Monday, January 14, 2013

'Forpost' (Outpost) - What the Church Can Accomplish

(This film is not in English... but one can still get much from simply watching I think... If anyone knows where to find a version with English subtitles, please share it with me!) Russian documentary about Holy Ascension monastery in Ukraine which has also assumed the role of children's orphanage/hospice. The main character in the film is Father Michael - father of 29 adopted children along with three of his own biological children. He was awarded the title "Hero of Ukraine". Where are our hospitals, our soup kitchens, our schools? Indeed, where are they? Below is a video of what a monastery in the Ukraine is accomplishing. If they can do great things, why not us? Starets Mihail started the monastery in 1994 with four brothers. Now, the monastery has 90 monks and they are raising 220 orphan children. Fr. Mihail was an orphan himself ... The monastery is in Ucraina, 7 km from the northern Romanian border. They are serving in Ukrainian and Romanian languages because "we are (all) Orthodox."
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