Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ο Παντοδυναμος Θεός μας κάλεσε στον ουρανό, αλλα εμείς διαλεξαμε τον άδη!

Ο Θεός μας κάλεσε στον ουρανό , μα εμείς προτιμήσαμε τον άδη. Αποδειχθήκαμε ανάξιοι της τιμής που μας έκανε. Ύστερ' από τις τόσες ευεργεσίες Του, φανήκαμε αχάριστοι αλλά και ασύνετοι. Αφήσαμε τον διάβολο να μας γυμνώσει από' όλες τις θεϊκές δωρεές.

Κι έτσι, εμείς, που αξιωθήκαμε να είμαστε παιδιά και αδέλφια και κληρονόμοι του Θεού ,δεν ξεχωρίζουμε καθόλου από τους εχθρούς Του, που χλευάζουν τη μεγαλοσύνη Του και καταπατούν τον νόμο Του. «Αλίμονο, ψυχή μου!», αναφωνώ μαζί με τον προφήτη. «Χάθηκε η ευσέβεια από τη γη.

Ούτ' ένας δεν υπάρχει που να κάνει το καλό» ( Μιχ. 7:1-2 ) .
Ξέρω ότι πολλοί θεωρούν τα λόγια μου υπερβολικά . Άλλοι ίσως και να γελούν. Τόσο ανόητοι είμαστε , που γελάμε για όσα θα έπρεπε να κλαίμε. «Γιατί η οργή του Θεού φανερώνεται από τον ουρανό, για να τιμωρήσει κάθε ασέβεια και αδικία των ανθρώπων» ( Ρωμ. 1: 18 ).

«Ο Θεός , ο Θεός μας θα έρθει φανερά και θα λύσει πια τη σιωπή Του. Μπροστά Του θα πηγαίνει φωτιά δυνατή, ολόγυρά Του θα ξεσπάει καταιγίδα σφοδρή» ( Ψαλμ. 49: 3 ) . «Η φωτιά, που θα προπορεύεται, θα κατακαίει γύρω τους εχθρούς Του» ( Ψαλμ.96: 3 ) . «Να, έρχεται η μέρα του Κυρίου σαν αναμμένο καμίνι» ( Μαλ. 4: 1 ) .
Κανένας δεν δίνει σημασία σε τούτες τις προρρήσεις των Γραφών. Τα φοβερά λόγια των προφητών περιφρονούνται σαν παραμύθια. Πώς, λοιπόν, θα σωθούμε; Πώς θ' αποφύγουμε τη δίκαιη τιμωρία; «Χαθήκαμε, αφανιστήκαμε» ( Αριθ. 17:27 ) , γίναμε περιγέλια των απίστων, των ειδωλολατρών και των δαιμόνων.

Ο διάβολος καμαρώνει και χαίρεται. Οι φύλακες άγγελοί μας είναι ντροπιασμένοι και σκυθρωποί. Και οι κήρυκες της Εκκλησίας, που μάταια μας καλούν καθημερινά σε μετάνοια, απογοητευμένοι από την αδιαφορία μας ,καταφεύγουν ,σαν τους προφήτες του Ισραήλ ,στα άψυχα στοιχεία, που, μολονότι άλογα, υποτάσσονται πάντα στους νόμους και όρους του Κτίστη τους, χωρίς ποτέ να παραβαίνουν τη θεία τάξη: «Άκου, ουρανέ, και βάλε στ' αυτιά σου, γη, γιατί μιλάει ο Κύριος: " Γέννησα παιδιά και τα μεγάλωσα, αυτά όμως μ' αρνήθηκαν" » (Ησ. 1:2 ).
Εμάς αφορούν αυτά τα λόγια. Εμείς αρνηθήκαμε τον Πλάστη και Ευεργέτη μας. Εμείς γίναμε πιο άλογοι κι από τα άλογα κτίσματα, καταπατώντας τους φυσικούς και θεόσδοτους νόμους. Καιρός είναι, λοιπόν, να μετανοήσουμε. Καιρός είναι να συνέλθουμε. Όσοι από μας είναι ακόμα υγιείς, ας βοηθήσουν τους αρρώστους.

Όσοι είναι όρθιοι, ας απλώσουν φιλάδελφα το χέρι τους στους πεσμένους. Όσοι βαδίζουν σταθερά στο δρόμο της σωτηρίας, ας προσελκύσουν κι εκείνους που τριγυρνούν στις γκρεμοτοπιές της απώλειας. Ας μη νοιαζόμαστε μόνο για το συμφέρον μας, αλλά και για την ωφέλεια των αδελφών μας. Όλοι φροντίζουμε ν' αυξήσουμε τα κέρδη μας, κανένας να βοηθήσει εκείνους που έχουν ανάγκη. Όλοι απλώνουμε τα χέρια για να πάρουμε, κανένας για να δώσει. Όλοι σκεφτόμαστε πώς θα παρατείνουμε την επίγεια ζωή μας, κανένας πώς θα σώσει την ψυχή του.

Όλοι φοβόμαστε την επίγεια δυστυχία, κανένας δεν τρέμει την αιώνια κόλαση. Άφατη είναι η οδύνη της ψυχής μου για την πώρωσή μας. «Ποιος μπορεί να κάνει το κεφάλι μου πηγάδι με νερό και τα μάτια μου πηγές δακρύων, για να κλαίω το λαό μου τούτο μέρα και νύχτα;» ( Ιερ. 9:1 ) .
Ίσως μερικοί από σας να λένε με δυσφορία: "Όλο για δάκρυα και θρήνους μας μιλάει αυτός εδώ, όλα μαύρα κι άραχνα τα βλέπει". Δεν θα το ήθελα , πιστέψτε με, δεν θα το ήθελα. Μόνο χαρά κι ευφροσύνη θα ποθούσα να νιώθω, μόνο επαίνους και εγκώμια ν' αναφέρω. Μα δεν είναι καιρός για τέτοια . Τι κι αν δεν κλαίω, αφού τα έργα μας είναι για κλάματα; Τι και αν δεν θρηνώ, αφού τα έργα μας είναι αξιοθρήνητα; Σας ενοχλεί η θρηνολογία μου; Αλλά γιατί δεν σας ενοχλούν οι αμαρτίες σας; Είναι αποκρουστικός ο οδυρμός μου; Αλλά μήπως δεν είναι, και περισσότερο μάλιστα , ο αντίθετος βίος σας; Μην πέσετε στην κόλαση, και δεν πενθώ.

Μην πεθάνετε ψυχικά, και δεν κλαίω. Βλέποντάς σας, όμως, να χάνεστε, πώς να μη λυπάμαι; Πατέρας σας είμαι, πατέρας πνευματικός και φιλόστοργος . Ακούστε τι λέει ο Παύλος: «Παιδιά μου, (που σας γέννησα πνευματικά), για την αναγέννησή σας πάλι περνώ τους πόνους της (πνευματικής) γέννας» ( Γαλ. 4: 19 ) . Ποια επίτοκη γυναίκα αφήνει τόσο πικρή φωνή, σαν αυτή του απόστολου;
Ω, αν μπορούσατε να καταλάβετε και τον δικό μου πόνο, αν μπορούσατε να δείτε τη φωτιά που καίει την καρδιά μου, θα διαπιστώνατε πως υποφέρω πολύ περισσότερο από τη νιόπαντρη, που χάνει τον άνδρα της, κι από τον πατέρα, που χάνει τον γιο του. Υποφέρω, γιατί η ζωή σας είναι γεμάτη ψεύδη και συκοφαντίες , διαμάχες και μίση, αδικίες και κλοπές , μοιχείες και ασέλγειες, κακουργίες και φόνους. Υποφέρω, γιατί και όσοι από σας δεν διαπράττουν τέτοια αμαρτήματα, πέφτουν καθημερινά στην κατάκριση και στην καταλαλιά. Νομίζουν πως είναι χριστιανοί, αλλά δεν φροντίζουν να είναι ευάρεστοι στο Χριστό, δεν προσέχουν τον εαυτό τους, δεν αφοσιώνονται στην θεραπεία της ψυχής τους.

Με τους άλλους ασχολούνται, τους άλλους κρίνουν, τους άλλους καταδικάζουν σαν αμείλικτοι δικαστές. "Ο τάδε είναι ανάξιος για το αξίωμα της ιερωσύνης", αποφαίνονται. "Ο δείνα είναι άσεμνος". "Ετούτος είναι υποκριτής" . "Εκείνος είναι αλήτης". "Ο άλλος είναι συμφεροντολόγος".

Αντί, όμως να λυπόμαστε και να μετανοούμε για τις δικές μας αμαρτίες, κρίνουμε τους συνανθρώπους μας. Ακόμα κι αν δεν αμαρτάναμε, ακόμα κι αν είχαμε όλα τα χαρίσματα του κόσμου, ακόμα κι αν ήμασταν ανώτεροι απ' όλους τους ανθρώπους, δεν θα έπρεπε να κρίνουμε κανέναν. «Αλήθεια», ρωτάει τον καθένα μας, ο Απόστολος Παύλος, «ποιος σ' έκανε εσένα ανώτερο από τους άλλους; Ποιο χάρισμα έχεις , που να μην το έλαβες από το Θεό; Αφού, λοιπόν, το έλαβες, γιατί καυχιέσαι σαν να μην το είχες λάβει ως δώρο; « ( Α΄ Κορ. 4:7 ) .

Πολύ περισσότερο τώρα, που καθημερινά αμαρτάνουμε με τον ένα ή το άλλο τρόπο, δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να ξεστομίζουμε κακό λόγο για οποιοδήποτε αδελφό μας. «Γι' αυτό», ξαναλέει ο σοφός Παύλος «είσαι αδικαιολόγητος, άνθρωπέ μου, εσύ που κρίνεις τον άλλο. Κρίνοντας τον άλλο, καταδικάζεις τον ίδιο σου τον εαυτό. Γιατί κι εσύ, ο κριτής, τα ίδια κάνεις.


Why Fast ( Elder Ambrose of Optina )

In the Scripture, we see the necessity to observe fasts, firstly from the example set by Christ Himself, who fasted 40 days in the wilderness, even though He was God and had no need of this. Secondly, to the Disciples’ question as to why they could not drive out the evil spirit in a person, He replied: "Through your unbelief;" and then added: "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." (Mark 9:29) Apart from this, there are directions in the Scripture that we must observe Wednesdays and Fridays as days of fasting. On Wednesday, Christ was given up for crucifixion and on Friday, He was crucified.

Plain food is not nasty food. It does not corrupt the body but fattens it. And St.Apostle Paul says: "Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day" (2 Cor 4:16) He calls the outward person as body and the inward, as the soul.

The Bible states that every deprivation and every constraint is precious before God: "...the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matt. 11:12) Those who audaciously and wilfully violate the established fasting rules, are called enemies of the Cross. To them, their God is their stomach and their glory lies in their shame. It is stated in the Psalms: "lost through the stomach." Understandably, its another matter if a person violates the fast due to an illness and weakness of the body. But the healthy become healthier and on top of that, they sometimes live longer even though they may look gaunt. With fasting and self-restraint, the body does not rebel as much, we don’t succumb to sleep as much, less empty thoughts invade our mind, and spiritual books are read more eagerly and with greater understanding.

And so, if by the grace of God you developed a desire to cleanse yourself of your internal iniquities – let it be known to you that their origins cannot be extracted except through sincere prayer and fasting, and then sagaciously. Otherwise, you may have a foolhardy example that occurred here. One landowner, living an indulgent life suddenly wanted to observe a severe fast: he resolved that all he would eat during Great Lent is ground hemp-seed washed down with kvass (a Russian soft drink). From this severe change of indulgence to fasting, his stomach was so damaged that it could not be remedied after one whole year. Incidentally, there are words of Holy Fathers that tell us we should not be body killers but vice killers.

Elder Ambrose of Optina

Prophesies ( Father Seraphim of Vyrytsa )

"God is strong enough to restore those who labor, if we ask Him. Let us keep praying and begging — and God will recover even from stones his chosen ones." "At least once in our life we need to light a candle for those we have offended, or deceived, from whom we stole, or to whom we did not pay debts."

The Elder said that the time would come when 40 people would cling to every believer for he would save them. "God would wait for a thousand years that at least one man might be saved to replenish the number of fallen angels."

The Elder said that God gave us a soul, but our body is inherited from our parents and grand parents, that is why together with our body we receive part of their sins. They are waiting for our prayers and feel great joy when we pray for them, and those who are in the Heavenly Kingdom help us.

The Holy Elder could see not only the future lives of people, but also the future of our church and the country. The witness to it is his poetry written in 1939: The storm will pass over the land of Russia God will forgive the sins of Russian men. The Holy Cross in its majestic splendor will shine above the churches' domes again. The bells will ring awakening from horror from sins to salvation The holy houses of the Lord will open their doors ,and faith in God will bring us all together.

The Elder said that the time would come when the beginning of the verse will read as "The storm has passed over the land of Russia."

One time to answer his spiritual son's question about the future of Russia, the Elder suggested to him to look out the window. The man saw through the window the Gulf of Finland and many ships under different flags in it. "What does this mean?" — He asked the Father. The Elder answered: "The time will come when spiritual life in Russia will blossom." Many churches and monasteries will be opened, even people of other religions will come here to be baptized in Orthodoxy. Although this will not last long — maybe fifteen years, after which Antichrist will come."

He would say that after the East becomes strong, the world would become unstable. "They are bigger in number, and not only that — their workers are honest and sober people, and here — so much alcoholism..."

As those witnesses remember, the blessed Elder said: " the East will be baptized in Russia. The Heavenly Kingdom and those on earth who understand pray for the enlightening of the East."

"The time will come when Russia will be torn into pieces. The entire country will be partitioned first and then despoiled. The West will welcome the decay of Russia and till a certain time will agree that China takes the eastern part of Russia. Japanese will lay their hands on the Far East of Russia and the Chinese — on Siberia; they will move to Siberia, marry Russians, and in the long run by means of treachery and deceit, will occupy the territory of Siberia all way to Ural. When they are ready to go further, the West will resist it."

"Many countries will assail Russia, but she will hold out, although she will loose a major part of its territory. The war mentioned by the prophets and the Holy Gospel, will cause the unification of mankind. People in the world will understand that they are moving to a dead end, destruction of everything live, and will eventually elect a Common Government — this will be a precursor of the enthronement of Antichrist. Then, the persecution of Christians will start all over, people will flee to Russia in huge numbers, and one will need to go with the first, for many who stay will perish."

The Elder loved young people with all his heart. At that time young people went to church very rarely, if ever; so he was especially happy when they visited him. Father Seraphim spoke about the tremendous role of young people in the future rebirth of the Church. He said that "the time would come (and is already coming) when immorality and corruption will reach the lowest depths. There will be scarcely any purity left in young people. They will see no showstoppers in satisfying their whims, for they will be sure in their impunity. They will get together into groups and gangs to commit robberies, and live dissolute lives. At a certain time there will be a call from God and it will no longer be possible for them to live that kind of life, and they will turn to God, everyone by his own road, many will feel a craving for asceticism. Those who were sinners will be in the churches, fallen people will feel a strong need for a spiritual life, and many will become monks and nuns. The monasteries will be reopened, the churches will be full of people the majority of which will be young. The young will be going on pilgrimages to holy places — what a wonderful time this will be! The more they sin now — the more fervent their repentance will be. As a candle sparkles bright before it goes out, the same with the life of the Church. This time is near."

"God blessed Russia so generously with richness and beauty: forests, lakes, rivers, and mineral resources. Sadly, people live without God, but the earth is the mother, she gives bread and life. The enemies — the God battling authorities will not let people get back to the earth for a long time. The earth can feed everybody and everything can be set, but this not what the enemy wants, not a newly born Russia. Nonetheless, Russia will live from her earth."

"Jerusalem will become the capital of Israel and in time must be the capital of the world. For it is the center of the earth, the Savior of the world was crucified there and raised from death."

Father Seraphim knew about his future glorification and said: "Do not haste to dig my body out. Rely on God... I do not want my body to be subject to trade."

His spiritual children preserved one more verse of the Elder written in 1946: "Glory to the marvelous God our Lord! Sing and rejoice, oh my soul I am in craving for a holy abode Where Jesus is the sweetest of joys You alone are the hope of my life In sorrows and sickness, my strength Be my joy, my cover and hope I give my whole life to you Glory to the marvelous God our Lord! Sing and rejoice oh my soul I am in craving for a holy abode where Jesus is the sweetest of joys."


«Δόξα εις τον Γολγοθά του Χρίστου». ( Γέροντας Τύχων )

Η προσευχή του π. Τύχων
Ω Θείε Γολγοθά, αγιασμένε με το αίμα του Χρίστου!
Σε παρακαλούμε, πες μας πόσες χιλιάδες αμαρτωλών με την Χάρη του Χρίστου,
την μετάνοια και τα δάκρυα καθάρισες και γέμισες τον νυμφώνα του Παραδείσου;
Ω! με τηναγάπη σου την άρρητη, Χριστέ Βασιλιά,
με την Χάρη Σου όλα τα ουράνια παλάτια γέμισες από μετανοούντας αμαρτωλούς.
Συ και εδώ κάτω όλους ελεείς και σώζεις.
Και ποιος μπορεί αντάξια να Σε ευχαρίστηση, έστω κι αν είχε Αγγελικό νουν;
Αμαρτωλοί, ελατέ γρήγορα. Ό Άγιος Γολγοθάς είναι ανοικτός και ο Χριστός εύσπλαχνος.
Προσπέσετε προς Αυτόν και φιλήσετε τα άγια Του πόδια.
Μόνον Αυτός σαν εύσπλαχνος μπορεί να γιατρέψη τις πληγές σας!
"Ω, θα είμαστε ευτυχείς, όταν ο πολυεύσπλαχνος Χριστός μας αξίωση με μεγάλη
ταπείνωση και φόβο Θεού και καυτά δάκρυα να πλύνωμε τα πανάχραντα
Του πόδια και με αγάπη να τα φιλήσουμε! Τότε ο Χριστός εύσπλαχνος θα
ευδοκήση να πλύνη τις αμαρτίες μας και θα μας άνοιξη τις πόρτες του
Παραδείσου, όπου με μεγάλη χαρά, μαζί με τους Αρχαγγέλους και Αγγέλους,
τα Χερουβείμ και τα Σεραφείμ και με όλους τους Αγίους, αιώνια θα
δοξάζωμεν τον Σωτήρα του κόσμου, τον γλυκύτατο Ιησού Χριστό, τον Αμνό
του Θεού μαζί με τον Πατέρα και το Άγιο Πνεύμα, την Όμοούσιο και
αδιαίρετο Τριάδα.

Ιερομόναχος Τυχών - Άγιον Όρος

Μνήμη θανάτου ( Γέροντας Ιερώνυμος της Αιγίνης )

Φόβον Θεού να έχεις και φόβον θανάτου.
Αυτά τα δύο αν έχεις από πολλά θα σε περιμαζέψουν.
Να διατηρείς εις την μνήμην σου αυτούς τους φόβους.

Μελέτα το τέλος του βίου.
Μελέτα την ματαιότητα και το σύντομο της εδώ ζωής.
Τόσα χρόνια πού έζησες, είναι σαν ένα λεπτό.

Γέροντας Ιερώνυμος της Αιγίνης 

Paraklesis to St. Stylianos of Paphlagonia

St. Stylianos of Paphlagonia, the Righteous, and Protector of Children – Commemorated November 26

Paraklesis to St. Stylianos of Paphlagonia, the Protector of Children

Note: The following is an amateur translation from the Greek, and as such, I request reviewing the translation before any public/liturgical use. Also note that the meter of this translation is not set to match the original music.

After the “Blessed is our God…”, the Psalm “Lord, hear my prayer…”

Then “God is the Lord…” four times with verses, followed by the following

Troparion in the Fourth Tone

As a worker of God-given wonders, and a protector of the youth and infants, O Stylianos, our Father and healer of Christ, grant children to barren mothers, and ever cover newborn babes, for to you was richly granted grace from God, as you struggled for Him in asceticism as an angel.

Glory. Both now.

O Theotokos, we shall never be silent…

Psalm 50, followed by the Canon in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone

Ode I.

O Saint of God, intercede on our behalf.

Dissolve, O Stylianos, the shackles of barrenness from those storm-tossed, through your fervent visitation, and entreat for the remission of their offenses.

O Saint of God, intercede on our behalf.

Extend, O Father, as one compassionate, your providence as far-shining rays, and invisibly enwrap and protect nursing babes, O Righteous one.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Cease all infections and passions, and all distress and every affliction, and keep our children unharmed, O Stylianos, as a loving Father.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Theotokion.

My strength and my song and my life, my joy and rejoicing, my guidance and protection, you are, O Virgin who held God, therefore ever protect me, O Spotless one.

Ode III.

You are my help, O Stylianos, and the covering and physician of the newly-born. Therefore, deliver them.

Who can recount your wonders, O Righteous Saint? For you ever deliver us from sicknesses and dangers.


Water with the noetic water of your blessing, newborns, who entreat your grace, O God-bearer.

Both now. Theotokion.

Enlighten me, O All-spotless one, with the sweetest light of repentance, me who am in the night of unclean passions, through your all-powerful might.

Deliver, O God-bearer Stylianos, those who entreat you from every danger and injury, and ever bless the newborn infants.

Look down on me, O All-hymned Theotokos…

Then the entreaty, followed by the Kathisma in the Second Tone

A giver of many incorruptible gifts, you were shown to be, O Stylianos, through your divine strength, and you were revealed to be a perfect nourisher of babes, and a radiant guardian. Nourish and increase these mystically, with the milk of incorruptible goodness.

Ode IV.

Look down immaterially with your gladsome eye, upon all those gathered, and fill them with heavenly peace and gladness.

Heal those in sickness, and lighten those burdened, O Righteous one, and dissipate the stench of the passions, as an inexhaustible spring of wonders.


Your grace was shown to be a great protector of the youth and babes, therefore preserve them, O Stylianos, blessed by God.

Both now. Theotokion.

From your womb dawned the Sun of Righteousness, from Whose illumination, enlighten me, and guide me by His light.

Ode V.

Invisibly visit, O Stylianos, these fragile babes and newborn roots, and protect them from every influence [of the evil one].

Grant healing and deliverance of souls and bodies, through the energy of your godly gifts, to those who hasten, O our Father, to your protection.


Become my protector, and fervent deliverer. Through various trials, O Stylianos, you truly deliver me from dangers.

Both now. Theotokion.

Enlighten us through the radiance and noetic lightning of your greatness, O Mariam, blessed one, desired-of by the whole world.

Ode VI.

Your holy icon is beheld as a sun, lightning with noetic light, and with mystical rays, O God-bearer, ever keep the newborns warm, and wondrously quicken them and grant them graceful renewal.

We have come to know you as a godly path of youth, and a true rod for old age, O Father Stylianos, we who are broken in soul cry to you: do not cease to guard and guide us towards better things.


Make the newborn babes to have full and vibrant rejoicing, and be full of grace, through your providence, drive from them every gloom and illness and sadness, O compassionate one.

Both now. Theotokion.

Lift me up from the pit of evil, O Uplifted One, to the throne of the Creator, O Pure and Blessed Theotokos, towards noetic uplifting and grace, lifting up my soul, and cleanse me from dangers.

Deliver, O God-bearer Stylianos, those who entreat you from every danger and injury, and ever bless the newborn infants.

Spotless one, who by a word did bring to us the Word eternal…

The entreaty, followed by the Kontakion in the Second Tone.

You are the inexhaustible spring of healings, and the most-fervent protector of infants, O blessed Stylianos, deliver from various dangers those who call upon your calling with fervor.

St. Stylianos (source)


Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Righteous one.

Verse: What shall I offer to the Lord, for all that He has given to us?

The Gospel according to St. Luke (6:17-23)

At that time, Jesus went down with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples was there and a great number of people from all over Judea, from Jerusalem, and from the coastal region around Tyre and Sidon, who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. Those troubled by impure spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all. Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.”


Through the intercessions of Your Righteous one, O Merciful One, blot out the multitude of my offenses.

Both now.

Through the intercessions of the Theotokos…

Verse: Have mercy on me, O Merciful One, according to Your great mercy…

Prosomoion in the Plagal of the Second Tone.

Hearken from above, O Father, to those who fervently entreat you, and who ask of your intercessions, and O Righteous one, heal babes and newborns from febrile illnesses, and grant them grace and health, as a most-compassionate one, that having received your God-given medicines, O Stylianos, you might magnify them to the true measure of age.

The Priest: Save, O God, Your people, and bless Your inheritance…

Ode VII.

Deliver from blights, besoiling infections and unclean passions, and every sadness and danger and frenzy, those who cry out and ever hymn you, O thrice-blessed Stylianos.

As the defender of infants, you have been renewed, and a preserver of youth, and a healer of barrenness, making them to be fertile through Christ, O sacred Stylianos, through your radiant asceticism.


Strange wonders, and a multitude of healings, and God-given gifts, springing-forth water, and quenching the furnace of wants and trials, and joyously renewing our minds.

Both now.

O Lady of calming countenance, auspiciously transform the sorrow of my soul and bitter anguish, into divine gladness, and hasten to deliver me, through your strong hand, delivering me from danger.


Make fruitful, O Father, barren mothers, through your speedy intercessions, for they entreat you, pacing, with their whole souls, O Stylianos.

Pour forth grace from your all-holy Icon, through the covering of the Spirit, O Father, and nourish and gladden newborns and infants.


You appear angelic in form, whispering to motherly embracing, fill them, O Godly-minded one, with joy and laughter.

Both now.

Deliver me, O most-supremely Blessed One, from bodily and spiritual pains, through your coming, help me in dangers.

Ode IX.

Heal the sicknesses of nurslings, and whisper to children, O our Father, accepting their mothers’ tears.

You cause every child-corrupting danger to wilt, and keep the innocent ranks of children vibrant and thriving, O Father.


O Stylianos, hasten to deliver me from the writ of my shame, and unhealable dangers from my evil habits and deeds, O God-bearer.

Both now.

Lift up, and hearken, O Full of Grace, to the groans from the depths of my soul, and do not disdain me, who am found in afflictions.

Then “Truly it is meet to call you blessed…”, followed by the Megalynaria:

You were found to be sanctified from your mother’s womb, as the glorious Samuel, and you were shown a true giver, through your virtuous life, O blessed Stylianos, to Him Who glorified you.

Hail, O guide of continence, and divine adornment of dispassion, hail the type of the Righteous in asceticism, O Stylianos, equal to the Angels.

O God-bearer, you are a protector and preserver and provider for newborns, and children and infants, through the divine inbreathing: deliver them from every influence [of the evil one].

Behold, and hearken to the groans of mothers, O godly-minded one, who have taken refuge in you, and hasten to deliver their children from the frenzy of the enemy, O thrice-blessed Stylianos.

As vibrant and joyous flowers, beautiful in appearance and innocent in manner, O wise one, invisibly keep our children, O all-blessed Stylianos, for those who praise you.

Having boldness before Christ, O thrice-blessed Righteous one, do not cease to entreat for those who ask for your aid, that we be delivered from every danger.

All the ranks of Angels, God’s messengers…

The Trisagion, followed by the:

Apolytikion in the Third Tone

A living monument of self restraint, an immovable pillar of the Church you were shown to be, blessed Stylianos, for you were dedicated to God from your youth, and were seen as a dwelling place of the Spirit. Holy Father, entreat Christ our God, to grant us His great mercy.

Petitions, and the Priest commemorates those on behalf of whom the Parakesis is offered. Then the Apolysis, followed by the following:

Prosomoion in the Second Tone

You have been shown a great guide and protector of children and infants and babes, and a true physician, through the Grace of the Spirit. Deliver newborns from weaknesses and afflictions, and various illnesses, keeping them unharmed, and blessing them and speaking to them, that they grow up well, O Stylianos, blessed by God.

Lady, do you receive…

My numerous hopes are placed…

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers…

St. Stylianos