Πάντα να ζείτε σεμνά και ταπεινά, δίχως εγωισμό ( Όσιος Γεώργιος Καρσλίδης )

Πάντα να ζείτε σεμνά και ταπεινά, δίχως

εγωισμό… Πάντα να φροντίζετε ν’ αγαπάτε τους γέρους, τα ορφανά, τους αρρώστους. Να συναναστρέφεστε με φτωχούς και με ανθρώπους που οι άλλοι τους ταπεινώνουν.

Όσιος Γεώργιος Καρσλίδης

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me'' ( St. Paisius Velichkovsky )

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!!!" If one with desire and ceaselessly as the breath from his nostrils forms this Prayer, soon there will be in him the Holy Trinity, Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, and make a dwelling in him, and prayer will devour the heart and the heart prayer, and a man will begin day and night to
perform this prayer and will be delivered from all the nets of the enemy.

 One should say the Prayer of Jesus in this way: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!!!"

Whether you are standing, whether you are sitting, whether you are eating, whether you are travelling, whether you are doing anything else, constantly say this Prayer, fervently compelling yourself, for it strikes the invisible enemies as a soldier with a strong spear. 

St. Paisius Velichkovsky

If something is broken, lost, or stolen, God will decide if and when to replace it. ( St. John Chrysostomos )

Do you feel upset when you drop a plate or a pot, and it smashes into tiny pieces on the ground? Do you feel anxious when a strong wind is blowing, and you can hear the tiles on your roof coming loose? Do you feel worried about the crops in your field when it rains so hard that the ground is flooded? Do you feel frightened at night when you hear a door click or squeak, wondering if robbers have come to steal your goods? To feel those things is quite normal. Yet the challenge of our faith is that we become so indifferent to material possessions that nothing of this kind can concern us. Of course while we remain on this earth, we must have plates on which to serve our food, roofs above our heads to keep us dry, crops growing in the fields to feed us, and some basic pieces of furniture in our homes. But if we work hard day by day to the best of our abilities, we can be sure that God will provide what we need. And if something is broken, lost, or stolen, God will decide if and when to replace it.

St. John Chrysostomos