Sunday, March 24, 2013

Με την ταπείνωση και την προσευχή διορθώνονται όλα τα αδιόρθωτα!

"Παλιά, για να κάνει κανείς κάτι, αν ήταν κοσμικός άνθρωπος θα σκεφτόταν. Αν ήταν πνευματικός άνθρωπος, θα σκεφτόταν και θα προσευχόταν.
Στην εποχή μας ακόμη και «πνευματικοί» άνθρωποι όχι μόνο δεν προσεύχονται, αλλά ούτε σκέφτονται. Και μάλιστα, συχνά πρόκειται για σοβαρά θέματα, και αυτοί κάνουν πρόβες με τον κόσμο.

Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις, πριν ενεργήσουμε, να λέμε: «Σκέφτηκα γι' αυτό; Προσευχήθηκα γι' αυτό;»

Όταν κανείς ενεργεί, χωρίς να σκεφθεί και χωρίς να προσευχηθεί, ενεργεί σατανικά. Και βλέπεις, συχνά πολλοί χριστιανοί με τον τρόπο που ενεργούν, δεν αφήνουν τον Θεό να επέμβει. Νομίζουν ότι αυτοί θα τα καταφέρουν όλα μόνοι τους. Ενώ ακόμα και ο άπιστος λέει «έχει ο Θεός», αυτοί δεν το λένε.

Συνέχεια ανθρώπινες προσπάθειες και δεν αφήνουν τον Θεό να ενεργήσει. Δεν καταφεύγουν στην προσευχή, ώστε να απαντήσει ο Θεός δια της προσευχής. Με την ταπείνωση και την προσευχή διορθώνονται όλα τα αδιόρθωτα".

Γεροντας Παϊσιος

Miraculous Icon of the Theotokos: the "Megalochari" of Tinos

Miraculous Icon of the Theotokos: the "Megalochari" of Tinos
"The miracle-working of the Holy Icon of the Annunciation of the Island of Tinos has been known since long age all over the world and thousands of Christians souls in every part of our planet feel its graceful influence in the difficult moments of their lives. The Sacred Church of the Megalochari [meaning “Great Grace”, referring to the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel to the Theotokos “Hail of Full of Grace, the Lord is with you!”] of Tinos has since long been internationally recognized as a place of pilgrimage and as a philanthropic organization.

The sacred emotion and the mystical atmosphere present among the mass of believers at the Great Feasts of the Church, shake even those who know but few things about the Holy Icon.
No foreigner among those who visit the island remains unmoved in front of the Church of the Holy Virgin, which like a divine crown adorns, covers and guards the town of Tinos and most of the days of his stay there his interests is attracted by the Church.

The present edition is addressed to all our foreign fellow-men, who, irrespective of their language, nationality or religion, would like to get to know the Holy Foundation of the Annunciation of Tinos. It will try to present as shortly as possible a vivid picture about the Sacred Church, the history of the miracle-working Icon, the philanthropic, social and national activity of the Foundation. It will also deal with the narration of certain miracles of the innumerable ones which continuously happen, by which the Divine Grace sanctifies and saves the believers.

The present site of the Marble Palace of the Virgin, with the numerous chapels, cell and the offices, has been since ancient times a place of religious gatherings and manifestations.
Excavations have proved that in pre-Christian times existed a temple of Dionysos of panhellenic projection. Next to the temple, on the Western side, there was an ancient theatre, where musical, gymnastic and dramatic games were held.

When the religion of the Nazarene established itself on the Cyclades, this ancient temple was transformed into a Christian church dedicated to the Holy Mother of Christ and to St. John the Forerunner. In this the wonder-working Icon of the Megalochari was kept and venerated.

This Sacred Church was destroyed in the middle of the 10th century during a great historic invasion of the Saracene pirates, who burned down and dug up this ancient building.
Since then the Holy Icon lay buried in the earth, until in the year 1823 the spade of a pious worker brought it to the surface and it became since then an invaluable relic and holy treasure of Christendom.

For the finding of worker-working Holy Icon many miraculous happenings occurred, which started from the Monastery of Kechrovounion lying on the slope of a mountain of the same name, 20 minutes by car from town. The Monastery was built about the 10th century and has always been example of the virtue and piety.

St. Pelagia the Righteous of Tinos, holding the Miraculous Icon which Panagia revealed to her 

THE VISION OF THE NUNIn this monastery during the year 1822, a pious nun named Pelagia saw repeatedly in her visions the Holy Virgin, who ordered her to go to the town and to inform the elders to start the excavations in order to find Her Icon, buried since many years ago in the uncultivated field, which the Holy Virgin described exactly, and to built Her Church on that place.

At first the nun hesitated, but soon she came to understand that the Divine Grace has chosen her to bring to the inhabitants of Tinos the happy announcement. She thus went to town and told the Bishop of the island about her Divine Visions. The Bishop, a wise prudent and pious man, knew about the virtue and holiness of Pelagia; after having listened attentively the believed in the words of the nun. He also brought to his mind the narrations of an old man of his town, who just a few years ago saw in his vision the Virgin Mary, Who expressed also to him Her desire that Her Holy Icon be bound. And he thought that the Christian history, which is full of miracles, teaches that many times God has revealed his Divine Will by visions.

Deeply moved, the Bishop gave his blessing to the pious nun and rallied the same day by ringing the church bells the people of Tinos, to whom he spoke with words full of faith about the vision of Pelagia and explained to them the desire of Our Lady. The people of Tinos, well known for their faith and adherence to the Christian principles, believed in the vision of the nun and the words of the Bishop and full of enthusiasm and sacred emotion started immediately in September 1822 the excavations.

The first excavations brought to light the ruins of the foundations of the Church already mentioned, a deep but dry well, marble plates with various inscriptions, articles of religious worship and other things. However, the Holy Icon, about which the vision of Pelagia spoke, could not be found. Several days of fruitless searches passed. Little by little the enthusiasm started to diminish - an example of human weakness- and finally the excavations stopped.

Simultaneously, however, with the discontinuation of the excavations, a formidable illness made its appearance on the island with continuously increasing fatal outcomes.

Full of scare, the people of Tinos asked for the protection of the Virgin Mary, repenting for the disobedience they have shown to her Divine Orders.

With a warm and moving proclamation, the Bishop invited all the inhabitants to resume the excavations, which then started with greater zeal and enthusiasm.

This time the excavations were made in a systematic way. A special commission of inspection was formed. The inhabitants of the villages took also turns in the work in order to hasten up the searches.

After about one month's work it was decided to start, parallel to the searches of the Holy Icon, the building of the Sacred Church. Thus, on January 1st 1823 the corner stone of the Church of the ''Zoodohos Pighi'' (Life-giving Well) or of the ''Evresis'' (Finding), as it has been called after the finding of the Icon, was laid. This church is situated exactly below the brilliant Church of the Annunciation.


It was January 30th 1823. In spite of the great feast of the Three Hierarchs, the work was continued by the inhabitants of the village Phalatas, whose turn it was to work on that day.
They restricted the work mainly to the excavation of the floor of the Church under construction, the leveling and transportation of the earth.

By 2 p.m. one of the workers engaged in the transfer of earth, felt at a distance of about 2 metres from the well that his hatchet struck some wood. Frantic with joy and emotion, he saw that it was a part of the icon showing the angel holding the lily. Immediately he called al his colleagues and together they soon found the remaining part of the Icon showing the Virgin Mary, kneeling and accepting the Divine Message of the Incarnation of the Savior.

After cleaning in haste the Holy Icon, they joined two, parts and kissed it with religious fear.
The news of the finding of the Holy Icon spread with a lighting speed to the town of Tinos and the near-by villages. Masses of people with tears of emotion in their eyes started to assemble from all directions in order to adore they Holy Icon. Among the first ones to arrive was the Bishop with the clergy and the notables. Piously and full of emotion, they adored the Holy Icon and placed it on an old double legged stand outside the Church under construction, leaving it there for the people to adore it.

The Icon of the Theotokos the "Megalochari" above the Image of the Church of the Panagia "Evangelistria" of Tinos 


The Holy Icon of the Annunciation of Tinos, the Megalokhari, as it is called by the people, existed on the poor island of Tinos since the first Byzantine years and decorated the ancient Church of St. John the Forerunner, which was built after the destruction of the idols and the death of worship of the Olympian gods on the ruins of the pagan temple of Dionysos.

When this Holy Church was destroyed and burned down by the Saracenes in the 10th century A.D., the Icon was buried among the debris of the Church and was thus saved from that terrible catastrophe, which is mentioned by history with special emphasis.

Thus the Icon remained hidden in the ground till its discovery by the pious worker from Phalatas at noon January 30th 1823, after about 850 years. The fact that it remained in the humidity and the earth for so many years without practically any damage, can only be attributed to the wonder-working power and presence of the Holy Virgin.

It portrays the Megalokhari in a room, kneeling with Her head bent in prayer, in front of a small low stand, wearing a golden-yellow-green dress. On the stand is an open book, on which are written the words pronounced by the Virgin herself after the Annunciation by the Angel.
In the background of the small room and on both upper sides one can distinguish the separations of inner windows, while in the centre of the upper part of the Icon, we see the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending from heaven.

Above Her and to the right we see a rod protruding from the wall, on which is hung a light-colored curtain. The fine and impervious material of the curtain is folded at the lower part towards the wall.

Opposite to the Virgin and turned towards Her stands the illuminated figure of the Archangel Gabriel, also wearing a golden-yellow-green robe and holding in his left hand the symbolical lily of purity.

On the back the Icon bears traces of the fire, which as it seems finished up the catastrophic work of the pirates during their terrible attack, from which the Icon was miraculously saved.
The art of the Holy Icon does not belong to the Byzantine age, but is much older, belonging to the early Christian age. Those who studied the origin of the Icon come to the unanimous conclusion that the Megalokhari of Tinos is the work of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. They even consider it to be one of the first three Icons painted by St. Luke during the life-time of the Holy Virgin of Nazareth. It is also asserted threat the Icon has received its wonder-working power from the Holy Virgin herself, Who being satisfied by the true presentation of the Divine Moment of the Annunciation by St. Luke, blessed the Icon with the following words: ''THE GRACE OF HIM WHO WAS BORNE BY ME BE THROUGH ME WITH IT''. This is the reasonable explanation given by the weak human mind to the infinite greatness of the finding of the Holy Icon by the divine order and indication of the Holy Virgin, as well as to Its wonder-working power, which is an inexhaustible source of consolidation, healing, salvation, peace and love for the Christians.

Like most of the relics of Christendom of the Holy Icon of the Megalokhari of Tinos is covered with plenty of gold and precious stones, which the devoted Christians deposit with piety in front of the Throne of Her Grace, wishing to express in this way their faith and gratefulness to the Mother of the whole world, offering Her the most precious articles that they have acquired by hard work and privation.

When looking at the Icon the pilgrim is filled unwillingly with emotion and awe. He kneels instinctively and prays and asks the Virgin to mediate so that Her Son Christ would give him from heaven strength and consolidation.

By observing closely the Icon one can see the face of the Virgin painted in the right direction and the face of the Archangel Gabriel in the left direction. The sides and the back of the Icon are in a golden frame, while the front surface is covered by the relief gold plate to which are attached jewels, rings, medallions, brooches, ear-rings, precious stones, diamonds, rubles emeralds and real pearls of great value.

A copy of the Icon can be seen in the Vestry next to the Church which we are going to describe below.

The Miraculous Icon of the "Megalochari" as it appears today, covered with the gold and jewels given in thanksgiving for miracles of the Theotokos 

Immediately after the finding of the Holy Icon, it was decided to build a big Church above the chapel of the Life-giving Well (Zoodochos Pighi). For this purpose the Lower Church was extended to the right and to the left by proper porticos in order to enlarge it and above it was started the construction of the brilliant Church which we see to-day, after the plans of Eustratios Kallonaris, an architect and artist from Smyrna.
The whole work of construction, the iconography and the finishing of the Church, with the surrounding grounds and extensions was terminated by 1830, i.e. within eight years.

The work that was accomplished by our renowned forefathers within a relevantly short period of time is really surprising. Moreover, if we take into consideration the bad conditions prevailing at that time, the construction of this wonderful marble complex, which is preserved nearly unchanged up to-day, must cannot be attributed to nothing else but a miracle.

Only two years before the Holy Icon was found, the great and nation-saving Greek War of Liberation (1821) broke out.

The whole Greek Nation was fighting for its national liberation in and uneven inexorable fight against the Ottoman Empire. Destruction, blood and fire were commonplace.

The small, barren and poor island of Tinos, which also constituted a port of the fighting Country, answered the national call and its brave people found themselves together with all the other Greeks from the very first days in the first line of the fight

Besides, thousands of refugees from Chios and other islands that had received the wrath and the revenge of the Turks, had flooded the islands in a search of protection and salvation from the sword of the conqueror.
The poor island tried desperately to feed a multiple number of inhabitants. And in spite of that the Church of Megalokhari rose quickly to become a brilliant throne of the glory of the Mother of the Most Gracious King Christ.

The best technicians worked to produce the most brilliant marbles. The best known artists produced the wonderful inner ornamentation. The most famous artisans of that time built the marble palace of the Virgin. Tens of workers and unskilled technicians helped by carrying the raw materials and by executing the orders of the artisans.

Nobody tried to take advantage of or to receive high pay for his skills. Everybody worked for the sake of the Virgin, without receiving his normal wage.

Marbles and columns from the ancient temples of Delos and Poseidon at ''Kionia'', Tinos, were used for the construction of the Church, as well as marble from the quarries of Panormos, Tinos.

Every vessel that passed by the island loaded with lime, timber or another building material, being informed about the needs of the Church, donated part of its cargo for its construction.

When at a certain moment the funds of the Church were nearly exhausted, the Virgin, by one of the innumerable miracles that happen in her Holy Church, replenished the treasury again with money and the work continued without the slightest interruption.

The Church and the holy complex were thus built, and it has been preserved up to-day with only slight changes or renovations, which however have not changed at all its initial form. Anybody entering the Church is filled with religious awe and sacred emotion.

The gold and silver, lavishly offered to Her Grace by pious Christians from all over the world, give it a specific appearance. The enormous chandeliers and the hundreds of icon-lamps hanging in unending rows, offer to the Megalokhari the humble light of the sanctified oil and to the pilgrim and visitor a spectacle of surrounded by a mystic atmosphere.

Below each icon-lamp hangs an offering - a vessel, a silver child, a golden woman, an instrument, an animal, a house, a heart and many, many other things.

Each one of them is a living story of a cause of the offering, as well as of the divine intervention, to the desperate captain, whose vessel and crew were saved by the Megalokhari, to the sick child that was healed with the help of Her Grace, to the orphan and to the weak woman, who with the help of the Great Mother of the World found the courage and the strength to face the difficulties of life, to the poor bread-earner whose faith in the Virgin and the Protectress of the persecuted lead him to progress and promotion, to the unprotected girl, who with the help of the Virgin got what she desired in life- a house and a household.
To the left, at the marble praying desk, the Holy Icon brilliant framed with golden offerings and flowers, sheds its sweet light. At any time of the year or of the day, the visitor of the Church will see somebody in front of Her Gase who invokes the help and succour of the Virgin.

In the background, the icons of the bauster, also clad in gold and silver, compose and underline together with all the vestry the sacredness of the place and the greatness of the Church.

Good-voiced chanters and revered priests in golden dresses chant continuously thanksgiving hymns to the Lady of the Angels and pray for the salvation of the world.

By a tradition taken over from the seat of the Patriarchat at Constantinople, the Divine Liturgy and vespers are held every day of the year, from the inauguration of the Church and up to day.

Church of Panaga "Evangelstria" (of the Annunciation) - Tinos 

The whole history of the Holy Church of the Megalokhari of Tinos, from the first vision of the nun Pelagia and up to day, is full of unquestionable miraculous events, which prove the divine presence and the divine action, there were it is impossible for the normal flow of things to act and to give an explanation.

Even the most rationally minded researcher, however indifferent and abstemious he might try to be when examining the reality about the Megalokhari, he will not be able to avoid the feeling of the presence of the Virgin in every step of his and in the end he will whisper full of piety: ''Great art Thou, o Lord, and wonderful art Thy works''.

Besides, the innumerable offerings are the biggest proof of the miracles, because all of them are an expression of faith, gratefulness and thankfulness on the part of the saved towards the Virgin.

For the sake of the reader, we will mention several of the remarkable and characteristic miracles of the Megalokhari, out of the numerous miracles happening daily, most of which are confirmed by the official written history of the Church.

The ornate interior of the Church of Panagia "Evangelistria" of Tinos. Many of the vigil lamps and decoratons were given out of thanks for miracles of the Theotokos.

As the first miracle of the Holy Icon after its finding one should mention the salvation of the island from a terrific epidemy, which carried daily to death hundreds of the island's inhabitants. As witnessed by the historians o that time, as soon as the joyful announcement o the finding of the Holy Icon reverberated in the frozen atmosphere, the epidemy stopped and from that moment on no more cases of the disease were reported. Even those who were attacked by the disease got well again.

As told above, the mouth of a well was found during the excavations made in search of the Holy Icon. The well was completely dry and could not be used for anything.

As there did not exist any well near to the building site, on the day of the laying of the corner-stone of the Holy Church, the Bishop sent a small boy to bring some water from the town for the celebration of the hallowing of the waters.

Shortly afterwards the child was back and told the Bishop that the well next to the foundations was full of water. Having heard this the Bishop, accompanied by the notables went to the spot and all of them saw with great surprise that the dry well was now filled up to the brink with water.

They all made the sign of the cross for this miracle and after that took from the well the water necessary for the celebration of the hallowing.

From that time, the water of the well has been used by the pious pilgrims as a sacred water and everybody takes it along with him in special vials and keeps it at home as a talisman.

During one of the first years of the construction of the Church and n a period of great financial difficulties for treasury of the Church, which would have lead to the suspension of the construction works, a big English frigate was anchorched at the beach of the town, which at that time did not have a harbour. On board of the frigate was the English vice-concul H. Flick, a Catholic by confession.

Suddenly, as it often happen in the Aegean, a storm broke out and placed in a difficult situation the master of the frigate, which was in danger of being crushed on the wild rocks of the coast.

The frightened vice-consul standing on the deck saw at a distance the Church under construction and prayed spontaneously for his salvation and promised a substantial amount of money.

It happened them, as told by an eye-witness, that while the storm continued to rage out in the sea, around the frigate named ''As You Like It'' the waters were absolutely calm, as if a divine hand had removed from there the wild waves.

The vessel was saved and the vice-consul, faithful to his promise, went to the Church, adored the Icon and deposited at the treasury 100 Spanish dollars, which permitted the continuation of the construction works.
This miracle is representative of a great number of others, by which the Virgin helped for the works of the construction of the Church never to stop.

It is not only among the Orthodox that the Divine Grace acts by the Holy Icon of the Annunciation. It also acts among people of other confessions and nationalities.

As an example is mentioned the case of a Turkish colonel, a Moslem by confession, who was suffering from an incurable disease and visited the Church of the Megalokhari to ask for Her Help. The Virgin granted his prayers and healed him.

Full of gratefulness, the Turk undertook the expenses for the construction of a wonderful marble fountain next to the marble staircase of the upper Church, here the hallowing of the waters is celebrated on Epiphany every year.

Around the middle of last century a vessel sailing in the Mediterranean met with an anti-cyclone. The ship fought hard, but the wild waves opened a breach in the ship's hold and it started to sink. The frightened crew, while doing everything in their power to stop the water, sent their warm prayers to the Lady for help. After tremendous efforts and hardships they succeeded to bring the vessel to safety into a leeward harbour.

Their first thing to do was to repair the damages caused by the storm. It was then that they found out to their surprise that a big fish was caught in the breach of the vessel, as a result of which the influx of water stopped.

They considered this as a sign of the divine intervention of the Megalokhari and in their faith and emotion they hurried to send Her the ''tama'' (offering).

Thus a model of that vessel, with the fish in the breach, made of gold and silver, can be seen hanging on one of the big icon-lamps of the Church of the Annunciation of Tinos.

A Greek, who lived for many years in America got blind after a heavy sickness. He heard about the miracles of the Megalokhari of Tinos and asked the Lady with help to give him back his health. He promised that he would offer to Her Grace anything that he will see first.

The divine Grace acted through the Mother of God on the sick Christian , who after many years found again his sight.

Faithful to his promise and full of gratefulness he sent to the Church of our Lady of Tinos his offering, which presents a wonderful orange tree with ripe fruits, bearing on the ends of the top branches fine supports for small lamps, all made of pure silver, because the first thing that he saw after the miracle was an orange tree.
This wonderful offering can be seen on the right side of the entrance.

In 1915 the King of the Hellenes Constantine was down with a heavy illness. His health deteriorated quickly and his physicians were anxious about the state of his health. A deep sorrow spread among the Greek people, who adored the Warrior-King and followed with agony the development of the illness, praying at the same time for his salvation.

In the general atmosphere of anxiety and pain, the Megalokhari of Tinos appeared as a ray of live-giving light and the hopes of everybody were turned to her.

The Holy Icon was transferred with great honours to Athens and thousands of people accompanied Her to the Palace. It was for the first time that the Icon left Her House.

The King, embraced by the nightmare of the long fever, became aware of the presence of the Megalokhari and with trembling lips asked to kiss Her Icon.

From that moment on the illness started to recede and within a few days the King was healthy again.

The King thanked the Virgin and out of gratefulness dedicated to Her a golden plate on which he is presented riding on his horse.

The offering is attached to the old wood carved praying desk. During the stay of the Holy Icon in Athens, tens of sick people were healed, as is witnessed by many official documents and confirmed by various offerings.
It is a fact that our Kings, continuers of the great Byzantine tradition and faithful Christians, have always expressed their reverence and adoration to the Megalokhari and Protectress of the Nation and many and precious offerings are royal presents.

Lately, the late King Paul asked on his death - bed strength and consolidation from the Holy Icon of the Megalokhari of Tinos, which the then Heir and now King Constantine placed at his pillow during his last moments.

Ocean of Ink would not suffice for the narration of the miracles of the Megalokhari. Innumerable cases are mentioned in his official documents of the Foundation and thousands of pious Christians witness with their letters and offerings the acts of Divine Grace.

As already mentioned, every molecule of the building of the Holy Church and of the Foundation of the Annunciation of Tinos is a living proof of the miracle.

The finding of the Icon took place when Greece was in a dramatic situation.

Only two years ago (1821) the whole Greek Nation had revolted against the tyranny of the Turks and had declared before God and men its political existence and independence, based on its indestructible moral forces and the help of the God.

All Greeks believed in the sacredness of their fight, since they fought for the basic ideals which compose the human entity, i.e. the liberty and the national dignity. This belief became for the fighting men a deep set conviction and the leaders of the war of independence used to say that God had signed the liberation of Greece.

Thus, when the news spread that on the small island of Tinos the Icon of the Virgin was found under miraculous circumstances and the first miracles became known, all Greek should felt a great joy and came to believe that its finding was a divine sign, which meant an approval of the fight and a confirmation of the liberation.

Great soldiers and leaders of the fighting Nation among them Kanaris, Miaoulis and Kolokotronis, visited the Megalokhari of Tinos and lit before the Holy Icon the candle of gratefulness and reverence.

Thus the history of the Holy Icon is closely bound to the History of modern Greece and the feasts of the Church have always a national religious character, where the Government is officially represented in the presence of high military, administrative and judicial authorities.

The Church of the Annunciation is for Tinos the centre of all religious and national manifestations of its inhabitants. All services and doxologies for great historic events are held there.

The most important holidays of Christianity, like Christmas, Easter, the services of the Akathist and of the Passions of Our Lord, are celebrated there in an atmosphere of contrition and surprising greatness, similar only to that of the period of the height of the Byzantine age.

Many foreigners spend their holidays during these feasts on the island of Tinos.

But the feast of the Holy Church of the Megalokhari are mainly the following:

January 30th - Anniversary of the Finding of the Holy Icon.
On this day the religious feelings of the believers find strongest expression. The whole population of the island and many visitors, who disregard the winder storms of the Aegean offer their thanks to the Great Mother and Proctress of the Christians, Who deigned to reveal Her Holy Icon for the salvation of all those who really believe.

In the afternoon on the eve the Holy Icon is transferred with great honours to the Lower Church and its placed near the point where is lay buried for centuries. This is followed by a special service dedicated to the finding of the Icon.

The next day, an official episcopical [presided over by Bishops] [Divine Liturgy] is celebrated and by 2 p.m. unde the continuous ringing of the bells of all churches, the Holy Icon is carried through the decorated streets of the town in its gold and silver canopy supported by the church wardens, the local authorities and the representatives of the population. After a short prayer at the quai the Holy Icon is returned to Her marble palace, where a prayer is said in memorial of the builders of the Church, whose tombs are situated at the East side of the Church, and of all those who have sacrificed their fortunes and themselves for the construction of the Church.

After vespers the President of the Church Committee pronounces the panegyric of the day, which refers mainly to the activity of the Holy Foundation during the past year and the planned activity of the new year.
In the evening the school-children lead by the orchestra of the Church march through the streets holding lighted multi-colour lamps and singing various hymns referring to the finding of the Holy Icon.

Icon of the Holy Annunciaton of the Theotokos 

March 25th, The Annunciation of Our Lady.This day has double meaning for the Greeks, because they celebrate at the same time the Annunciation of Our Lady by the Archangel Gabriel and the anniversary of the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire, which brought the liberation of our nation.

In the Church of the Megalokhari the celebration has a national religious character, which is attended by members of the Government, who arrive on the eve aboard a special Navy vessel. Very often the celebration is attended by the Royal family, who have have a special respect for the Megalokhari.

Up to the year 1920 great masses of Christians, mainly from the Asia Minor regions flooded the island in order to participate in the celebrations. However, after the exchange of the populations with Turkey and the uprooting of the Greek element from the shores of Asia Minor, the flow of pilgrims from these stopped. Today, inspite of the heavy climate conditions of that time of the year, the attendance amounts to several thousand people.

On the eve a service is held with the participation of navy bishops, after which the Church remains open, permitting the pilgrims to pass the night inside the Church and to offer continuous prayers to the Virgin. Many miracles happen every year these all night long prayers.

On the day of the feast an episcopal mass is celebrated after which the Holy Icon is carried in a procession up to the quai of the town.

July 23rd, Anniversary of the Vision of St. Pelagia.This day the people of Tinos consecrates to memory of that pious nun Pelaghia, who had the great privilege to be visited on that day in her poor cell by Our Lady and to the first person to annunciate the finding of the Holy Icon.

Early in the morning of that day, accompanied by the nuns of the Monastery and a crowd of believers, is transferred to the Monastery where St. Pelaghia lived. A festive mass is celebrated there and in the afternoon a requiem s held in the cell of St. Pelaghia, where the visitor can still see her humble belongings, her ascetic bed and may adore her holy head.

Later in the afternoon, the Holy Icon is returned to Her Church surrounded by the clergy and thousands of people.

August 15th, The Assumption of the Holy Virgin.This day is concentrated to Megalokhari. Thousands of pilgrims from all parts of Greece and from abroad, surpassing 30.000 people every year, come to the Megalokhari full of faith and threats, warm, implores of Her Grace. Among them are many distressed human beings, physical and mental invalids, persecuted and suffering people.

The representatives of the Government, other official, as well as the military guard of honour arrive on the eve, while masses of people are crowded in front of the Church, trying to adore the Megalokhari and if possible to secure a place inside the Church.

While the adoration continues throughout the night, those who remain nude the Church offer continuous prayers and ask Our Lad to give them health and peace to the whole world.

Many of them carried away by the mystical and inspiring atmosphere which is created inside the Church and flooded by the lights of faith, come to see the optasy of the Virgin n the trembling light of the lamps and the smoke of incense. Then the shouts, the outbursts of the sacred emotion, ascend to the heavens and electrify the crowds, who in an unworldly uproar sing hymns of thanks, expectation and faith. These are the moments when the Divine Grace chooses to act and to perform miracles.

Mutes find suddenly their voice and mad with joy run to kneel in front of the Icon. Paralytic children, blind girls find again their precious health and in a confusion of shouts and emotions express their gratitude to the Megalokhari.

On the day of the feast, the noise and the traffic on Tinos resemble that of a Megalopolis. Its population of 3000 is increased ten times overnight. Its houses and streets are full with people. In its small harbour a forest of masts is rolling rhythmically and the flags greet the light of the brilliant day of the feast of our Lady, which is also a feast of every Christian soul. On the quai the agitated crowds are moving towards the Church.

In endless queues, which are formed in front of the Church, the pilgrims wait for their turn under the burning August sun to adore Her Grace. The big candles, which every one of them has vowed to light in front of the Holy Icon, protrude from the crowd in the form of real spears and arrows of a strange army fighting for the salvation of its soul.

Black-dressed mothers with children loaded on their backs, persecuted orphans and black-dressed youths, who have lost their health, ascend the wide avenue on their knees. Sweat running down their faces like drops of blood waters the hole earth, their faces changing from the superstension, while continue their hard course, because they have vowed to walk in this way the distance between the quay and the Throne of Her Grace, because they believe that the love and protection of the Great Protectress will be much sweeter, after they have felt the agony and hardships, and have gave through the martyrdom of Jesus Her Son in the ascend to Golgotha for the explanation and the salvation of the world

At 10 a.m. an official processation of the Holy Icon takes place, after which the clergy and the officials go aboard a special vessel to the point exactly where on August 15th 1940 the destroyer ''ELLI'', one of the best Greek navy vessels at that time, was treacherously and cowardly sunk by an Italian submarine. There a requiem is held and a laurel crown is thrown on the wet tomb of the glorious ship and of the innocent victims of its crew.

At noon starts the departure of the believers by the big passenger liners, which on that day make special passages to Tinos

All leave the island re-baptized [not referring to a second Sacrament of Baptism] in the eternal source of the Grace of the Megalokhari."

Icon of the Theotokos "Megalochari" of Tinos 
Troparion of the Mother of God Tone 1
O people of Tinos and all faithful, come and acclaim with hymns our Protectress; the all-venerable icon of the pure Mother of God/ is found to be a source of healing for us. Let us cry to her: Rejoice, O our glory and boast. Rejoice, thou who hast delivered mankind from the ancient curse.

Most-Holy Theotokos, save us! Amen!

Yποχρεώσεις των συζύγων...κυρίως για τους άνδρες

Ας δούμε όμως τι λέει ο άγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος και για τις υποχρεώσεις των συζύγων. Απευθύνει τον λόγο κυρίως στους άνδρες. Ίσως επειδή ο ανδρικός εγωϊσμός δύσκολα δαμάζεται και πολλές φορές συμπεριφέρονται με σκληρότητα.
Ο Χρυσόστομος καταδικάζει την εξάσκηση σωματικής βίας και την κακοποίηση της γυναίκας από τον άνδρα, φαινόμενο που όσο και αν σας φαίνεται παράξενο, συμβαίνει και σήμερα. Αντιθέτως απαιτεί από τον άνδρα θυσιαστικό φρόνημα, μεγάλη συγχωρητικότητα και όχι απειλές και εκφοβισμό. Με την επιείκεια και την ημερότητα θα εξασφαλίζεται η βαθιά ειρήνη της οικογενείας και θα απομακρύνεται η δυσαρέσκεια και θα αυξάνεται η αφοσίωση του ενός συζύγου προς τον άλλο. Τονίζει ο Χρυσόστομος: «Δεν υπάρχει τίποτε, τίποτε πολυτιμότερο από το να αγαπιέται κανείς τόσο πολύ από την γυναίκα του και να την αγαπάει».

Ο άγιος Χρυσόστομος αναφέρεται και σε ένα συνεκτικό στοιχείο, θεμέλιο της συζυγίας, την επικοινωνία των συζύγων. Είναι η καθημερινή αλληλεπίδραση των δύο συζύγων. Η επικοινωνία γίνεται με λόγια η χωρίς λόγια. Είναι θετική η αρνητική.
Το σπουδαιότερο στοιχείο της επικοινωνίας είναι η συζήτηση. Ετυμολογικά (συν + ζητώ), δηλαδή από κοινού αναζητώ του τι πρέπει να γίνεται στα θέματα που αφορούν την κοινή ζωή και την οικογένεια.
Η συζήτηση πρέπει να γίνεται με οικειότητα, αλληλοσεβασμό, σε κλίμα ελευθερίας, ισοτιμίας και αγάπης. Τότε μπορεί να βρεθεί η λύση σε περίπτωση διαφωνίας η σύγκρουσης. «Γιατί τίποτε δεν είναι πικρότερο από την μάχη που γίνεται από τον άνδρα ενάντια στην γυναίκα. Γιατί είναι πικρές, πραγματικά, οι μάχες που γίνονται ανάμεσα σε πρόσωπα που αγαπιούνται, και δείχνουν ότι όταν κανείς διχάζεται με το ίδιο του το μέλος, όπως λέγεται, αυτό πρέπει να προκαλείται από μεγάλη πικρία.
Το μέρος, λοιπόν, των ανδρών είναι να αγαπούν και των γυναικών να υποχωρούν. Εάν λοιπόν καθένας συνεισφέρει το δικό του μέρος, όλα θα είναι στερεά. Και η γυναίκα γίνεται φιλική και αγαπιέται».

Αγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος

Looking for the Shortest Way to God?

The Work of God is simple: it is prayer––children talking to their Father, without and subtleties.
Saint Theophan the Recluse

There are two ways to prepare ourselves to be in communion with God. One is through ascetic struggles and the other is the contemplative way, turing the mind to God--Saint Gregory of Sinai says, "God is gained either by activity and work, or by the art of invoking the Name of Jesus." He tells us that the first way is longer and the second is quicker and more effective...

It follows from this that we should from the very first give full instructions on the practice of the Jesus Prayer to everyone who repents or begins to seek the Lord ...because it is in this way that one can most quickly become steadfast and spiritually aware, and achieve inner peace....

The practice of the prayer is called an "art", and it is very simple...

There are deviations from the right way of praying; therefore we must learn it from someone who knows all about it. Mistakes occur chiefly from the attention being in the head and not in the heart.
He who keeps his attention in the heart is safe.
Safer still is he who at all times clings to God in contrition, and prays to be delivered from illusion.
Saint Theophan the Recluse, Art of Prayer, p 95-97

Το Καντήλι-Γιατί το ανάβουμε και τι συμβολίζει!

Candela Candela
Πρώτον: Γιατί η πίστη μας είναι φως. Ο Χριστός είπε: «Εγώ ειμί το φως του κόσμου». Το φως της κανδήλας μας θυμίζει το φως, με το οποίο ο Χριστός καταυγάζει τις ψυχές μας.

Δεύτερον: Για να μας θυμίζει, ότι και η ζωή μας πρέπει να είναι φωτεινή σαν των αγίων, δηλαδή των ανθρώπων, που ο Απόστολος Παύλος τους ονομάζει «τέκνα φωτός».

Τρίτον: Για να είναι έλεγχος στα σκοτεινά μας έργα και στις κακές μας ενθυμήσεις και επιθυμίες. Και έτσι να τα επαναφέρει όλα στο δρόμο του φωτός του αγίου Ευαγγελίου. Για να λάμψει «το φως ημών έμπροσθεν των ανθρώπων, όπως είδωσιν ημών τα καλά έργα και δοξάσωσι τον Πατέρα ημών τον εν τοις ουρανοίς».

Τέταρτον: Είναι μια μικρή δική μας θυσία, σημείο και δείγμα της ευγνωμοσύνης και της αγάπης, που οφείλουμε στο Θεό για τη μεγάλη θυσία που έκαμε για μας. Με αυτήν και με την προσευχή μας, τον ευχαριστούμε για τη ζωή, για τη σωτηρία και για όλα όσα μας χαρίζει η θεϊκή και άπειρη αγάπη του.

Πέμπτον: Για να είναι φόβητρο στις δυνάμεις του σκότους, που μας επιτίθενται με ιδιαίτερη πονηρία πριν και κατά την ώρα της προσευχής και θέλουν να απομακρύνουν τη σκέψη μας από το Θεό. Οι δαίμονες αγαπούν το σκοτάδι και τρέμουν το φως: Και του Χριστού κι εκείνων που αγαπούν τον Χριστό.

Έκτον: Για να μας παρακινεί σε αυτοθυσία. Όπως δηλαδή με το λάδι καίγεται στο καντήλι το φυτίλι, έτσι και το δικό μας θέλημα να καίγεται με τη φλόγα της αγάπης για τον Χριστό και να υποτάσσεται πάντοτε στο θέλημα του Θεού.

Έβδομον: Για να μάθωμε ότι: Όπως δεν ανάβει το καντήλι χωρίς τα δικά μας χέρια, έτσι και το εσωτερικό καντήλι της καρδιάς μας δεν ανάβει χωρίς τα χέρια του Θεού. Οι κόποι των αρετών μας είναι η καύσιμη ύλη (το φυτίλι και το λάδι), που για να ανάψουν και να φωτίσουν χρειάζονται το «πυρ» του Αγίου Πνεύματος.

Πρέπει να ξέρουμε πότε να σωπαίνουμε ( Γεροντισσα ΓΑΒΡΗΙΛΙΑ )

Όταν αγαπάς τον Κύριο,τότε έχεις υπομονή στο Άγιο Θέλημα Του. Αν έχεις όμως υπομονή χωρίς αγάπη,τότε είσαι σαν ατρατιώτης του Χίτλερ.Μόνο ...;
Χρειαζόμαστε Υπομονή στα βέλη του πονηρού,Επιμονή στο σπάσιμο του Εγω και Υποταγή στο Άγιο Θέλημα Του Θεού.Μόνο μ'αυτά μπορούμε να προχωρήσουμε ...;
Τα νεύρα είναι Εγωισμός ...;Μόνο οι κομπλεξικοί θέλουν πάντα να επιβάλλονται ...;
Απο την κουταμάρα καλύτερη η βουβαμάρα ...;Η δύναμη του σκότους περιμένει ευκαιρία.Ας μη μιλούμε,για να μην μετανοιώνουμε.
Όταν μιλάμε και μας διακόπτουνε να μην συνεχίζουμε. Θα πει οτι δεν έπρεπε να ακουστεί αυτό που θα λέγαμε. Το κάνουν οι Αγγέλοι ...;Ενα πράγμα που δεν είναι ωραίο ούτε να το ξανασκεφτείς ούτε να το πεις σε κανένα ...;
Όσο συζητάμε ενα γεγονός,τόσο αυτό μένει στην ζωή μας,ενώ κανονικά θα έφευγε στήν ώρα του ...;
πρέπει να ξέρουμε πότε να σωπαίνουμε και πότε να φεύγουμε απο εκεί που είμαστε ...;
Να αγαπήσεις τον άλλον χωρίς να τον κρίνεις, όπως σου τον παρουσιάζει κι όπως τον αγαπά Εκείνος. Τότε, θα σε βοηθήσει ο Θεός και θα παραβλέψει τα δικά σου παραπτώματα.
Ο κόσμος είναι φτωχός σε αγάπη. Όλοι ψάχνουν την αγάπη, αλλά όταν τους πλησιάζει,δεν την αναγνωρίζουν γιατί ποτέ τους δεν την αισθάνθηκαν. Φτωχέ Κόσμε !!


Elder Paisios on the Arena of Great Lent

Elder, how can I struggle more with abstinence during Lent?

Now during Lent those in the world in some way take greater care to show abstinence, but we monks must always be careful. Above all one must be careful, however, of the passions of the soul and then the body. Because if one prioritizes bodily asceticism and does not struggle to eradicate the passions of the soul, he will do nothing.

A layman once went to a monastery in the beginning of Lent and there a certain monk appeared to him to be abrupt and rough. However the poor man had good thoughts and justified him. He later came to me and said:

"I do not blame him, Father. After all, he just completed the Three Day Fast!"

If he had done the Three Day Fast in a spiritual way he would have had a spiritual sweetness and would have spoken to him with goodness. But he pushed himself egotistically to do the Three Day Fast, and so he placed blame everywhere.

Elder, what should I think about during Lent?

You should think of the Passion, the sacrifice of Christ. We monks must continuously live the Passion of Christ, and we are helped in this daily through the various troparia hymns – all the Services.

We are given the greatest opportunity during Great Lent to struggle and participate more in the saving Passion of Christ, with repentance and prostrations, with the cutting off of the passions and the decreased food, for the love of Christ.

We must utilize, as much as we can, this spiritual arena, with the many opportunities and preconditions it gives us to approach closer to the Crucified Christ, to be helped by Him and rejoice in His Holy Resurrection spiritually changed, since we would have lived Great Lent more spiritually.

I pray you good strength during Great Lent, that you may climb Golgotha to be near Christ, together with the Panagia and your Patron St. John the Theologian, and that you may participate in the fearsome Passion of our Lord. Amen.

From Γέροντος Παϊσίου Αγιορείτου, Λόγοι ΣΤ΄, «Περί Προσευχής», εκδόσεις Ιερόν Ησυχαστήριον «Ευαγγελιστής Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος», Σουρωτή Θεσσαλονίκης 2012, σελ. 199-200..


Όλοι επιθυμούν τήν ειρήνη, μά δέν ξέρουν πώς νά τήν αποκτήσουν. Ο Μέγας Παΐσιος κυριεύθηκε από θυμό καί παρακάλεσε τόν Κύριο νά τόν ελευθερώσει από αυτό τό πάθος. Ο Κύριος εμφανίστηκε σ' αυτόν καί τού είπε: «Παΐσιε, άν θέλεις νά μήν οργίζεσαι, μήν επιθυμείς τίποτε, μή κρίνεις καί μή μισήσεις κανένα καί θά έχεις τήν ειρήνη». Έτσι κάθε άνθρωπος πού κάνει τό θέλημά του νά υποχωρεί έναντι τού Θεού καί τών ανθρώπων, θά είναι πάντα ειρηνικός στήν ψυχή. Όποιος όμως αγαπά νά κάνει τό θέλημά του, αυτός δέν θάχει ειρήνη.

Ψυχή πού παραδόθηκε στό θέλημα τού Θεού υποφέρει εύκολα κάθε θλίψη καί κάθε ασθένεια: γιατί τόν καιρό τής ασθένειας παραμένει στή θέα τού Θεού καί προσεύχεται: «Κύριε, Σύ βλέπεις τήν ασθένειά μου. Εσύ ξέρεις πόσο αμαρτωλός καί αδύνατος είμαι: βοήθησε μέ νά υπομένω καί νά ευχαριστώ τήν αγαθότητά Σου». Καί ο Κύριος ανακουφίζει τόν πόνο καί η ψυχή αισθάνεται τήν εγγύτητα τού Θεού καί μένει κοντά στόν Θεό γεμάτη χαρά καί ευγνωμοσύνη.

Άν υποστείς καμιάν αποτυχία, σκέψου: «Ο Κύριος βλέπει τήν καρδιά μου καί άν είναι θέλημά Του, όλα θά είναι γιά τό καλό τό δικό μου καί τών άλλων». Έτσι η ψυχή σου θά έχει πάντα ειρήνη. Αλλ? άν αρχίζει κανείς νά παραπονείται: αυτό δέν είναι καλό, εκείνο δέν είναι όπως πρέπει, τότε ποτέ στήν ψυχή του δέν θά υπάρχει ειρήνη, έστω κι άν νηστεύει καί προσεύχεται πολύ…

… Ο Κύριος μάς αγαπά κι έτσι μπορούμε νά μή φοβόμαστε τίποτε, εκτός από τήν αμαρτία: γιατί εξαιτίας τής αμαρτίας χάνεται η χάρη καί χωρίς τήν χάρη τού Θεού ο εχθρός παρασύρει τήν ψυχή, όπως παρασύρει ο άνεμος τά ξερά φύλλα ή τόν καπνό. …

… Τό κατόρθωνε γιατί αγαπούσε τόν λαό καί δέν έπαυε νά προσεύχεται γι? αυτόν:

«Κύριε, δώσε τήν ειρήνη Σου στόν λαό Σου».

«Κύριε, δώσε στούς δούλους Σου τό Πνεύμα Σου τό Άγιο, γιά νά θάλπει τίς ψυχές τους μέ τήν αγάπη Σου καί νά τούς οδηγεί σ? όλη τήν αλήθεια καί σέ κάθε αγαθό». …

… Έτσι, προσευχόμενος συνεχώς γιά τόν λαό, διαφύλασσε τήν ειρήνη τής ψυχής, ενώ εμείς τήν στερούμαστε, γιατί δέν υπάρχει μέσα μας αγάπη γιά τόν λαό. Οι Άγιοι Απόστολοι καί όλοι οι Άγιοι ποθούσαν τήν σωτηρία τού λαού καί, όταν βρίσκονταν ανάμεσα σ? ανθρώπους, προσεύχονταν διακαώς γί' αυτούς. Τό Άγιο Πνεύμα τούς έδινε τή δύναμη ν' αγαπούν τόν λαό. Κι εμείς, άν δέν αγαπούμε τόν αδελφό, δέν θά έχομε ειρήνη. …

… Ο Όσιος Παΐσιος ο Μέγας προσευχόταν γιά ένα μαθητή του πού αρνήθηκε τόν Χριστό. Ενώ λοιπόν προσευχόταν, τού εμφανίστηκε ο Κύριος καί τού είπε: «Παΐσιε, γιά ποιόν παρακαλείς ; Δέν ξέρεις πώς μ' έχει αρνηθεί ;» Ο Παΐσιος όμως εσυνέχιζε νά λυπάται τόν μαθητή του καί τότε τού είπε ο Κύριος: «Παΐσιε, έγινες όμοιος μέ μένα στήν αγάπη».

Έτσι αποκτάται η ειρήνη καί εκτός απ? αυτόν δέν υπάρχει άλλος δρόμος. …

… Ψυχή αμαρτωλή, αιχμάλωτη στά πάθη, δέν μπορεί νά έχει ειρήνη καί χαρά εν Κυρίω, έστω κι άν έχει όλα τά πλούτη τής γής, έστω κι άν βασιλεύει σ? όλο τόν κόσμο. Άν σ? ένα τέτοιο βασιλιά, τήν ώρα πού διασκεδάζει σέ συμπόσιο μέ τούς πρίγκιπές του καθισμένος στό θρόνο του δοξασμένος, άν τού πούμε ξαφνικά: «Βασιλιά, πεθαίνεις σέ λίγο», τότε η ψυχή του θά ταραζόταν, θά έτρεμε από τό φόβο καί θά έβλεπε τήν αδυναμία του.

Πόσοι όμως υπάρχουν φτωχοί, αλλά πλούσιοι σέ αγάπη γιά τόν Θεό, πού άν τούς έλεγαν: «Τώρα πεθαίνεις», θά απαντούσαν ειρηνικά: «Άς γίνει τό θέλημα τού Κυρίου. Άς είναι δοξασμένος ο Κύριος, γιατί μέ θυμήθηκε καί θέλει νά μέ πάρει εκεί, όπου πρώτος μπήκε ο ληστής». …

… Δόξα Σοι, Κύριε, γιατί τώρα έρχομαι σέ Σένα καί θά βλέπω αιώνια μέ ειρήνη καί αγάπη τό Πρόσωπό Σου. Τό ιλαρό, πράο βλέμμα Σου αιχμαλώτισε τήν ψυχή μου καί αυτή λιώνει γιά Σένα». …

… Άν όμως συνηθίσομε νά προσευχόμαστε θερμά γιά τούς εχθρούς μας καί νά τούς αγαπούμε, θά παραμείνει γιά πάντα η ειρήνη στίς καρδιές μας.

Δέν μπορεί νά έχει ειρήνη η ψυχή, άν δέν μελετά μέρα καί νύχτα τόν νόμο τού Θεού. Γιατί αυτός ο νόμος γράφτηκε από τό Πνεύμα τού Θεού καί τό Πνεύμα τού Θεού πηγαίνει από τή Γραφή στήν ψυχή. Κι η ψυχή αισθάνεται γλυκύτητα καί ευχαρίστηση γι' αυτό καί δέν θέλει πιά ν' αγαπά τά επίγεια, γιατί η αγάπη γιά τά επίγεια ερημώνει τόν νού. Η ψυχή τότε καταλαμβάνεται από αθυμία, αγριεύει καί παύει νά προσεύχεται. Κι ο εχθρός, βλέποντας πώς η ψυχή απομακρύνθηκε από τόν Θεό, τήν σαλεύει καί εύκολα συγχύζει τόν νού μέ διάφορους άτακτους λογισμούς κι έτσι περνά ολόκληρη τή μέρα καί δέν μπορεί νά βλέπει καθαρά τόν Κύριο.

Όποιος έχει μέσα του τήν ειρήνη τού Αγίου Πνεύματος, σκορπίζει ειρήνη καί στούς άλλους. Όποιος όμως έχει μέσα του πνεύμα κακό, σκορπά καί στούς άλλους τό κακό. …

… Ο θυμώδης άνθρωπος υποφέρει ο ίδιος μεγάλο μαρτύριο από πονηρό πνεύμα, εξαιτίας τής υπερηφανείας του. Ο υφιστάμενος, όποιος κι άν είναι, πρέπει νά τό καταλαβαίνει καί νά προσεύχεται γιά τόν ψυχικά άρρωστο προϊστάμενό του καί τότε ο Κύριος, βλέποντας τήν υπομονή του, θά τού δώσει άφεση αμαρτιών καί αδιάλειπτη προσευχή. Είναι μέγα έργον ενώπιόν του Θεού τό νά προσεύχεται κανείς γι? αυτούς πού τόν αδικούν καί τόν προσβάλλουν.

Εξαιτίας αυτού θά τού δώσει ο Κύριος τή χάρη καί θά γνωρίσει μέ τό Άγιο Πνεύμα τόν Κύριο. Κι έτσι θά υπομείνει τότε, χάριν τού Κυρίου, μέ χαρά όλες τίς θλίψεις καί θά τού δώσει ο Κύριος αγάπη γιά όλο τόν κόσμο καί θά επιθυμεί ολόψυχα τό καλό γιά όλους καί θά προσεύχεται γιά όλους όπως γιά τήν ψυχή του.

Ο Κύριος μάς έδωσε τήν εντολή ν? αγαπούμε τούς εχθρούς καί όποιος αγαπά τούς εχθρούς εξομοιώνεται μέ τόν Κύριο. Η αγάπη γιά τούς εχθρούς δέν είναι δυνατή παρά μόνο μέ τή χάρη τού Αγίου Πνεύματος. Γι' αυτό, μόλις σέ προσβάλει κανείς, προσευχήσου γι' αυτόν στόν Θεό κι έτσι θά διατηρήσεις τήν ειρήνη τού Θεού στήν ψυχή σου. …

… Άν κάποιος ως προϊστάμενος αναγκαστεί νά δικάσει έναν άλλο γιά κάποιο παράπτωμα, πρέπει νά παρακαλεί τόν Κύριο νά τού δώσει συμπάσχουσα καρδιά, τήν οποία αγαπά ο Κύριος, καί τότε θά κρίνει σωστά. Άν κρίνει όμως λαμβάνοντας υπόψη μόνο τα έργα τού υποδίκου, τότε θά πέσει σέ λάθη καί δέν θ? αρέσει στόν Κύριο.

Πρέπει νά κρίνει κανείς μέ σκοπό τή διόρθωση τού ανθρώπου καί συνεπώς είναι ανάγκη νά συμπονή ο δικαστής κάθε ψυχή, κάθε πλάσμα καί κτίσμα τού Θεού καί νά έχει καθαρή συνείδηση σ' όλες τίς πτυχές τής ζωής του καί τότε θά βρεί βαθιά ειρήνη στήν ψυχή καί τόν νού. …

… Άν εγνώριζαν οι βασιλιάδες καί οι κυβερνήτες τών λαών τήν αγάπη τού Θεού, δέν θά έκαναν ποτέ πόλεμο. Ο πόλεμος προέρχεται από τίς αμαρτίες καί όχι από τήν αγάπη. Ο Κύριος μάς εδημιούργησε κατά τήν αγάπη Του καί μάς παρήγγειλε νά ζούμε μέ αγάπη.

Άν οι άρχοντες τηρούσαν τίς εντολές τού Κυρίου καί ο λαός καί οι υπήκοοι υπάκουαν μέ ταπείνωση, θά υπήρχε μεγάλη ειρήνη καί αγαλλίαση πάνω στή γή. Εξαιτίας όμως τής φιλαρχίας καί τής ανυπακοής τών υπερήφανων υποφέρει όλη η οικουμένη. …

Battle of Armageddon-Orthodox Perspective pt2- Constantine Zalalas

Interpretation of Apocalypse by Arch. Athanasios Mitilinaios
Translated by Constantine Zalalas