Sunday, August 18, 2013
Our Salvation ( Elder Paisios )
God is kind, He wants us all to be saved. If only a few were to be saved,why then was Christ crucified?
The gate into Paradise is not narrow.There is room for all those who bow humbly and are not puffed up with pride, as long as they repent and give the burden of their sins to Christ, then there is plenty of room to pass through the gate.
Man can be saved with a single humble thought, or with a proud one lose everything.
Elder Paisios
Praying ( St. Joseph of Optina )
When you begin to pray, begin to think of your sins and weep for them, this is how you should pray.
St. Joseph of Optina
Believe in me and trust in me ( St. Theophan the Recluse )
All who truly believe in Him and cleave to Him with all their soul are changed into His image by the power of His Resurrection.
St. Theophan the Recluse
Ο καθενας μας εχει πνευματικό αγώνα ( Αγιος Νεκταριος )
Σκοπὸς τῆς ζωῆς μας εἶναι νὰ γίνουμε τέλειοι καὶ ἅγιοι. Νὰ ἀναδειχθοῦμε παιδιὰ τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ κληρονόμοι τῆς βασιλείας τῶν οὐρανῶν. Ἂς προσέξουμε μήπως, γιὰ χάρη τῆς παρούσας ζωῆς, στερηθοῦμε τὴ μέλλουσα, μήπως, ἀπὸ τὶς βιοτικὲς φροντίδες καὶ μέριμνες, ἀμελήσουμε τὸ σκοπὸ τῆς ζωῆς μας.
Ἡ νηστεία, ἡ ἀγρυπνία καὶ ἡ προσευχὴ ἀπὸ μόνες τους δὲν φέρνουν τοὺς ἐπιθυμητοὺς καρπούς, γιατί αὐτὲς δὲν εἶναι ὁ σκοπὸς τῆς ζωῆς μας, ἀποτελοῦν τὰ μέσα γιὰ νὰ πετύχουμε τὸ σκοπό.
Στολίστε τὶς λαμπάδες σας μὲ ἀρετές. Ἀγωνιστεῖτε ν’ ἀποβάλετε τὰ πάθη τῆς ψυχῆς. Καθαρίστε τὴν καρδιά σας ἀπὸ κάθε ρύπο καὶ διατηρῆστε τὴν ἁγνή, γιὰ νὰ ἔρθει καὶ νὰ κατοικήσει μέσα σας ὁ Κύριος, γιὰ νὰ σᾶς πλημμυρίσει τὸ Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα μὲ τὶς θεῖες δωρεές.
Παιδιά μου ἀγαπητά, ὅλη σας ἡ ἀσχολία καὶ ἡ φροντίδα σ’ αὐτὰ νὰ εἶναι. Αὐτὰ ν’ ἀποτελοῦν σκοπὸ καὶ πόθο σας ἀσταμάτητο. Γί’ αὐτὰ νὰ προσεύχεστε στὸ Θεό. Νὰ ζητᾶτε καθημερινὰ τὸν Κύριο, ἀλλὰ μέσα στὴν καρδιά σας καὶ ὄχι ἔξω ἀπὸ αὐτήν. Καὶ ὅταν Τὸν βρεῖτε, σταθεῖτε μὲ φόβο καὶ τρόμο, ὅπως τὰ Χερουβεὶμ καὶ τὰ Σεραφείμ, γιατί ἡ καρδιά σας ἔγινε θρόνος τοῦ Θεοῦ. Ἀλλὰ γιὰ νὰ βρεῖτε τὸν Κύριο, ταπεινωθεῖτε μέχρι τὸ χῶμα, γιατί ὁ Κύριος βδελύσσεται τοὺς ὑπερήφανους, ἐνῷ ἀγαπάει καὶ ἐπισκέπτεται τοὺς ταπεινοὺς στὴν καρδιά.
Ἂν ἀγωνίζεσαι τὸν ἀγώνα τὸν καλό, ὁ Θεὸς θὰ σὲ ἐνισχύσει. Στὸν ἀγώνα ἐντοπίζουμε τὶς ἀδυναμίες, τὶς ἐλλείψεις καὶ τὰ ἐλαττώματά μας. Εἶναι ὁ καθρέφτης τῆς πνευματικῆς μας καταστάσεως. Ὅποιος δὲν ἀγωνίστηκε, δὲν γνώρισε τὸν ἑαυτό του.
Προσέχετε καὶ τὰ μικρὰ ἀκόμα παραπτώματα. Ἄν σᾶς συμβεῖ ἀπὸ ἀπροσεξία κάποια ἁμαρτία, μὴν ἀπελπιστεῖτε, ἀλλὰ σηκωθεῖτε γρήγορα καὶ προσπέστε στὸ Θεό, ποὺ ἔχει τὴ δύναμη νὰ σᾶς ἀνορθώσει.
Μέσα μας ἔχουμε ἀδυναμίες καὶ πάθη καὶ ἐλαττώματα βαθιὰ ριζωμένα, πολλὰ εἶναι καὶ κληρονομικά. Ὅλα αὐτὰ δὲν κόβονται μὲ μία σπασμωδικὴ κίνηση οὔτε μὲ τὴν ἀδημονία καὶ τὴ βαρειὰ θλίψη, ἀλλὰ μὲ ὑπομονὴ καὶ ἐπιμονή, μὲ καρτερία, μὲ φροντίδα καὶ προσοχή.
Ἡ ὑπερβολικὴ λύπη κρύβει μέσα της ὑπερηφάνεια. Γί’ αὐτὸ εἶναι βλαβερὴ καὶ ἐπικίνδυνη, καὶ πολλὲς φορὲς παροξύνεται ἀπὸ τὸ διάβολο, γιὰ ν’ ἀνακόψει τὴν πορεία τοῦ ἀγωνιστῆ.
Ὁ δρόμος ποὺ ὁδηγεῖ στὴν τελειότητα εἶναι μακρύς. Εὔχεστε στὸ Θεὸ νὰ σᾶς δυναμώνει. Νὰ ἀντιμετωπίζετε μὲ ὑπομονὴ τὶς πτώσεις σας καί, ἀφοῦ γρήγορα σηκωθεῖτε, νὰ τρέχετε καὶ νὰ μὴ στέκεστε, σὰν τὰ παιδιά, στὸν τόπο ποὺ πέσατε, κλαίγοντας καὶ θρηνώντας ἀπαρηγόρητα.
Ἀγρυπνεῖτε καὶ προσεύχεστε, γιὰ νὰ μὴν μπεῖτε σὲ πειρασμό. Μὴν ἀπελπίζεστε, ἂν πέφτετε συνέχεια σὲ παλιὲς ἁμαρτίες. Πολλὲς ἀπ’ αὐτὲς εἶναι καὶ ἀπὸ τὴ φύση τους ἰσχυρὲς καὶ ἀπὸ τὴ συνήθεια. Μὲ τὴν πάροδο τοῦ χρόνου, ὅμως, καὶ μὲ τὴν ἐπιμέλεια νικιοῦνται. Τίποτα νὰ μὴ σᾶς ἀπελπίζει.
Ἀπὸ τὴ σειρὰ τῶν φυλλαδίων «Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΩΝ» τῆς Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς Παρακλήτου Ὠρωποῦ Ἀττικῆς
Αγιος Νεκταριος
Αγαπη για το Θεο ( Όσιος Μακάριος ο Αιγύπτιος )
1. Οἱ ψυχὲς ποὺ ἀγαποῦν τὸν Θεὸ καὶ τὴν ἀλήθεια, δὲν ὑποφέρουν οὔτε τὴν παραμικρὴ ἐλάττωση τοῦ ἔρωτά τους πρὸς τὸν Κύριο. Ἀλλὰ καρφωμένες ὁλοκληρωτικὰ στὸ σταυρό Του αἰσθάνονται μέσα τους τὴν Πνευματικὴ προκοπή. Πληγωμένες λοιπὸν ἀπὸ τὸν πόθο Του, κι ἄν ἀκόμη ἀξιωθοῦν Θεία μυστήρια καὶ μετάσχουν εὐφροσύνης καὶ Χάριτος, δὲν ἔχουν πεποίθηση στὸν ἑαυτό τους, οὔτε νομίζουν ὅτι εἶναι τίποτε. Ἀλλὰ ὅσο ἀξιώνονται πνευματικὰ χαρίσματα τόσο ἐπιζητοῦν τὰ οὐράνια. Καὶ ὅσο περισσότερη προκοπὴ αἰσθάνονται, τόσο πιὸ λαίμαργες γίνονται γιὰ τὰ θεῖα. Καὶ ἐνῶ εἶναι πνευματικὰ πλούσιες, κάνουν σὰν νὰ εἶναι φτωχές. «Ὅσοι μὲ τρῶνε θὰ πεινάσουν κι' ἄλλο, καὶ ὅσοι μὲ πίνουν θὰ διψάσουν κι' ἄλλο», λέει ἡ Θεία Γραφή.
2. Αὐτοῦ τοῦ εἴδους οἱ ψυχὲς ἀξιώνονται νὰ λάβουν τὴν τέλεια ἐλευθερία ἀπὸ τὰ πάθη καὶ ν' ἀποκομίσουν τὴν ἔλλαμψη καὶ τὴν κοινωνία τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος μὲ τὴν πληρότητα τῆς Χάρης. Ὅσες ὅμως εἶναι ὀκνηρές καὶ ἀποφεύγουν τοὺς κόπους καὶ δὲν ἐπιζητοῦν τὸν ἁγιασμὸ τῆς καρδιᾶς ἀπὸ αὐτὴ ἐδῶ τὴ ζωή, ὄχι ἐν μέρει, ἀλλὰ ὁλοκληρωτικά. Αὐτὲς ἄς μὴ ἐλπίζουν νὰ κοινωνήσουν τὸ Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα καὶ ν' ἀπαλλαγοῦν ἀπὸ τὰ πάθη τῆς κακίας• αὐτὲς κι' ἄν ἀξιωθοῦν τὴ Θεία Χάρη, ἐπειδὴ ξεγελιοῦνται ἀπὸ τὴν κακία, ἀφήνουν κάθε πνευματικὴ φροντίδα, διότι ἀπολαμβάνουν ὀλίγη πνευματικὴ γλυκύτητα. Ἔτσι οἱ ψυχὲς αὐτὲς εἶναι εὔκολο νὰ πέσουν σὲ ἔπαρση, διότι δὲν ἀγωνίζονται νὰ φτάσουν τὴν τέλεια ἀπάθεια. Καὶ καθὼς ἀρκοῦνται στὴ λίγη αὐτὴ ἐνίσχυση τῆς Χάρης καὶ προκόβουν ὄχι στὴν ταπείνωση, ἀλλὰ στὴν ἔπαρση, ἀπογυμνώνονται κάποτε κι' ἀπὸ τὸ χάρισμα ποὺ ἔλαβαν. Γιατὶ ἡ ψυχή, ποὺ ἀγαπάει ἀληθινὰ τὸν Θεό, κι' ἄν ἀκόμη μυριάδες ἀρετὲς κατορθώσει, ἔχει τέτοια μετριοφροσύνη, σὰν νὰ μήν ἔχει ἀρχίσει ἀκόμη νὰ ζεῖ κατὰ τὸ θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ νοιώθει ἀπληστία καὶ ἔρωτα γιὰ τὴ Θεία ἀγάπη ποὺ ἐμπνέει ὁ Δεσπότης Χριστός.
3. Στὰ πνευματικὰ αὐτὰ μέτρα οὔτε μονομιᾶς οὔτε εὔκολα μπορεῖ νὰ φτάσει κανείς, ἀλλὰ ἀφοῦ προηγηθοῦν πολλοὶ κόποι καὶ ἀγῶνες καὶ περάσουν χρόνια μὲ δοκιμασίες καὶ ποικίλους πειρασμούς, μέχρι τὸ τέλειο μέτρο τῆς ἀπάθειας. Ἔτσι, ἀφοῦ δοκιμασθεῖ μὲ πόνους καὶ κόπους καὶ ὑποφέρει μὲ γενναιοψυχία ὅλους τοὺς πειρασμούς ποὺ προξενεῖ ἡ κακία, ἀξιώνεται νὰ λάβει τὶς μεγάλες τιμές καὶ τὰ χαρίσματα τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος καὶ τὸν Θεϊκὸ πλοῦτο. Ἔπειτα γίνεται καὶ κληρονόμος τῆς Βασιλείας τῶν Οὐρανῶν.
Όσιος Μακάριος ο Αιγύπτιος
Τα Πάθη του ανθρωπου ( Γεροντας Παϊσιος )
- Γέροντα, όταν κάποια γυναίκα μας πη: «δεν με κατάλαβε ο πνευματικός», τι πρέπει να της πούμε;
- Πέστε της: «Μήπως εσύ δεν του έδωσες να καταλάβη; Μήπως το σφάλμα είναι δικό σου;». Σ’ αυτές τις περιπτώσεις να προβληματίζετε τον άλλον, να μην τον δικαιολογήτε εύκολα. Τα πράγματα είναι πολύ λεπτά. Εδώ, βλέπεις, και τους πνευματικούς ακόμη τους μπερδεύουν.
- Και αν μας πη ότι δεν αναπαύεται στον πνευματικό της;
- Για να μην αναπαύεται, μήπως φταίει και αυτή, μήπως ζητά να την αναπαύη ο πνευματικός στο θέλημά της. Κάποιος, ας υποθέσουμε, αδιαφορεί για την οικογένειά του και έχουν συνέχεια φασαρίες με την γυναίκα του. Θέλει να την χωρίση και έρχεται και μου κάνει παράπονα, με την απαίτηση να πάρω το μέρος του, για να διαλύσω την οικογένεια του! Αν του πω: «εσύ είσαι ένοχος για όλη την ιστορία», αν δεν συναισθανθή την ενοχή του, θα πη ότι δεν τον ανέπαυσα. Λένε δηλαδή μερικού: «δεν με ανέπαυσε ο πνευματικός», γιατί δεν τους λέει να κάνουν αυτό που θέλουν.
Αν ο πνευματικός δικαιολογή τα πάθη του καθενός, μπορεί να τους αναπαύση όλους, αλλά δεν βοηθιούνται έτσι οι άνθρωποι. Αν είναι να αναπαύουμε τον καθέναν στα πάθη του, τότε ας αναπαύσουμε και τον διάβολο. Έρχεσαι λ.χ. εσύ και μου λες: «Η τάδε αδελφή μου μίλησε άσχημα». «Ε, σου λέω, μη δίνης σημασία σ’ αυτήν», και σε αναπαύω. Έρχεται μετά από λίγο αυτή η αδελφή και μου λέει για σένα: «Η τάδε αδελφή έτσι και έτσι έκανε». «Ε, τώρα, της λέω, καλά, δεν την ξέρεις αυτήν; Μην την παίρνης και στα σοβαρά». Την ανέπαυσα και αυτήν. Έτσι όλους τους αναπαύω, αλλά και όλους τους πεδικλώνω! Ενώ πρέπει να σου πω: «έλα εδώ· για να σου μιλήση έτσι η αδελφή, κάτι της έκανες», οπότε θα αισθανθής την ενοχή σου και θα διορθωθής. Γιατί, από την στιγμή που θα αισθανθής την ενοχή σου, όλα θα πάνε καλά. Η πραγματική ανάπαυση έρχεται, όταν τοποθετηθή ο άνθρωπος σωστά.
Σκοπός είναι πως θα αναπαυθούμε στον Παράδεισο, όχι πως θα αναπαυθούμε στην γη. Είναι μερικοί πνευματικοί που αναπαύουν τον λογισμό του άλλου, και μετά εκείνος λέει: «πολύ με ανέπαυσε ο πνευματικός», αλλά μένει αδιόρθωτος. Ενώ πρέπει να βοηθήσουν τον άνθρωπο να βρη τα κουσούρια του, να διορθωθή και στην συνέχεια να τον κατευθύνουν. Τότε μόνον έρχεται η πραγματική ανάπαυση. Το να αναπαύσης τον άλλον στα πάθη του, δεν είναι βοήθεια· αυτό για μένα είναι έγκλημα.
Για να μπορέση να βοηθήση ο πνευματικός δύο ανθρώπους που έχουν σχέση, πρέπει να έχη επικοινωνία και με τους δύο. Όταν ακούη λ.χ. λογισμούς δύο ανθρώπων που έχουν διαφορές, πρέπει να γνωρίζη και τις δύο ψυχές, γιατί ο καθένας μπορεί να παρουσιάζη το θέμα, όπως το καταλαβαίνει. Και να δεχθή να λύση τις διαφορές τους, μόνον αν δεχθούν να τις λύση σύμφωνα με το Ευαγγέλιο, γιατί όλες οι άλλες λύσεις είναι ένας συνεχής πονοκέφαλος και χρειάζονται συνέχεια ασπιρίνες. Ύστερα να βάλη τον καθέναν στην θέση του· να μη δικαιώση κανέναν. Να πη στον καθέναν τα κουσούρια του, οπότε πελεκιέται το ένα στραβό, πελεκιέται και το άλλο, και έτσι συμφωνούν και συνεννοούνται.
Το μόνο καλό που έχω είναι αυτό: ποτέ δεν δικαιώνω κανέναν, έστω και αν δεν φταίη. Όταν λ.χ. έρχωνται οι γυναίκες και μου λένε ότι έχουν προβλήματα στην οικογένεια και φταίει ο άνδρας, κατσαδιάζω τις γυναίκες. Όταν έρχωνται οι άνδρες και κάνουν παράπονα για τις γυναίκες, κατσιάζω τους άνδρες. Δεν αναπαύω τον λογισμό τους, αλλά λέω τα στραβά του καθενός· λέω στον καθέναν αυτό που του χρειάζεται, για να βοηθηθή. Αλλιώς φεύγει αναπαυμένος ο ένας, φεύγει αναπαυμένος ο άλλος, και στο σπίτι πιάνονται μεταξύ τους. «Είχε δίκιο που μου είπε για σένα έτσι!». «Και σ’ εμένα ξέρεις τι είπε για σένα;». Θέλω να πω, κανέναν δεν αναπαύω στα πάθη του. Πολλούς μάλιστα τους μαλώνω πολύ – φυσικά για το καλό τους -, αλλά φεύγουν πραγματικά αναπαυμένοι. Μπορεί να φεύγουν πικραμένοι, αλλά μέσα τους καταλαβαίνουν ότι εγώ πικράθηκα πιο πολύ από αυτούς, και αυτό τους πληροφορεί.
- Μερικοί, Γέροντα, νιώθουν σιγουριά, όταν τους μαλώνετε.
- Ναι, γιατί δεν τον μαλώνω τον άλλον ξερά. Θα του πω ότι έχει αυτά τα καλά, για να τα αξιοποιήση, και αυτά τα κουσούρια, για να τα διορθώση. Όταν δεν του πης την αλήθεια, τότε, σε μια στιγμή που δεν κολακεύεται, παλαβώνει.
Γεροντας Παϊσιος
A miracle for a newborn from St. Ephraim of Nea Makri

St. Ephraim of Nea Makri
An astonishing miracle for a newborn from St. Ephraim of Nea Makri (amateur translation)
I wish, in my own manner, to thank God and St. Ephraim for the miracle which I was made worthy to experience.
I was pregnant, and 12/29/01 was my given due date. When that date came, and I still was not in labor, my doctor gave me another week. On the morning of January 2nd 2002 I began to experience strong pains, and I went to the Hospital. I was checked, and told that my Obstetrician would be called, because I was most likely in labor.
In a short time, the next day (January 3rd), the day of St. Ephraim, I gave birth. The child was born with a dark color, however, due to the lack of Oxygen, and began to cry after 30 minutes. This had occurred within me (as my labor was delayed), and I was in immediate danger also. The child was suffering from apnea, and they did not remove him from the incubator, so that they could support him with Oxygen, with the result being suffering continuous seizures. They took him that evening to the Children's Hospital “Agia Sophia”, and the physicians there diagnosed that the child was suffering from cerebral edema. The ground fell from beneath my feet, and the doctors did not give us much hope...They told us to pray that he leave this life (the child would either die, or we would receive him as a vegetable, for the seizures had destroyed his internal organs, and my baby's beating heart was weak). His situation remained critical, and our only hope was God and St. Ephraim, both of whom we entreated daily.
In 13 days, there was a second encephalogram, when the doctors did not want to tell us to results, so that we not be given hope. After two days, they announced the new results, that our child was totally well, and they did not understand how this occurred, as they thought he was doomed. Here I should say that during these 13 days, St. Ephraim revealed himself to us many ways.
My one aunt saw a dream: she was within a Church of St. Ephraim, and there was a little boy who was crying continuously. She picked him up to calm him down, and she got up and walked. When my aunt told us this, she went with my mother to the same Church. On the road, my mother asked St. Ephraim to show her some sign. As she was lighting her vigil lamp, it went out, and she thought that this was a sign that my child had died. When she went to light it again, before she could get the lighter out, it lit itself again alone. Then she understood that my child was alive, and that the very powerful St. Ephraim would help him. In my house, we heard knocking from our icons, and the odor of incense filled all of our rooms.
My baby stayed 17 days in the NICU. After all that I related above, he remained another 13 days in a normal room, where they began to slowly feed him some milk. After this, we were able to bring him home.
Time passed, and we had to go for follow-up in two months. A few days before, my other aunt saw a dream: she was in my house for a visit, and there was a young man with her with a white shirt and black pants. The young man came for the first time to my house, and I began to welcome him. Before I could show him his bedroom, he entered my room by himself, where I had the baby, and began to unbutton his cufflinks. When I prepared something to treat him, my aunt called him, and he told her: “Go ahead, I will stay to watch over the child.”
Then I felt at ease, because I knew that my child would have a protector throughout his life. At his first check-up, we saw a very good professor at the Hospital, and when she read his history, she called her co-workers, saying: “Come see the miracle of the century.”
The whole episode which my child endured left him only with damage to his auditory nerve, for which he wears a hearing aid. I thank the All-powerful God from the depths of my heart, for He is always with us, and grants His might to the Saints to work wonders, and to protect us during the difficult times of our lives.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!
Purification of your soul ( Elder Paisios )
- You must look after the purification of your soul on a daily basis. Do your spiritual work and say the Jesus Prayer. Your thoughts, will and desires are where your mind is. The submission of our spirit is the most important thing. In order to acquire a virtue, we must be humble and careful, so we can detect its opposite evil, and then pray to Christ to help us get rid of it. We don’t need to try too hard or be concerned how, when and in what way our heart will be able to acquire this virtue.
- A man once asked the Elder: "Father, when we read the writings of the Fathers of the Church, we notice the following phenomenon: some saints say that praying is of utmost importance and others talk about obedience or voluntary poverty. It is hard for someone to understand exactly what Christ is asking from us. When we think we must apply all these virtues at the same time, then we despair, as it is impossible to struggle for all of them at once. Our endeavor becomes a lot easier, when we realize that the acquisition of these virtues is the result of a single struggle. Could you please help me understand what exactly I should do in order to find the way leading to Christ?"
Elder Paisios responded: "Purification, divine justice, humility, love, obedience, voluntary poverty, and all virtues are one and the same. Christ wants us to eliminate our will to zero. If you obtain a single one of these virtues, bear in mind, that the rest are found in the one you just acquired; the same thing applies to our passions; one passion includes all others. Purification requires the soul to be pure and clean from our own will; divine justice is the abandonment of our own will to the will of God; humility is to humble our will and elevate God’s will; obedience means not to have a will and thus obey other people; prayer means to take our mind off our wishes and desires and concentrate on God. So, you see whichever virtue you apply, you are led to the same result, that is, to the elimination and purification of your own will. Man will spiritually progress and be benefited only when he manages to eliminate his will to zero. When the Americans want to send a missile to space, they do the same thing; they count from ten to zero. When they reach zero, then the missile is fired. The same applies to our soul; when our wills are eliminated to zero and our soul is cleansed, then it is elevated towards God!"
- The grace of God entered our soul through Holy Baptism; it is a gift granted to all of us. Sometimes, we think that God gave to a saint more gifts than others; this is wrong. Christ loves all of His children the same; it is we, however, who do not value and appreciate God’s gift to the same degree. When someone is grateful and believes that the grace of Christ, which he received through Holy Baptism, is inside his soul, he humbles his own will and purifies himself in order to allow divine grace to function. When divine grace functions inside a soul, it makes us think that God favored this person with more gifts. However, the truth is that this person loves Christ more, and through his humility, permits God to act on his behalf.
- We are in no way inferior to the Apostles. The Apostles were physically close to Christ, who helped them; however, we, too, have Him inside our soul since a very young age, through the grace of Holy Baptism. We should unload our soul from our passions and let divine grace dwell inside us. The more we purify ourselves, the more we allow for divine grace to function. When a soul is completely clean from its will and is totally humbled, then it can experience the grace of Christ and the fulfillment of all His promises.
- Since the term 'purification of the soul' was in a way unknown to me, I frequently asked the Elder to analyse it in detail. He suggested reading some sections of the Holy Bible, which would make it possible for me to turn inwards and face the ugliness of my soul, and thus gradually begin its purification.
Following are some of these texts:
2 Cor 6:16-18, 7:1 - "For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, 'I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore touching nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty."
2 Tim 2:20-21 - “In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for noble use, some for ignoble. If anyone purifies himself from what is ignoble, then he will be a vessel for noble use, consecrated and useful to the master of the house, ready for any good work."
2 Cor 7:1 - “Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and perfect holiness in the fear of God.”
2 Cor 10:3-5 - “For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
Phil 2:5-9 - “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name.”
Mt 5:8 - “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
Mt 23:26 - “You blind Pharisee! First cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, and then the outside also will be clean.”
Lk 11:39 - "Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness.”
Elder Paisios
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