Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Excuses will Hinder Spiritual Growth ( Elder Paisios )

Geronda,when people say that there is 'no excuse'
in Holy Scripture,what do they mean?
-They mean that in a sense,there is no justification for
any excuse.
-Geronda,when I try to justify myself with excuses,
I realise later that this does not befit a nun or a monk.
-Not only are excuses not befitting of a nun or a monk,
they also have nothing to do with the spiritual life.I must
understand that when i try to justify myself with excuses,
I'm in a wrong state of mind.I cut off my communication
with God and am deprived of divine Grace, because
divine Grace does not come to one who is in a wrong
state.The moment a person justifies the unjustifiable,he
is separated from God.A form of insulation intervenes
between God and man.Can an electric current pass
through insulation?No.Isolation.Isolation from God
and man.There is no stronger barrier to the Grace of God
than excuses! It is like building a wall and separating
yourself from God;by making excuses,you cut off all
ties with Him.
-Geronda,you often say,"Let us at least try to attain
to the spiritual base."What is this spiritual base"?
-It is the humble acknowledgement of one's mistake,
without knowingly attempting to justify himself in the
least,when he is at fault and when people reprimand him.
But when one doesn't stand up for himself even when
he's wrongly accused,well,then, that's when he gets an
excellent grade.One who justifies himself with excuses
makes no progress in the spiritual life,nor can he find
any inner peace.God will not condemn us for a mistake
we have made,but we must try not to justify ourselves
for that mistake,and consider it to be just a natural thing.
-Geronda,if I am told that i am at fault in something,
but cannot understand the nature of my fault,should i ask
about it so as to be more careful next time,or should I
keep silent?
-If you think that you're at fault 25 percent, when in
fact you are at fault only five percent,don't you profit
spiritually?Be "Generous" when weighing your faults;
you don't want to short- change yourself spiritually.This
is the spiritual work you must do;find and acknowledge
your fault,and "catch"yourself next time.Otherwise,
you are "caught" by yourself,you justify yourself but
you find no peace.
-Geronda,when someone has the habit of justifying
himself with excuses,but later recognizes his mistakes
and deplores himself,is this of any benefit?
-At least one has gained valuable experience,and if
this experience is utilized,he can benefit from it.And if
God should say,"Since he acknowledged his mistake and
repented,let me give him something,"then,of course,he
will receive something more from another Treasury,the
Treasury of repentance.

Elder Paisios of Mount Athos,
Spiritual Counsels Vol3, "SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE"
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