Saturday, December 1, 2012


One of the most important virtues is humility.  It is one I struggle to make part of my life.  But how does one develop humility?  I found a couple of stories about  the Elder Ieronymos of Aegina that gave me some clues.  Here is the first one.

Once he was traveling to Piraeus on a ship named The Enchantress.  As usual he sat somewhere off to the side and prayed.  Suddenly he was approached by the captain who said to him, "Priest, get up from here and sit further on."
Father Ieronymos humbly and obediently conformed to this command.  But shortly afterward the captain ordered him to change his place again.  The same thing was repeated a third time.  The captain's attitude was very provocative.  The other passengers were indignant and made a remark to him about why he had behaved is such a manner to a venerable elder, who after all had paid his ticket.  And the captain answered, "My mother told me that whenever I see refugees I should throw them into the sea."

Father Ieronymos was grieved when he heard this, but said nothing.  He only decided never to travel on this ship again, in order  to avoid temptation.  But he prayed fervently for the captain and implored God to enlighten him.  On another occasion, however, he had to travel to Piraeus and there was no other ship except The Enchantress.  He said prayers, boarded the ship, and sat in some corner.  He hoped that the captain would not see him, so that he could avoid the pointless temptation.  But eventually the captain passed by and saw him and approached him.
"Do you have a ticket?" he asked.
"Yes, I do."
"Give it to me and I'll return it."
He took the ticket and returned to him the amount that he had paid, saying, "My mother scolded me and told me never to take money from you again.  From now on, come aboard whenever you want and travel for free."  the humility and prayer of Father Ieronymos––and possibly some vision that his mother had seen–– subdued the proud captain.

from The Elder Ieronymos of Aegina by Peter Botsis, pp.155-156