfortune and wretchedness, we shall have reason enough to be humble. We are born naked and with a cry. We live in calamity, misfortune, and sins. We die with fear, disease, and sighing. We are buried in the earth and return to the earth. There it is not evident where the rich man lies, where the poor, where the noble and where the lowly, where the master and where the servant, where the wise and where the foolish. There they are all made equal, for they all return to the earth. Why, then, should earth and corruption be conceited?
Beloved Christians! Let us know our misfortune and wretchedness, and "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time" (1 Pet. 5:6). Let us know, beloved, that we Christians are Christ's, Who is meek and humble of heart. It is a shameful thing, and very unbecoming of Christians, to be full of pride when Christ, God great and exalted, humbled Himself. It is a shameful thing for servants to be proud when their Master is humble. There is nothing as unbecoming and indecent of Christians as pride, and nothing shows a Christian as much as humility.
From humility it is known that a man is a true disciple of Jesus, meek and humble of heart. If we wish to show evidence that we are true Christians, let us learn from Christ to be humble as He Himself enjoins us, "Learn of Me; for I am meek, and lowly in heart" (Mt. 11:29). Let us engrave and deepen in our memory the saying of the Apostle now explained, "For God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble" (1 Pet. 5:6).
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

When God created man, He planted something divine into him — a certain conception — a spark that has both light and warmth. The conception that enlightens the mind and indicates what is right and what is wrong is called conscience. Conscience is a natural law. Living in times before any written law, patriarchs and saints pleased God by following the voice of their conscience.
It is in our power to either "bury" our conscience, or allow it to shine within us and enlighten us through our subordination to it. Because when our conscience tells us to do something and we ignore it, or when it advises us to do something and we don’t do it, we burden it or, as though, bury it so that its voice becomes fainter from the weight on it. Just like it is impossible to see your reflection in muddy water, so do we cease to understand what our conscience says to us when we sin consciously. It is even possible to imagine that the conscience has perished. Nevertheless, there is not one human being that has lost his conscience, for it is something divine and can never be eradicated totally.
Abba Dorotheus

To select a good deed depends on the initiator; to realize the intention — that is God’s deed. Consequently, let us adhere to the rule, so that every good intention that comes to us is followed by frequent prayers, appealing to God to not only grant us help, but also if it is pleasing or not to Him. Because not every good intention comes from God, but only those that are beneficial.
Sometimes, a person wishes something good, but God doesn’t help him — maybe because the intention came from the devil and is not for our benefit; or maybe because it is beyond our strength as we have not attained the necessary spiritual level; or maybe because it doesn’t correspond to our calling; or maybe because the time is not right to initiate it; or maybe because we don’t have the necessary knowledge or strength to accomplish it; or maybe because circumstances will not contribute to its success. Besides this, the devil contrives in every way to paint it as something good so that having inclined us toward it, he could upset our spiritual tranquility or inflict harm on us. That’s why it is necessary for us to diligently examine all our good desires. Better still, do everything after seeking counsel.
St Isaac the Syrian