Άγιον Όρος… Μοσχομύριστος, Αγιοβάδιστος τόπος. Σπαρμένος απ’ άκρη σ’ άκρη με λείψανα Αγίων. Χώρος συνάντησης των απογόνων του Αδάμ με τον ξεχασμένο δημιουργό. Εδώ ο άνθρωπος προσπαθεί, αγωνίζεται. Ο Θεός διαρκώς του προσφέρεται. Το ίδιο και ο άνθρωπος. Αγία Τράπεζα, θυσιαστήριο ο Άθωνας. Προχωράς και η ψυχή σου αναπνέει. Κάθε συνάντηση πνευματικό διδασκαλείο. Ρίχνεις τα δίχτυα σου και ψαρεύεις τροφή πνευματική από θάλασσες παραδείσιες. - Ευλογείτε Γέροντα.
- Ο Kύριος να σε ευλογεί χαρά μου. - Είστε πολλά χρόνια στο Άγιον Όρος; - Είμαι εξήντα χρόνια, αλλά τι είναι εξήντα χρόνια για το Θεό; Μια ανάσα είναι. - Γέροντα θα ήθελα να πείτε δύο πράγματα για τη νηστεία. - Για να πεις κάτι πρέπει να το βιώνεις, να το ζεις. Μόνο ένας που έχει γεννηθεί κοντά σε θάλασσα ή είναι ναυτικός μπορεί να μιλήσει για τη θάλασσα. Αλλά θα κάνω υπακοή στο θέλημά σου και θα σου πω τί λένε οι πατέρες οι οποίοι ήταν φίλοι της νηστείας. - Η νηστεία Γέροντα είναι σκοπός;
- Η νηστεία δεν είναι σκοπός, είναι μέσο. Να, σκοπός σου ήταν να έλθεις στο Άγιον Όρος, ήταν ο προορισμός σου. Το καραβάκι που σε έφερε είναι το μέσο. Έτσι και η νηστεία, είναι ένα από τα μέσα που μας έδωσε η αγάπη του Θεού για να Τον ποθούμε. Ο Θεός είναι ο προορισμός μας.
- Πότε εμφανίστηκε η νηστεία; - Η νηστεία είναι συνομήλικη με την ανθρωπότητα. Μέσα στον Παράδεισο δόθηκε στον άνθρωπο από τον Θεό, μας λέει ο Μ. Βασίλειος. - Γιατί όμως ο Θεός έδωσε τη νηστεία, για να περιορίσει τον άνθρωπο; - Όχι, για να τον ελευθερώσει! Ο Ιερός Χρυσόστομος γράφει ότι ο Θεός δημιουργώντας τον άνθρωπο τον έφερε και τον παρέδωσε στο χέρι της νηστείας, η οποία είναι φιλόστοργη μητέρα και άριστος διδάσκαλος. Της εμπιστεύτηκε δηλαδή την σωτηρία του. Άρα η νηστεία είναι παιδαγωγός, δεν περιορίζει αλλά καλλιεργεί τον άνθρωπο.
- Είναι αναγκαία η νηστεία Γέροντα; - Θα σου απαντήσει πάλι ο Χρυσόστομος: «Αν η νηστεία ήταν αναγκαία στον Παράδεισο, είναι πολύ περισσότερο αναγκαία έξω από τον Παράδεισο. Αν ήταν χρήσιμο το φάρμακο πριν από τον τραυματισμό, είναι πολύ περισσότερο χρήσιμο μετά τον τραυματισμό». Κατάλαβες; - Τι; - Η νηστεία μέσα στον Παράδεισο δόθηκε προληπτικά στον άνθρωπο για να μην πέσει. Αφού ο άνθρωπος έπεσε δίδεται θεραπευτικά.
- Τελικά ποιος ο σκοπός της νηστείας; - Η νηστεία μαραίνει τις κακές επιθυμίες, λέει ο Άγιος Μάξιμος ο Ομολογητής, την καρδιά μας την μαλακώνει, συμπληρώνει ο Άγιος Συμεών ο νέος Θεολόγος. Κάθε καλό και αγαθό έργο δια της νηστείας κατορθώνεται και τελειοποιείται, γράφει ο Άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς. Για όλους αυτούς τους λόγους ο Ιερός Χρυσόστομος μας εξομολογείται την αγάπη του προς τη νηστεία. «Αγαπώ τη νηστεία, γιατί είναι μητέρα σωφροσύνης και πηγή κάθε φιλοσοφημένης πράξεως».
- Πώς πρέπει να νηστεύουμε; - Η νηστεία είναι μέσο και όπλο πνευματικό το οποίο δεν περιορίζεται μόνο στη διατροφή, πρέπει όλος ο άνθρωπος ψυχοσωματικά να συμμετέχει. Άκου τι μας λέει ο Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος. «Νηστεύεις; Απόδειξέ το δια μέσου των ίδιων των έργων. Αν δεις εχθρό, να συμφιλιωθείς μαζί του. Αν δεις φτωχό, να τον ελεήσεις. Να νηστεύουν τα χέρια, παραμένοντας καθαρά από την αρπαγή και την πλεονεξία. Να νηστεύουν τα πόδια ξεκόβοντας από δρόμους που οδηγούν στην αμαρτία. Δεν τρως κρέας; Να μη φας και την ακολασία δια μέσου των ματιών. Ας νηστεύει και η ακοή. Και η νηστεία της ακοής είναι να μη δέχεσαι κακολογιές και διαβολές. Ας νηστεύει και το στόμα από αισχρά λόγια. Διότι τι όφελος έχουμε, όταν απέχουμε από πουλερικά και ψάρια, δαγκώνουμε όμως και κατατρώγουμε τους αδελφούς μας;
- Πως δαγκώνουμε και κατατρώμε τους αδελφούς μας; - Με την συκοφαντία και την κατάκριση, που ξεκινούν από την έλλειψη αγάπης για τον αδελφό μας. - Ευχαριστώ Γέροντα, πολύ με ωφελήσατε. - Ευχαριστίες πρέπουν στον Θεό που φώτισε του Αγίους μας. - Την ευχή σας. - Στο καλό η Χάρις του Θεού να σε σκεπάζει, η Παναγιά μας να σε προστατεύει και οι Άγιοί μας να σε συντροφεύουν. Και μη ξεχνάς νηστεία κυρίως είναι να πεινάσεις για Θεό!!!
Dialogue With an Athonite Elder on Fasting
Mount Athos…
A fragrant-smelled saint-walkled land. Strewn from end to end with the relics of the saints. A meeting place of the descendants of Adam with their forgotten Creator. Here man is trying, he is struggling. God is constantly being offered. The same with man. Athos is a Holy Altar, a place of sacrifice. You move forward and the soul breathes. Every meeting is a spiritual education. You throw your nets and fish for spiritual food from the seas of paradise.
Bless Elder.
"The Lord bless you, my joy."
Are you on Mount Athos for many years?
"I’ve been here for sixty years, but what is sixty years to God; it is a breath.
Elder, I would like you to tell me a few things about fasting.
"In order to say something you must experience it, you must live it. Only one who was born near the sea or is a seaman can speak of the sea. But I will be obedient to your will and tell you what the Fathers said who were friends of fasting."
Elder, is fasting the aim?
"Fasting is not the aim, but the means towards it. See, it was your aim to come to Mount Athos, it was your destination. The boat which brought you was the means by which you arrived. Such is fasting; it is one of the means given to us by the love of God to crave for Him. God is our destination."
When did fasting appear?
"Fasting is commingled with humanity. In Paradise it was given to man by God, says Basil the Great."
But why did God give fasting? To reduce man?
"No, in order to free him! The Sacred Chrysostom writes that when God created man He took him and placed him in the hands of fasting, which is an affectionate mother and excellent teacher. He entrusted it for his salvation. Though fasting is a teacher, it does not limit but it cultivates man."
Is fasting necessary, Elder?
"Chrysostom will again reply to you: ‘If fasting was necessary in Paradise, it is much more necessary outside of Paradise. If medicine was useful before an injury, it is much more useful after an injury.’ Do you understand?"
"Fasting was given in Paradise as a precaution to not fall. Since man fell it is given therapeutically."
Then what is the purpose of fasting?
"Fasting withers evil desires, says Saint Maximus the Confessor; and Saint Symeon the New Theologian says it softens our hearts. Through fasting every good work is accomplished and perfected, says Saint Gregory Palamas. For all these reasons Sacred Chrysostom confesses his love for fasting: ‘I love fasting, because it is the mother of wisdom and the well of philosophical acts.’"
How should we fast?
"Fasting is a means and spiritual tool which is not limited to food, but the entire man must participate in it psychosomatically. Listen to what John Chrysostom says: ‘Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works. If you see a poor man, take pity on him. If you see a friend being honored, do not envy him. Do not let only your mouth fast, but also the eye and the ear and the feet and the hands and all the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by being free of greed. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin. Let the eyes fast, by disciplining them not to glare at that which is sinful. Let the ear fast, by not listening to evil talk and gossip. Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism. For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fish, but bite and devour our brothers?’"
How do we bite and devour our brothers?
"With slander and criticism, which proceed from the lack of love for our brother."
Thank you, Elder. You have benefited me much.
"May we thank God for enlightening our saints."
Your prayers.
"Go in goodness, and may the Grace of God cover you, the Panagia protect you, and the saints accompany you. And don’t forget that fasting is primarily to hunger for God!"
Having recently discovered that throughout much of my Christian life I was involved with "spiritual deception," I find it necessary now to seek ways to fully understand and totally reject this error. My deception began with a well meaning pastor at the United Methodist Church where I grew up. I asked him, "Why are there so many different religions? How can we say that the Christian way the the best way?" His answer was, "There are many paths to God. Ours is the most direct and easiest path." He did not know how to answer this question from a true Christian perspective and advise me of the struggle that I would necessarily face. I now know that what he taught me was a serious deception. It is very clear now that the other paths will not lead to a God-oriented spiritual life and union with God. They only lead one to a life of self-satisfaction and greater pride. Jesus Christ came after these early attempts to reach God which were inadequate and showed all mankind how to gain union with God. He showed us the need for extreme humility in our relationship with God. He showed us a path that involves purifying ourselves and continually struggling against many things, yet relying on God's will. I discovered that the path He opened for us is not an easy path. It is a difficult one along which we are easily deceived by seeking pleasures though various forms of meditation, yoga and others activities, taught by well meaning teachers from other eastern religions who have not discovered for themselves the way of Jesus Christ. I now know this from experience, having experimented with Vedanta, a Hindu religion, Buddhism, and Eastern forms of meditation. Regrettably, I even led an effort to find the "universal principles" of all religions and then set up a organization (formally organized as a church under IRS rules, no less) to teach this to others. Oh, how easily we are deceived by psychic level religious experiences which only serve to boost our pride and our sense of self-sufficiency. Through this experience, I learned that it is essential to recognize that we are engaged in spiritual warfare as Saint Paul so clearly tells us. In my youth I was never prepared for this battle by being properly instructed in the spiritual disciplines. I didn't appreciate the power of the Sacraments that Christ initiated for us to help us in this battle. Growing up Methodist, communion was symbolic. It was grape juice and a wafer symbolizing the blood and body of Jesus Christ. Powerless when compared to the actual Blood an Body of Jesus Christ that is offered in the Orthodox Church for remission of sins and eternal life in union with Him. I faced many such deceptions along the path. Fortunately, I have a very strong guardian angel that kept me on a path seeking God and who taught me the Jesus Prayer in the midst of these deceptions. It was this prayer that protected me and led me back to Orthodoxy. Seraphim Rose saw this attitude I experienced as one that permeates much of Christianity today. He wrote on this sad condition of "Christians" in his book, Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Here is an excerpt.
The life of self-centeredness and self-satisfaction lived by most of today's "Christians" is so all-pervading that it effectively seals them off from any understanding at all of spiritual life; and when such people do undertake "spiritual life," it is only as another form of self-satisfaction. This can be seen quite clearly in the totally false religious ideal both of the "charismatic" movement and the various forms of "Christian meditation": all of them promise (and give very quickly) an experience of "contentment" and "peace." But this is not the Christian ideal at all, which if anything may be summed up as a fierce battle and struggle. The "contentment" and "peace" described in these contemporary "spiritual" movements are quite manifestly the product of spiritual deception, of spiritual self-satisfaction––which is the absolute death of the God-oriented spiritual life. All these forms of "Christian meditation" operate solely on the psychic level and have nothing whatever in common with Christian spirituality. Christian spirituality is formed in the arduous struggle to acquire the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, which fully begins only with the dissolution of this temporal world, and the true Christian struggler never finds repose even in the foretastes of eternal blessedness which might be vouchsafed to him in this life; but the Eastern religions, to which the Kingdom of Heaven has not been revealed, strive only to acquire psychic states which begin and end in this life. From Orthodoxy and the Future by Seraphim Rose, pp 187-188Some of my friends will think this is a bit harsh and it is not my intent to condemn those who sincerely seek union with Jesus Christ no matter what their form of Christianity is. But I can say without a doubt, that we can be deceived as I know I was. For me, I found the fulness of the Truth in the Orthodox Church where the sacramental life is emphasized and practiced with regularity. It was in the context of the Orthodox Church that I found I could surrender and then seek, not my own way, but instead follow the way the Church sets out for all of us.
One of the common errors we make is to think in either/or or black&white terms. For example we may read from one of the desert fathers about giving up all that is of this world and to only concentrate on God. If this notion is taken literally we will create great problems in our life by ignoring the reality of our integral existence. We are physical and spiritual beings. We cannot separate one from the other. It is equally wrong to ignore spirit and to live according to our physical needs alone. This is the most common of errors as our physical needs and passions seem to be the stronger and difficult to manage. What is essential for our spiritual well- being is to balance the physical realities of our daily life with our spiritual needs.
How do we best do this? This is where discipline and balance are essential. We have to be attentive to both body and spirit. We need to pray and we need to eat. We need to set aside time for exercise and for worship. We can't let one dimension of our life out weigh the other. We must care for our whole being all the time.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov says the following:
One should go by the middle path: ‘turn not aside to the right hand nor to the left’ (Pr. 4:26); and one should render unto the spirit what is spiritual, and unto the body what is bodily; for the maintenance of temporal life, one should render what is necessary, and for life in society, that which is lawfully demanded by it, in accordance with the words of Holy Scripture: ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s’ (Mt. 22:21).
He calls this balance the "middle path." our approach to life must be one that is a balance. We must care for the body we have been given, we must have time to express our love for our neighbors, and we must also continually nurture our love for God. When we have such balance we will find that our heart is filled with peace and that God's grace fills it with His love enabling us to walk this thin line of balance. With perfect balance there is no sin but only harmony and love.
I must admit, this is not an easy path to find. Most of will find this balance hard to find. This is why the Church provides so many ways to assist us. As we are more aware of our sinfulness we are discovering the points of imbalance in our lives. Through the ascetic practices, worship and regular participation in the sacraments, we are making an effort to achieve a better balance. No one can walk out on a high wire ir even a balance beam without practice and self effort. The same is true in aging the necessary balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of our life.
Reference: “Spiritual Instructions,” 33, Ascetic Labors, The Little Russian Philokalia, Vol. 1
Γέροντα, το σταυρουδάκι που μου δώσατε το φορώ συνέχεια και με βοηθάει στις δυσκολίες.
- Να, τέτοια σταυρουδάκια είναι οι δικοί μας σταυροί, σαν αυτά που κρεμούμε στον λαιμό μας και μας προστατεύουν στην ζωή μας. Τι νομίζεις, έχουμε μεγάλο σταυρό εμείς;
Μόνον ο Σταυρός του Χριστού μας ήταν πολύ βαρύς, γιατί ο Χριστός από αγάπη προς εμάς τους ανθρώπους δεν θέλησε να χρησιμοποιήση για τον εαυτό Του την θεϊκή Του δύναμη.
Και στην συνέχεια σηκώνει το βάρος των σταυρών όλου του κόσμου και μας ελαφρώνει από τους πόνους των δοκιμασιών με την θεία Του βοήθεια και με την γλυκειά Του παρηγοριά.
Ο Καλός Θεός οικονομάει για τον κάθε άνθρωπο έναν σταυρό ανάλογο με την αντοχή του, όχι για να βασανιστή, αλλά για να ανεβή από τον σταυρό στον Ουρανό - γιατί στην ουσία ο σταυρός είναι σκάλα προς τον Ουρανό.
Αν καταλάβουμε τι θησαυρό αποταμιεύουμε από τον πόνο των δοκιμασιών, δεν θα γογγύζουμε, αλλά θα δοξολογούμε τον Θεό σηκώνοντας το σταυρουδάκι που μας χάρισε, οπότε και σε τούτη την ζωή θα χαιρόμαστε, και στην άλλη θα έχουμε να λάβουμε και σύνταξη και «εφάπαξ».
Ο Θεός μας έχει εξασφαλισμένα κτήματα εκεί στον Ουρανό. Όταν όμως ζητούμε να μας απαλλάξη από μια δοκιμασία, δίνει αυτά τα κτήματα σε άλλους και τα χάνουμε. Ενώ, αν κάνουμε υπομονή, θα μας δώση και τόκο.
Είναι μακάριος αυτός που βασανίζεται εδώ, γιατί, όσο πιο πολύ παιδεύεται σ' αυτήν την ζωή, τόσο περισσότερο βοηθιέται για την άλλη, επειδή εξοφλά αμαρτίες.
Οι σταυροί των δοκιμασιών είναι ανώτεροι από τα «τάλαντα», από τα χαρίσματα, που μας δίνει ο Θεός. Είναι μακάριος εκείνος που έχει όχι έναν σταυρό αλλά πέντε.Μια ταλαιπωρία ή ένας θάνατος μαρτυρικός είναι και καθαρός μισθός.
Γι' αυτό σε κάθε δοκιμασία να λέμε: «Σ' ευχαριστώ, Θεέ μου, γιατί αυτό χρειαζόταν για την σωτηρία μου».