Sunday, January 5, 2014

Η δύναμη της ψυχής ( Γέροντας Ιωσήφ ο ησυχαστής )

Όλη η δύναμη της ψυχής είναι η προσευχή. Και καθώς το σώμα δυναμώνει με τις τροφές και τα διάφορα καρυκεύματα που του προσφέρουμε, έτσι και η ψυχή μας θέλει ευχή, ανάγνωση, λόγο προφορικό, να βλέπει παράδειγμα και έτσι λίγο-λίγο ξυπνάει! Με πολλή απλότητα να πορεύεσαι, για να βρεις την καθαρότητα της ψυχής. Η απλότητα είναι μεγάλη ευτυχία για την ψυχή!

Γέροντας Ιωσήφ ο ησυχαστής

The power of charity ( St. John Chrysostom )

Their power is so great that they not only cleanse sins but even do away with death itself. Let me explain how.

And who, someone might claim, has become greater than death through charity? Don’t worry, my beloved. Learn, from looking at things as they actually are, that the power of charity has destroyed even the tyranny of death.

There was once a woman called Tabitha, which translates as Gazelle (Acts, 9, 36-43). It was her daily task to earn spiritual riches for herself through charitable works. She clothed the widows and gave them all her possessions. It happened, however, that she fell ill and died.

But see how these women who’d been helped by her were able to repay their benefactress at the right time. They went to Saint Peter, say the Scriptures, and showed him the clothes and other things Tabitha had made and done when she was with them. They missed their mother-figure, probably shed tears, and gave the apostle cause to feel sad on their behalf.

So what did the blessed Peter do? He “got down on his knees and prayed. Turning towards the dead woman, he said, ‘Tabitha, get up’. She opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive” (Acts 9, 40-1).

Do you see the power of the apostle, or rather of the Lord who acted through him? Do you see what a reward she received- even in this life- for her good works? Because tell me, what did she give to the widows that was as great a thing as they gave her? She gave them food and clothing, but they brought her back to life and helped her to be released from death. Or rather, not them, but our merciful Lord, because of the services she had rendered them.

Do you see the power of the medicament? Let us all prepare it for ourselves, because, even though it’s so powerful, it’s not at all expensive. In fact, it’s really cheap, so it doesn’t require any great outlay. Because the value of charitable works doesn’t depend on vast amounts of money, but on the open-handedness of the people who do the giving. This is why somebody who gives a glass of cold water is well-received: so that we’ll learn that the Lord of all asks good will from each of us. It often happens that a person will do a great act of charity, even though they haven’t actually got that much themselves. This happens when their good intentions are very firm. And, of course, the opposite occurs as well: a person may have a lot, yet, because they’re petty by nature, it appears that they have less than those who indeed have little.

So, from the good things that the Lord has given us, let’s give generously to those in need. And what He’s given us, let’s give back to Him, so that they’ll become ours again, very much multiplied. Because the noble pride of the Lord is so great that, even though He receives what He Himself has given, He doesn’t consider that He’s receiving His own things, but promises to repay us for them with even greater generosity. But only if we want to demonstrate our own [generosity]. In other words, to give to the poor as if we were putting our gift into the hand of God, bearing in mind that the hand that receives our gift will not merely return it, but will grant us a hundred times more, thus demonstrating His great kindness towards us.

And why does He multiply this gift? Because, if we’re willing to give away something of what’s been given to us by the Lord Himself, and so long as we are willing to do that, then His hand not only returns the gift to us, but, along with it, He grants us the Kingdom of Heaven and acclaims us and crowns us and gives us innumerable good things.

So, is He asking something burdensome or difficult of us? Whatever’s uselessly and pointlessly shut away in chests and store-rooms, He wants us to share out, as we should, we ourselves, so that from this He can find occasion to crown us with all due ceremony. Because He hastens and rushes and is careful to ensure that what He’s promised us does actually come about.

I would beg you, therefore that we should not deprive ourselves of such wonderfully good things… What we have pointlessly stored, we should share for the upkeep of the poor. In this, there’s no chance that we’ll ever miss the mark; neither need we fear failure, which is what happens here on earth. Because it says: “He scattered, he gave to the poor”. And listen to what follows: “And his righteousness endures unto the ages of ages” (Ps. 111, 3).

What a wonderful sharing! In a brief period of time He made the distribution and His love lasts forever. Is anything that might exist more felicitous than that?

This is why I beg you, let us earn the love of God through charitable works so that it might truly be said of us, too, that they scattered, they gave to the poor, their love will last for ever. Because He spoke, scattered, and gave so that you wouldn’t think that what had been scattered was lost. Because He adds immediately: “His righteousness lasts unto the ages of ages”. The righteousness of those who have shared, remains unblemished, it stretches out into eternity and never ends.

St. John Chrysostom

Η αγάπη δεν ζητιέται. ( Αγιος Πορφύριος )

«Μακριά από τη Ζήλια. Τον κατατρώγει τον άνθρωπο. Από φθόνο, μια Μοναχή προς άλλη, την φαντάστηκε να ασχημονεί με τον πνευματικό, και το έλεγε σαν πραγματικότητα.

Όλα γίνονται στο φθονερό άνθρωπο. Εγώ τα έζησα. Οι άνθρωποι με είχαν για καλό και ερχόντουσαν πολλοί για να εξομολογηθούν. Και μου τα έλεγαν με ειλικρίνεια.

Μακριά από αυτά τα γυναικίστικα παράπονα. Το Χριστό, μωρέ, το Χριστό να αγαπήσουμε με πάθος, με θείο έρωτα.

Ευτυχισμένος ο μοναχός που έμαθε να αγαπάει όλους μυστικά. Δεν ζητά από τους άλλους αγάπη, ούτε τον νοιάζει να τον αγαπούν.

Εσύ αγάπα όλους, και προσεύχου μυστικά μέσα σου. Ξέχυνε την αγάπη σου προς όλους. Και θα έλθει ώρα που θα αγαπάς αβίαστα. Και θα νιώθεις, ότι όλοι σ’ αγαπούν. Ένα κοσμικό τραγούδι λέει:

«Μη μου ζητάς να σ’ αγαπώ.

Η αγάπη δεν ζητιέται.

Μέσα στα φύλλα της καρδιάς

μονάχη της γεννιέται».

Πάρ’ το πνευματικά. Εσύ σκόρπα φυσικά, από την καρδιά σου, την αγάπη του Χριστού.

Μερικοί μοναχοί, ιδίως γυναίκες, λένε:

- Μ’ αγαπάς;

- Γιατί δεν μ’ αγαπάς;

Πω πω! Πόσο μακριά είναι από την αγάπη του Χριστού!

Φτώχεια, πνευματική φτώχεια.

Μη σε νοιάζει αν σ’ αγαπούν. Εσύ μόνο ξεχείλιζε από αγάπη Χριστού προς όλους. Και τότε μυστικά έρχεται μια μεταβολή, μια αλλαγή σ’ όλο το σύνολο. Αυτό που σου λέω είναι η καλύτερη ιεραποστολή. Εφάρμοσέ το και τηλεφώνησέ μου τα αποτελέσματα».

Αγιος Πορφύριος

About Fasting ( Saint Seraphim of Sarov )

The leader of feats and our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, before setting out on the feat of redeeming the human race, fortified Himself with a lengthy fast. And all ascetics, proceeding to work for the Lord, armed themselves by fasting and did not set out on the path of the Cross without the feat of fasting. They measured the very success of their ascetism by their success in fasting.

Despite their fasting, and to the surprise of others, the holy fathers did not know weakness but always remained hearty, strong and ready for the task at hand. Illnesses were rare among them and their lives were extraordinarily prolonged.

During the time that the body of one fasting becomes thin and light, the spiritual life attains to perfection and reveals itself through miraculous manifestations. The spirit then performs its actions as if in a bodiless body. External feelings are as shut out, and the mind, renouncing the worldly, ascends to the heavenly and becomes completely immersed in the contemplation of the spiritual world. Yet not everyone can take upon himself strict rules of abstinence from everything, nor deprive himself completely of all that serves to relieve infirmities: "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it" (Mt. 19:12).

One should take enough food everyday to strengthen the body, so that it can be a friend and helper to the soul in accomplishing virtues: otherwise it can happen that through the exhaustion of the body the spirit can weaken. On Wednesdays and Fridays, particularly during the four Lenten periods, follow the example of the Fathers and take food once a day — and the Angel of the Lord will affix himself to you.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov

The Toll Houses

The most detailed version of the toll-houses occurs in a vision of Gregory of Thrace, apparently from the 10th century. The demons accuse the soul at each toll-house of sins. In some cases the demon might accuse the soul of sins that they tempted her with, but it didn't comply with, or of sins that she repented for, and in that cases one of the angels, the one which was the persons guardian angel, speaks for the person, saying that those are lies, and that payment is not necessary, taking the soul to the next toll-house. If a person has unrepented sins, and does not have enough good deeds and prayers of the living to pay for them, the demons of the corresponding toll-house grab him, and take him to hades to await the final judgment. This vision recounts the toll-houses in the following order:
At the first aerial toll-house, the soul is questioned about sins of the tongue, such as empty words, dirty talk, insults, ridicule, singing worldly songs, too much or loud laughter, and similar sins.
The second is the toll-house of lies, which includes not only ordinary lies, but also the breaking of oaths, the violation of vows given to God, taking God's name in vain, hiding sins during confession, and similar acts.
The third is the toll-house of slander. It includes judging, humiliating, embarrassing, mocking, and laughing at people, and similar transgressions.
The fourth is the toll-house of gluttony, which includes overeating, drunkenness, eating between meals, eating without prayer, not holding fasts, choosing tasty over plain food, eating when not hungry, and the like.
The fifth is the toll-house of laziness, where the soul is held accountable for every day and hour spent in laziness, for neglecting to serve God and pray, for missing Church services, and also for not earning money through hard, honest labor, for not working as much as you are paid, and all similar sins.
The sixth toll-house is the toll-house of theft, which includes stealing and robbery, whether small, big, light, violent, public, or hidden.
The seventh is the toll-house of covetousness, including love of riches and goods, failure to give to charity, and similar acts.
The eight is the toll-house of usury, loan-sharking, overpricing, and similar sins.
The ninth is the toll-house of injustice- being unjust, especially in judicial affairs, accepting or giving bribes, dishonest trading and business, using false measures, and similar sins.
The tenth is the toll-house of envy.
The eleventh is the toll-house of pride- vanity, self-will, boasting, not honoring parents and civil authorities, insubordination, disobedience, and similar sins.
The twelve is the toll-house of anger and rage.
The thirteenth is the toll-house of remembering evil- hatred, holding a grudge, and revenge.
The fourteenth is the toll-house of murder- not just plain murder, but also wounding, maiming, hitting, pushing, and generally injuring people.
The fifteenth is the toll-house of magic- divination, conjuring demons, making poison, all superstitions, and associated acts.
The sixteenth is the toll-house of lust- fornication, unclean thoughts, lustful looks, unchaste touches.
The seventeenth is the toll-house of adultery.
The eighteenth is the toll-house of sodomy: bestiality, homosexuality, incest, masturbation, and all other unnatural sins.
The nineteenth is the toll-house of heresy: rejecting any part of Orthodox faith, wrongly interpreting it, apostasy, blasphemy, and all similar sins.
The last, twentieth toll-house is the toll-house of unmercifulness: failing to show mercy and charity to people, and being cruel in any way.

Η θεία μέθη ( Γέροντας Παΐσιος )

- Γέροντα, φοβάμαι μήπως δεν σωθώ.

- Μη φοβάσαι∙ μαζί θα πάμε επάνω. Μόνο να πης στην Γερόντισσα να μας δώση δύο μεγάλα μπουκάλια για τον δρόμο -πρόσεξε να είναι πλαστικά για να μην σπάσουν στο ταξίδι!... Θα τα γεμίσουμε νερό και ,μέχρι να ανεβούμε στον Ουρανό, από την κούραση θα το πιούμε! Μόνον τρία δάκτυλα θα αφήσουμε και θα παρακαλέσουμε τον Χριστό να το ευλογήση, να το κάνη κρασί και μετά θα το πιούμε και θα μεθύσουμε πνευματικά κοντά στον Χριστό.

- Γέροντα, ποιό είναι αυτό το νερό;

- Είναι η αγάπη προς τον χριστό και τους αδελφούς .

- Και η μέθη;

- Είναι η μέθη από το Άγιο πνεύμα. Αυτοί που μεθούν από το Άγιο Πνεύμα , αγάλλονται συνέχεια από την στοργή του Θεού, του Πατέρα τους.

Αν μεθύση ο άνθρωπος πνευματικά με το ουράνιο κρασί, η ζωή του εδώ στην γη γίνεται μαρτυρική, με την καλή όμως έννοια. Αχρηστεύεται για τον κόσμο, αδιαφορεί για καθετί γήινο και όλα τα «θεωρεί σκύβαλα». Βλέπεις, όσοι πίνουν πολύ και μεθούν, μετά δεν νοιάζονται για τίποτε. «Μπάρμπα- Θανάση, το καλύβι σου καίγεται», φώναζαν σε κάποιο γεροντάκι που το καλύβι του είχε πάρει φωτιά. «Άσ’ το να καή» έλεγε αυτός, γιατί είχε πιει και ήταν μεθυσμένος!...

Η άλλη μέθη, η ουράνια, είναι καλή, αλλά πρέπει να είναι κανείς συνέχεια εκεί, στο ατέλειωτο βαρέλι, το ουράνιο. Εύχομαι να βρήτε την παραδεισένια θεία κάνουλα και να πίνετε και να μεθάτε συνέχεια από το παραδεισένιο κρασί. Αμήν!

Γέροντας Παΐσιος

Καλοπερνας καλα !!!! ( Γέροντας Τύχων )

Πολύ στενοχωριόταν, όταν έβλεπε καλοθρεμμένο νέο, και περισσότερο, όταν έβλεπε καλοθρεμμένο Καλόγηρο, επειδή δεν ταιριάζουν τα παχιά με το
Αγγελικό Σχήμα.

Μια μέρα τον επισκέφτηκε ένας λαϊκός πολύ χονδρός και του λέει:
- Γέροντα, έχω πόλεμο σαρκικό με βρώμικους λογισμούς, πού δεν μ' αφήνουν καθόλου να ησυχάσω.
Ό Παπα - Τυχών του είπε:
- Εάν, παιδί μου, εσύ θα κάνης υπακοή, με την Χάρη του Χρίστου εγώ θα σε κάνω Άγγελο. Να λες, παιδί μου, συνέχεια την ευχή, το Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, ελέησόν με, και να περνάς όλες τις ήμερες με ψωμί και νερό, και το Σάββατο και την Κυριακή να τρως φαγητό με λίγο λάδι. Να κάνης και από εκατόν πενήντα μετάνοιες την νύκτα και να διαβάζης μετά την Παράκληση της Παναγίας και ένα κεφάλαιο από το Ευαγγέλιο και το Συναξάρι του Αγίου της ημέρας.

Μετά από έξιμήνες, πού τον ξαναεπισκέφτηκε, ο Γέροντας δεν μπόρεσε να τον γνωρίση, γιατί είχαν φύγει όλα τα περίσσια παχιά, και με ευκολία πια
χωρούσε από την στενή πόρτα του Ναού του.

 Ό Γέροντας τον ρώτησε:
- Πώς περνάς τώρα, παιδί μου;
Κι εκείνος απήντησε:
- Τώρα νιώθω πραγματικά σαν Άγγελος, γιατί δεν έχω ούτε σαρκικές ενοχλήσεις ούτε και βρώμικους λογισμούς και αισθάνομαι πολύ ελαφρός, πού έφυγαν τα πάχη. 

Γέροντας Τύχων