Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spiritual counsels ( Elder Justin Pârvu )

Love the poor and co-suffer with them, so God may also have mercy on you.

Do not rebuke those sorrowful at heart, that you might not be paid back with the same rod, so that when you’ll seek for someone to have mercy on you, you might find him there!

Remember that you also bear a mortal body, and do good to all with no exception.

Discernment is greater than all other virtues.

Do not reproach anyone for their sins, but consider yourself responsible for everything, even for your neighbor’s sins.

It is better to be despised than to despise. It is better to be insulted than to insult another.

Do not live with a proud man, so that your soul would not lose the grace of the Holy Spirit becoming thus the habitation of evil passions.

He who flees the vain glory of this world, feels the glory of the future life in his soul.

Despise repose and a comfortable existence, so that you might preserve your thoughts in tranquility.

Avoid meeting excessively with others and take care of your own soul, so that you might preserve her peace.

Avoid small sins, so that you might not fall into greater ones.

It is more profitable to resurrect your soul from the passions, contemplating the Divine, than it is to raise the dead.

Many have done wondrous deeds, raised the dead, and labored in asceticism; they worked great miracles in order to bring the lost to the path of salvation. Many have been brought to God through their efforts. However, many who raised the dead have fallen into shameful passions and by their sinful deeds that became known, have led many into temptation. In reality they themselves were sick, but instead of caring for their own soul, they threw themselves into the open sea of this world in order to heal and save the souls of others, thereby ruining both their hope and their souls.

Whoever despises the seductions and distractions of the mind that come from worldly affairs will meet his Master and Lord in his heart.

So that the Lord might pay attention to our virtues, they must be accompanied by physical temperance and a pure conscience.

It is better to live with eagles than with the greedy and insatiable.

It is better to live with a crippled and outcast person than with a proud man.

It is better to be persecuted than to persecute; it is better to be crucified than to crucify; it is better to be insulted than to insult; it is better to be slandered than to slander others.

Self-justification has no place in the life of a Christian, for it’s not found in any of Christ’s teachings.

If you love meekness, you will find peace in your soul. And if you become worthy to acquire peace, you will rejoice in any trial.

God forebears all our infirmities, but He cannot bear one who constantly murmurs, so He punishes him in order to correct him.

The lips and the heart that give thanks to God in any trial or temptation receive His blessing and Divine grace.

God’s grace is preceded by the humble thought, but God’s punishment is preceded by high-mindedness.

When your life is according to God, do not be saddened over afflictions or your passions, for God will lift them from you one day. Fear not death, my child for God has prepared greater things in order to raise us above death.

Elder Justin Pârvu
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